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I got banned and I don't know what I did

There aren't a whole lot of ways to change your IP address. It is like a car's VIN number - it belongs with that computer and/or means of connecting to the web. IP stands for Internet Protocol and is your computer's physical address - like your snail-mail address is where you live. If you want to look up info about your computer's address, typeinto a search engine: My IP address. It will give you that information. If you want more info on you personally, go here: IP-Adress.com If your IP address isn’t hidden, virtually anyone with Internet access can track you directly to your home. Everyone can see this information—including hackers!

There are a couple of ways to gain anonymity. One of the easiest is by using a proxy server like AOL. It's an "anonymizer".

I'm sorry you got banneded and I hope you can work it out. Is there someone over there who can/would be willing to talk with "the powers that be"?

No, I can't read anything over there. I think they have blocked my IP address. I tried to clear all the cookies, etc. and simply not log in, but no use. I thought maybe I'd send a PM about it, or see an explanation of some sort.

If I have bullied someone I want to apologize to them if I've been misunderstood, or if they took one of my lame attempts at humor the wrong way. Life's too short to have people get angry or upset over small stuff like this. I am still just puzzled as to what happened.

There have been a few times over there where I've felt that a couple of folks have kind of crossed the line and said some pretty accusatory things about me, but I've never wanted anything to be censored. I enjoy the conversation, but since its not my board, I don't make the rules, so threads got locked or deleted, etc. Their yard, their ball, they make the rules - they let me play there, and I've tried to show I'm grateful to them for it by giving helpful, sometimes expert advice, sometimes with a sneaky sense of humor.

To quote Lou Costello, "I must have been a baaaad boy!"
No, I can't read anything over there. I think they have blocked my IP address. I tried to clear all the cookies, etc. and simply not log in, but no use. I thought maybe I'd send a PM about it, or see an explanation of some sort.


Hmmm - maybe they have diff levels of banning. When I was banned for telling the person who infractioned me to stick her infraction where the sun don't shine, I was able to get back and still read. When I went back it said I was banned. I forget exactly what I did but clearing cookies, not being logged in sounds like what I did.
My mom keeps reading about that site and asked me yesterday if I go there and I told her no. Then I told her how I belong here and they don't like this site and little bit about why. She was like that's dumb, she wouldn't want to go over there, then.
Yeah, you can ban an IP and it's easy to do. You can ban the IP or you can ban the member ID. Did you try other browsers?
I use the computer at the Foundation where I volunteer - it's tied to the corporate ones so I can't switch browsers.
have you tried bribing them with a snickers?
They just want you to beg to be back in. Please, please I'll be good mommy!

I say "f' them."

It's all a power play.
BTW, they read this board on a daily basis, so they know you want to know, but as in their 20 page sign up sheet that they ripped of word for word f.com, they own your posts and do not owe you an answer.
I got banned from HCW...

and all I got was this lousy

(fill in the blank)
kool aid . . . .

TON- can you use proxify at the foundation? Someone told me that works when you get your IP banned
Nah, I can't add or change anything on the machines here. No biggie.