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Is this still going on? Bah.

Look, until Homosexuals outweigh Heterosexuals (and the world will be in dire straights if that happens), you'll have to accept that heterosexuality is the norm.

This is like the rich black man thinking he's oppressed by the poor white man.
My view on homosexuality is that I'm against it, but I won't(or at least try) treat homosexuals any different then anyone else. But I don't even know any, that I know.
i have nothing agaist them, or there lifestyle. People choose to live life differently, and I dont care how. As long as I homosexual doesnt hit on me I'm ok. But even then, I would just tell him I'm Hterosexual, and that I dont see him as anything more then a friend.
as long as they're not all over me or anything like that
I have nothing against homosexuals either, they're fine by me. Whatever they want to do is their business, whether it's because they were made that way, or because they choose to live that way.
homosexuality is defintly a choice scat ;).
No it isnt ian, you wouldn't know, I know homosexuals that would say you are wrong... You don't choose to be attracted to women, it just happens, as does it with homosexuals.
no i mean that you can choose to act on homosexuality, but yes it seems like something you were born with..
Wow I can't believe this site is still going. Props to all the people out there who have the mind to put up with this thread.

Anyway I don't think I should post here again, my posts were lets say not taking in very well by others. But you never know I might have a change of mind later.

Anyway for all the new people my view is I'm totally aganist homesexuality, religously and morally and plus I know how to follow my common sense.

(please don't bash me for that comment)
Buster, im willing to bet you couldn't explain why homosexuality is "morally" wrong. I had a similar arguement on another board and nobody could. Religion is such crap...I hate how it dictates poeples morals...I doubt that any of you gay bashers out there even understand the poeple you are hating, its sad...It is no different then hating someone because they are of a different skin color. Sad...
yea jubei people are scared of the unknown...
i know y, cuz the bible says ur goin 2 hell :sidestare and i believe it 2 bcuz Homosexuals learn of a different religion *they believe in some of the same things as Most Christians but have alot of farther out views.* I heard this on MSNBC so yea 0_o
Wow, asterik, thats probably the dumbest thing Ive ever heard, how could anyone be so ignorant as to say something like that?
Originally posted by Jubei
Buster, im willing to bet you couldn't explain why homosexuality is "morally" wrong. I had a similar arguement on another board and nobody could. Religion is such crap...I hate how it dictates poeples morals...I doubt that any of you gay bashers out there even understand the poeple you are hating, its sad...It is no different then hating someone because they are of a different skin color. Sad...

I have wondered about if religon is real. not just mine, but ALL religions(well, those based around a god and such), from now, form b4, and any that will ever come to be. I've got a big theory about that.

Originally posted by Ian
yea jubei people are scared of the unknown...

Thats so **** true, it's not funny.

Originally posted by Asterik
i know y, cuz the bible says ur goin 2 hell :sidestare and i believe it 2 bcuz Homosexuals learn of a different religion *they believe in some of the same things as Most Christians but have alot of farther out views.* I heard this on MSNBC so yea 0_o

OMG! the media told you something and now like the blind F*** you are, your beleiving what they say. BULL S*** is what th emdia is made of. Liek that Holie Jones crap. (Scat know what i'm talking about) The medai decided to take that one instance of kidnapping and murder and blow it up, so now everybody ****s their pants if there outside past dinner time. HELLO PEOPLE!!!!!! there were kids being raped, kidnaped, murdered, mutilated, ect b4 that, so why are you pissing yoursleves now? it's nothing but bull. But back to Asterik's post. Farher out views? wtf? so what, they are homosexual and so they know what it's like to be different and so they are more open minded about things. How does that gice them FAR OUT views, which have NOTHING to do with religion.
Wow! Asterik I think someone might shoot you, I would run, take the free way.hehe

But on a side note if your so jumpy Jubei and since your taking it all out on Asterik and he needs some help here. I have a question. How do you explain the common sense of the issue. Men have a penis and woman have a vagina, logically if one fits in the other which produces another human being won't that be the one to flow.

It seems almost like homosexuals are just dipping in to something new, trying to do something new, so they go do the same sex. I don't think (and your probably going to go all crazy mother on me for saying this) homosexuals really love there significant other, there homo partner. There just in it for the sex.

Anyway ummmmm Jubei, I say its morally wrong because it goes agnist my own morals not societies, and don't ask me to explain it because I would reach in to reilgion and it seems people hate something that tells them how to act and tells them there not in control. SO I just won't.

I always say this, a very intersting quote of mine. Pertains to the Lord and homosexuals. Probably not going to like it all you homosexuals out there but here it is.

"Homosexuality is an attempt by humans to prove God wrong. "
Originally posted by Buster

Anyway for all the new people my view is I'm totally aganist homesexuality, religously and morally and plus I know how to follow my common sense.

Follow comman sense? are you saying homosexuals have no common sense? Your so wrong it's not even funny.

Originally posted by Buster

It seems almost like homosexuals are just dipping in to something new, trying to do something new, so they go do the same sex. I don't think (and your probably going to go all crazy mother on me for saying this) homosexuals really love there significant other, there homo partner. There just in it for the sex.

ARE YOU STUPID! WHy would someone become a homo sexual so they can get laid? is that what you do when your horny?Homosexual do love their partners, they wouldnt be with them if they didn't.

where do you get this bull from? your ****?
I brought in the topic of common sense b/c it seems like gay people don't use it. I mean their sexual instruments don;t work together but still they have sex together and are gay. I mean you can't even call it sex, because it really isn't. I mean there are ways around it we all know but in the beginning God did not create us in that way. But humans always try to dis prove God and believe they don;t need him in their life.

Pity those people.

Oh and mech, you gotta cool down this is a debate thread not a yelling contest, you can't help that other people have views that don;t agree with yours you can only express your not change theres. And thats all a forum is for, posting what you have to say. SO stop with the bashing............


(ok sorry about that last part)
Originally posted by Buster
I brought in the topic of common sense b/c it seems like gay people don't use it. I mean their sexual instruments don;t work together but still they have sex together and are gay. I mean you can't even call it sex, because it really isn't. I mean there are ways around it we all know but in the beginning God did not create us in that way. But humans always try to dis prove God and believe they don;t need him in their life.

Pity those people.

Oh and mech, you gotta cool down this is a debate thread not a yelling contest, you can't help that other people have views that don;t agree with yours you can only express your not change theres. And thats all a forum is for, posting what you have to say. SO stop with the bashing............


(ok sorry about that last part)

Ok man, sorry about that, I got a little heated there.

But please explain what you meant though about them being in it for the sex.
Well mech is right on one thing: when you become gay.. you dont do it to have sex.. it just isnt right.. and hard to do.. you get erect, you kiss, its over..

i dont know.. but i am hetero and thats all I care about..
*sigh, I figure it is time for the token gay boy to get in on this conversation again. I am surprised it has lasted this long too, lol.

Anyway, Lord Lupus, your analogy is completely wrong and doesn’t even apply in this case. Is it so wrong for gay people to actually be considered people? Apparently you think it is and are unwilling to even think about it because you don’t believe homosexuality is the norm. The only problem is that norms change, they never stay the same. I will also say that if all the gay people suddenly disappeared, this world would be in dire straights. Sorry about that, but gay people are vital to the functioning of this world.

Code Red, you have to know gay people, but with an attitude like that it’s no wonder none of them have told you.

For those of you who don’t “mind” gay people as long as they don’t “come on to you”, WTF? How arrogant do you have to be to think that every gay man would want you? Do you want every woman you see? Do you hit on every woman you come across? Get over yourselves, seriously. Except I have to remember you can’t control your erections anyway. An erection is pretty embarrassing at the Mona Lisa.

Jubei, thank you for your comment. Homosexual people don’t have any more conscious choice to be attracted to the same sex as their heterosexual counterparts the opposite sex. My favorite quote “When was the first time you remember having heterosexual urges?” I don’t necessarily think religion is crap, but I think Christians need to realize a few things about their own religion. Remember, every religion, including ALL the sects, consider themselves the only “true” religion (Unless you get into Ramakrishna and then it becomes a big mess).

Also, didn’t you know that Martin Luther, “father of modern Protestantism”, was one of the world’s biggest bigots and, had he been alive during WWII would probably have joined Hitler in the expulsion and eradication of all Jewish (and homosexual, black, Indian, etc.) people.

Hi Buster. How are you doing? Real quick, you know a penis fits really well into an anus too, and since we all have one of those, it seems more logical to me that the penis should go there instead.

Also, while there are gay people who are only in it for the sex, it would stand to reason there are gay people who are serious about a relationship too, just as in the “straight” world. Can you honestly say all straight people are looking for long-term relationships? That is the line you are drawing, and it is a pretty hard line to enforce.

Asterik, if gay people learned a different religion, I bet gay kids wouldn’t be the most likely to commit suicide. Don’t you think eternal damnation plays into the guilt about something a kid can’t control?