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huge fire in Bridgeport.right next to our family business

still waiting for more concrete details--dh hasnt been texting much. They were waiting for an electrician to come in and clear them for power to be restored and they lost all windows on the side facing the warehouse --which IMO was good--they were old and soooo expensive to replace--

dh aslo said teh sprinklers went off so even if the flames didnt hit certain areas--the water did -which is now ice
What a mess focadima.............I'm so sorry.
Hopefully the insurance $$ will come soon, Lisa & they will be back in business in a nicer space than they were before.
**** Lisa- I'm so sorry!! What a frickin mess- at least you guys are all safe. :huggy:
Wow, what a mess. I'm so sorry, hope everything works out okay for you guys.
Omg I just heard on the radio that the warehouse is on fire again!!! :pout: I'm hoping it doesn't affect your building anymore then it already has, I'm sorry!
OMG Lisa, your pictures made my eyes tear up!
I was watching this today. It was sad enough not knowing who it affected...Makes is more sad that it's you!
so sorry this happenend to you and your family business. I hope you will be back in business real soon and the insurance acts quickly .
update??? I saw more picks of the ice building next door last nite on the news. I does look pretty with alll that frozen ice. They said it may come down on itself with all the weight. Hope your loss is taken care of pdq :)
I also saw the iced building on the news last night. Lisa, I am so sorry for the heartache this is causing your family.
well insurance adjusters came in yesterday. So did the cleaning company-some stuff i guess they can take the smoke smell out of-so its not a total loss.

a few workers yesterday took home some work in progress ( street banners) to see if in the morning they still smelled of smoke after being out of the building -that would help to have the work partially done and usable.

there was still was windows open/not boarded up yesterday so lots of smoke coming into some floors from burning building

dh said that it is so crazy on the main floor with firemen and other people constantly coming in to use the bathroom--lol the first day (Wednesday) he said it was a steady stream of people walking in the front door cutting through to the back door because the fire department wouldn’t let anyone walk in-between the buildings--walking through not even asking--lol as if it was a public space--whatever

This time of the year for them typically is busy in the sewing/appliqué department because they do a few ballpark's flags/banners cubs, orioles, giants and rockies lots to get ready before opening day
dh also took more cool pics of the building yesterday
Wow! So sorry about your loss. The pics looked bad! :(