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How's the weather today?

Another nice summers day.

Don't worry carntheroos4eva when we start to get the cold snowy weather, you'll be getting the nice summer weather. It will be here before you know it. :)
Cold here but at least the sun is trying to come out and say hi to us. So glad Spring is on it's way.
Can't wait for spring and warmer weather. Sun's out today but there are cold winds outside.
Overcast and surprisingly chilly for the middle of August, but since it's the first time in awhile there's been no sunshine I guess I'll live with it.
Cool and rainy- I kind of like it though! Heat makes me ill. (maybe I'm weird :p
Freezing and raining. Don't mind the cold but not when it's this bloody cold. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Ugly weather here. It's been raining and blowing a gale here and it's freezing as well.
Cloudy/sunny and very warm. This evening is extremely warm...I think I will have trouble sleeping tonight.
It was sunny, not to hot and now that it's night, it's nice and cool out.
Cloudy this morning, with bright blue sky and sunshine a couple of cottony clouds for contrast. (My goodness, how alliterate of me!):smug: