she asked to be banned and removed because I wouldn't ban a few of the members posting in her debates.
I told her we don't remove account, and I placed a temp ban on her account
she can come back in a week to 10 days, hopefully a little more cheerful.
The volt is not yet the best car for commuters that might be made. It is too large too heavy and expensive as far as I am concerned.
We should be able to make a far lighter car for one person and some belongings that will get over 100 miles per gallon. Most cars weigh roughly 3000 pounds now to haul around a 300 pound driver to and from work, many bikes weigh under 30 pounds to transport same 300 pound driver.
What I think we need is a light weight( 200-300 pounds) inexpensive( both intially and in operation) less safe at highway speeds auto that will be so inexpensive ( under $1000?) people will buy a car just for commuting and have another way to travel between cities when that is what they want to do.
I have an idea for just such a car but do not have a way to fund start-up. It would be small, 36' wide' three wheels, hybride human-electric. Soon I will go to university looking for way to get started.
It is never by the way unAmerican to point out short commings of anything even our own country.
Ugh, Natsumi is full of ****. I don't believe her claim that she's college educated. I don't believe she's from Japan. I don't even believe "she's" a girl. Some people just reek of bullshit, and the flies have been circling since her first post...
Anyway, I think to sum everything up, we would probably all agree that this technology is still developing. Battery life is definitely an issue, but will improve as the technology matures. Furthermore, for these vehicles to be completely effective in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we would also need a long overdue overhaul of our energy infrastructure. Natural gas and renewable energy sources such as hydroelectric, solar, geothermal, and wind are all emerging technologies that will propel us into the future. This is not to say that fossil fuels will be obsolete. Rest assured, your GTO will not be confiscated by the swat team and replaced with an electric go-cart. So fear not.
However, to say that criticizing anything is "Un-American" is just ****ing retarded. To criticize is the be a patriot! The founding fathers criticized everything. They criticized the crown, their laws, and even society in general. We must strive to be the best! Strive for perfection! To accept mediocrity simply because it's "American Made" is more un-American than anything. However, don't just criticize because you're stubborn and afraid of change. It doesn't make you un-American. Just a ****.