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If you medicatate for ADHD

DO YOUR RESEARCH....google the meds that they have talked about...read the information for yourself..I do not know of any irreversible ticks....please remember that as professionals they MUST give you all the information out there...I think that like Adderall has shown to caus nerve fiber damage in rats...but people?? I mean I am not pro meds at all really, we struggled to keep him off...at some point we decided it was worth a try after exhaustive research...and it has been good for him. In the end that is what we decided was the most important...best for him and least negative reaction.

There are non stimulant meds like stratera maybe you can start with those?

As for help in private schools...in Illinois....sorry just over the border...if a child has needs for special 'help' they can get it for free through the school dist...but the child will have to be serviced in the Dist. buildings usually not during the school day. A parent can pay for the services at a private school and Insurance might pay out...not too sure.

http://dpi.wi.gov/sped/sb504.html is a place to read about 504 plans that might suffice yours sons immediate or future needs. %04 plans are for the kids who don't need and IEP and here http://www.child-disability-attorneys.com/idea/the-differences-between-section-504-plan-and-ieps.php is some stupid attorney site but has good information ...

Hope that this all helps you some how...PM me anytime if you want to talk IRL

He's on day 3 of Stratera but I've been opening up the pill and putting the powder in something like today was a spoonful of applesauce. It tastes horrible and he has a fit. He can't swallow pills and I told the doc what I was doing last night and she said it's really not meant to be taken that way so that's why we are looking at other meds. We discussed a patch which is a stimulant and other pills that have little beads inside which can be sprinkled on food but also a stimulant. We'll decide monday when we see her.

I would rather not do meds either and we've been struggling with him for some time....he really needs help.
Sorry been tryin to post @ work
Was diagnosed w/ ADD as adult, thaought Dr was on crack, but went w/ it. He had me read 8 books on the matter b4 starting any meds, also said it may take a couple trys b4 i found the right med.
1st: Stratera, didnt do anything,
2nd: Concerta: Was a raging Byatch... stopoped taking it after 2 days
3rd and final Adderall XL 30mg in AM then Adderall 10mg @ 3pm,
Did notice a difference right away w/ Adderall but had the other 2 to compare to.
I averaged I spend about 600.00 yrly on meds, which sucks, but dont think I could live w/out it. Kinda sucks that I need to rely on pills, but it works.
Have opened capsuls once or twice, hits me a lot faster, and stronger. Do not recommend it, you can really get addicted!
Well DS will be starting the patch for ADHD tomorrow.....the drug is Daytrana....very low dose to start....not really expecting it to do much, but we have to start somewhere.
I'm nervous to see how it goes, if he leaves the patch alone, etc.
Never heard of the patch for ADHD....hope everything goes well and just remember you are trying your best to help your child. I too questioned whether I should or should not have put ds on meds, but when I saw the effects, I knew I made the right decision for him. You're a great mom and don't you forget it:)
Never heard of the patch for ADHD....hope everything goes well and just remember you are trying your best to help your child. I too questioned whether I should or should not have put ds on meds, but when I saw the effects, I knew I made the right decision for him. You're a great mom and don't you forget it:)

Yeah the patch is new and has some draw backs like it takes two hours to take effect so DH will get up at 6 and put it on DS so it will start working around school time.

A little good news is the doc gave us a coupon GC looking thing from the manu. that totally paid for a month of meds and says it can be used three times so I think 3 months of free meds.
Mr Mrsmom, this is your 6 am reminder post!

Is that boy patched and ready for day 1?


PS I'm excited to hear how the day goes.
I shouldn't be answering this since I have no experience with it and am typically anti-everything artificial :) but I wanted to say good for you for carefully and thoughtfully making the best decisions you can for your baby. I had a condition when I was little and I don't think my parents handled it well. I had to take my shots in private, never at the table, and it was treated as something that made me "different" and I felt really ashamed of being diabetic. I felt like something was wrong with me. There are people I went to HS with who had no idea I was diabetic because they never saw me take a shot or prick my finger or have a snack. I hid it because of how my parents treated it when I was little. I was afraid to tell people about what made me different. I didn't "come out" as a diabetic until AFTER college! All those years I had terrible glycemic control, which is very dangerous. But I didn't check myself often enough because I was afraid to do it in front of people and I would never inject in front of people because I was ashamed. If only my parents had been more open and accepting of my condition, my health wouldn't have suffered all those years.

So good for you for taking his therapy seriously, and incorporating it into your normal every day family life. I really respect and encourage that, and I hope you find the right medicine and dosage for your son easily.
Mr Mrsmom, this is your 6 am reminder post!

Is that boy patched and ready for day 1?


PS I'm excited to hear how the day goes.

DOODE! DH was supposed to get up and do it (he gets up before me to get ready for work). I woke up at 6:45 and asked if he did it and heard "****!" @@ So Matt got patched up an hour late so should kick in around 9. We'll see how his day goes.
DOODE! DH was supposed to get up and do it (he gets up before me to get ready for work). I woke up at 6:45 and asked if he did it and heard "****!" @@ So Matt got patched up an hour late so should kick in around 9. We'll see how his day goes.

Maybe he should have read my reminder post. :bowing:

Don't worry! Tomorrow, I'll use a fog horn. :giggles:
Am I crazy? Could I really notice a difference in Matthew on only day two of meds? I mean not a major one, but for 1. he was only on orange (second worst color) and not red on his behavior chart (he's always on red...the worst color) and 2. he didn't bring home a ton of work and what he did bring home was half finished (and right) and 3. when we did the rest of his homework he sat right down, plowed through, didn't get up, or babble, etc. and when he needed my help he actually listened to me and got it the first time.
Homework was actually fun and short and stress free tonight for the first time EVAH!!! Well I guess that is pretty major!:bliss:

Who knows...might be a fluke, but I'll take it!!! :cartwheel:


Oh and the oldest brought home his 4th detention notice in two weeks. :gah:
I'm so glad that you are seeing some improvements :)

Thanks....hoping it's not a fluke because we have also been not letting the boys play video games or watch tv (oldest is grounded anyway) and making them read and DH read to DS last night before bed (Bible stories) to get him to sleep sooner than he usually does.
We're really trying to make some changes to help our son (and our family).
Thanks....hoping it's not a fluke because we have also been not letting the boys play video games or watch tv (oldest is grounded anyway) and making them read and DH read to DS last night before bed (Bible stories) to get him to sleep sooner than he usually does.
We're really trying to make some changes to help our son (and our family).

Sounds like a combination of good decisions for your family! I've read studies that TV messes up their little brains and trains them to only be able to focus for small blocks of time. So reducing TV time might really help. I'm glad you seem to be on the right path. Stick to it!
I'm so happy you're seeing some differences. It's entirely possible that it is working. I bet you will have to adjust it in a couple of weeks/months....at least that's been our experience.
VERY HAPPY to hear about your good day with DS2!!! :bliss:

It must have been very welcome after your day of toweling up toilet water :giggles:

Is DS1 trying to set a school record with the detentions ? :lol:
VERY HAPPY to hear about your good day with DS2!!! :bliss: Thank you!

It must have been very welcome after your day of toweling up toilet water :giggles:

Is DS1 trying to set a school record with the detentions ? :lol:

I know right?! I told that boy he will never see fresh air until summer!!!! :ranting:
Mr MrsMom!

Sling your $@$ outta bed and get that baby patched and ready for a great day. Now!


PS As long as you're up, could you bring me another cup of coffee?
How's it going with the patches for DS? Hoping the last two days were good for him, although i know you got other sad stuff going on. :huggy:
How's it going with the patches for DS? Hoping the last two days were good for him, although i know you got other sad stuff going on. :huggy:

Well I notice a lil difference at home, but not a big difference at school yet although he was on yellow today which is the second best color for his daily behavior but he said he has a lot of homework though so.......

He has really taken charge of his patch though like his special thing. He peels it off when he gets home and puts a little lotion on the spot because it's red and a little sore. I did it once, but now he wants to take care of it. DH puts it on in the morning though because there's a certain way to do it.

Thanks for askin' darlin'. :huggy: