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If you medicatate for ADHD

Hey Mrsmom....want to give you {{hugs}} too cause I know how hard this is for you. This has been my experience so far:

When he was first diagnosed he was on Concerta which if I recall it did affect him right away but still took a couple of days to fully work. He was on that end of 2nd grade and beginning if 3rd. It started working less and upped his dose. He did not do well...sleeping issues and crying incidents (not at all a cryer normally). So then the ped put him on adderral. He had a great year BUT there would be zoned out moments, not all the time but definitely noticeable. Jack sounds a lot like your ds. Very popular, very funny sense of humor, ect. Another symptom on the adderal was lack of appetite which was not good cause he's already the skinniest and smallest (and youngest) in his class. Sooooo, we weren't happy with our ped and found a Dr at Childrens Memorial dt Chicago. He's specialized in childrens ADHD for many many yrs, even written a couple of books. We decided to take Jack off meds for the summer have him gain some weight and start the new school year on no meds. He did gain weight over the summer which was great! We started school and that week we had his new teacher evaluate him and of course it was the same result. So now the ped has him on Focalin extended release....had to up the dose maybe 2 months into it. We are happy with this medicine so far. Not spaced out at all, just calmer but definitely still has his personality. I think his appetite is slightly affected but not like the old meds. He also doesn't take it over weekends, holidays, ect but I'm going to talk to the dr about having some available over the summer for specific days as needed.

Pm me if you have ques/or just need to talk! Good luck with the meeting tonight.
Anne did your Doc. tell you not to give it to him over the weekends and summer? My thinking is that it would make the ups and downs harder if not taken daily?
We decided this with the dr because of the weight issues. ADHD meds do not build up in your system like other meds. It is in and out of your system that day. My dh was worried about the ups and downs too but it doesn't make any difference to the body. Does that make sense?
I've always wanted to take one of Brian's pills to see how it would affect me, but I'm too chicken....
Yup...what works for one may not work for another. Like everyone has said, it may rake a couple of attempts to find the right meds.

Barb....so glad to hear how well your dd is doing....20pds lighter is great! And no, the avg kid will not lose 20pds! I do have a mom friend who has recently gone on add meds and has lost 29pds too. Wish I could go on it! Lol
I've always wanted to take one of Brian's pills to see how it would affect me, but I'm too chicken....

But you'll give it to your kid? Nice. :jack: I'm sure it wouldn't do nuttin' more than a wine cooler would. ;)
Anne did your Doc. tell you not to give it to him over the weekends and summer? My thinking is that it would make the ups and downs harder if not taken daily?

My doctor told me I could take it as needed--so I did not take it on weekends (unless I had to really study). Also, she did not see a point for me to take it during the summer.

ADHD meds (except Strattera) are stimulants--they have a relatively immediate effect. Yes, your dr may say it will take a week or so to kick in, but that is because they may need to see the effects over a few days to determine how to properly adjust the dosages.

My son is 11 and wasn't diagnosed until he was 9. He has been on metadate, they just switched him to extended release. His first prescription was right on the money, but since he has been growing, there were some changes. He goes every 6 months for an evaluation with the dr.

My pediatrician wrote a prescription, but also told us to see a therapist. We saw one for about a year after he was diagnosed, then took a break and now he is back to seeing him. The ped. explained that there is a medical side and a behavioral side. The medication will help, but behavioral intervention is usually needed as well.

My son is not a zombie when he is on meds, he just seems less jumpy, meaning he can focus better. He had some issues when he was younger, but he is very bright and we believed that he was bored in the classroom. In 4th grade it became a big problem and that's when we did the evaluation.

boyzrus thank you for that. Question....the therapist is for something other than the ADHD right? I have no reason to think my son needs a therapist.
Mine don't. at 16 Emmalee got a TV with no TV hook up to play plug in games on. No cable, no picture...she can play Ms Pacman in her room.

No one else has a TV in their room including me.

Barb.....darling......sweetie pie.......sugar dumplin'.......(sugar coated enough yet?). Do you really think your family is "the norm"? :lol:

Alice I don't wanna hear outta you either!!!

ETA: I'm trying to start a pole on this topic in a new thread and can't figure it out....where do I type the answer options?
No tvs in bedrooms here. You want to watch tv, you have to do it in a "public" place like the family room or basement.

As far as the therapist goes, he has helped my son deal with things like organization at school and at home, getting along with siblings, taking responsibility for his actions, etc. He was only diagnosed with ADHD. My drs philosophy is that this is a condition he will have and while he will have medicine, he should learn how to deal with stuff outside that scope. Does that make any sense?

Maybe it's because he's older. He's in 6th grade and we are at that point where I am stepping back a lot and trying not to get his face about his homework, chores, etc.
My apologies I won't contribute.

Oh come on now! Don't be like that. Just sayin' in my experience most do, not all.....maybe I should say many do?......it's not uncommon to.....? :huggy:

I got a tv and sterio in 4th grade.
boyzrus thank you for that. Question....the therapist is for something other than the ADHD right? I have no reason to think my son needs a therapist.

Actually, child therapists can work with children to help them control/cope with some of the ADHD behaviors. Many adults have ADD but are able to function normally without medication because they have developed mechanisms to deal with it. Essentially, they outgrow the disease without medical intervention. I'm not sure whether you could look into therapy as an alternative (although allopathic docs may discount it, so check with a neutral source) but definitely maybe a supplement to medication.
Huh....learn sumptin' new everyday....thanks Kiran.

My 10 year old "normal" just lazy son sounds like boyzrus' son with organization issues, getting along with his brother, etc. That child will put me in an early grave! He brought home ANOTHER detention yesterday for missing work (had one last week too). :surrender:
We have lots of fighting going on right now. I have 4 boys - 15, 13,11 and 5 (I was on the pill when I got pg with this one!).

The 13 and 11 year old are at it all the time. My latest strategy is to have them clean when they get into it. So far it has been working and my floors are nice and vacuumed!
Kids don't have tv in their room at my house either.
We have lots of fighting going on right now. I have 4 boys - 15, 13,11 and 5 (I was on the pill when I got pg with this one!).

The 13 and 11 year old are at it all the time. My latest strategy is to have them clean when they get into it. So far it has been working and my floors are nice and vacuumed!
I like the cleaning idea. Definitely going to try that!