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Just need to vent...


Hanging Out!
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This is directed at NO ONE here, just general life: I have had enough!

To my sons:
Son1: You need to shower daily. After your shower, clean the bathroom. I am not meaning use chemicals and scrub walls, I mean hang your towel, take your dirty clothes ect. On your way out, turn off the damned light.
next issue: I am all for having a friend or 2 over for a halloween sleepover. I am not up for 4 of your friends, 1 of your brothers friends. Mostly because we have a 5 person vehicle and I do not want to make 2 trips to the corn maze (to bring everyone there) and 2 trips home, rememb er 5 person vehicle, I am not your cab driver, thanks.

Son2: I am so proud that you take the initiative to shower daily on your own (read without arguments!). Could you please remember shampoo is imperative and not an option. I heard this morning how conditioner smells better and you prefer to smell clean, but to look clean, you have to get clean! The towel fairy does not know where you or your brother live to come clean the bathroom after either of you.

My mother: Not everyone watches the same tv programming as you. When I made mention that my husband liked product A, this did not mean that you needed to order him this. There were 3 choices in this product. I made the choice as to which one. He was unable to be reached at work so I made the decision. When I had talked to him earlier in the day, he let me know that he was very busy and didn't have time to talk until he was off from work. When you called our home and he answered the phone, YES, he was very relaxed and in a great mood. Does the phrase "off of work" mean anything???? Having to explain not once, not twice but 3 times he is sometimes busy at work and can only receive dire, emergency phone calls. I realize you believe ordering a tv promoted product is earth shattering, but really, it isn't. If I ordered the "wrong one" So ****in be it!!!

OK, thanks :eek:ffrant: Hopefully, I will feel better!

*again, this was directed at NO ONE here. This is my own personal rant about my own personal life!*

(read no one take offense!)
and yes, she truly said to me this morning,
her: I called last night and talked to your husband.
me: yes, I was here.
her: well I think you ordered the wrong prioduct
me: why?
her: because your husband likes product c
me: well he was busy and I couldn't call him to confirm
her: he didn't sound too busy when I called last night
Me: I realize that mom, he was at home then.
her: right, but he didn't sound busy.

Where is the head/wall smilie??????????
:huggy::huggy: sounds like my house! It just sucks:pout: and I drive DS 50 miles a day:ranting:
Don't get me going on the bathroom thing. I have 4 boys and flushing the toilet is a big deal for them, forget hanging up the towels!
Don't get me going on the bathroom thing. I have 4 boys and flushing the toilet is a big deal for them
They're environmentalists. If it's yellow let it mellow...
here you go, mama..... :huggy:

:hb: :hb: :hb:

for your future needs, it's really easy..... : hb : and there you are
Big hugs coming your way. I hear the bathroom comment. With one son and one husband I am never amazed at how dirty their bathroom can be. We now have the "boys" bathroom and I have a girls only bathroom lol. I hate walking in there to find a mess or someone did not flush - GROSS
Don't get me going on the bathroom thing. I have 4 boys and flushing the toilet is a big deal for them, forget hanging up the towels!

OMG...exact same thing here...what is so freakin' hard about flusing a toilet??!! They sure seem to know how to flush if it's full of toilet paper though.....
Y'all are complaining about boys and the bathrooms... Try girls with curling irons, straightners, earring, hair ties, make-up, etc..................... Oh... And female issues. Now THAT is gross!

Boys are nuttin!
What you need is a dog (preferably puppy), a friend of your kid (this works best with the opposite sex) and underwear (bras and panties - t shirts don't have the same allure) left on the bathroom room. A pair of dirty briefs being dragged through the house in a spontaneous game of family tag should be enough to break that habit. and the memories? priceless...
LOL schelthoff, thanks for the visual and laugh. We do have a dog and if she isn't attempting to trip us up, wait the cat will come zinging thru without the greatest of ease to make ya 2nd guess your next step. It's a zoo I tell ya!!
I am loving the dog idea and the friend over! I am going to have to remember that one
Classic convo with my son when he was 10
Me: "Will go finish your chores and then take a bath"
Will: "I finishd my chores"
Me: "Ok, go take a bath "
Will: "Why, what did I do?" (as if bathing is a punishment)

Fast forward and he is 2 months from 14 and we still have to FORCE him to bath more than 2 times a day. If we would never say anything, I think he would go for weeks. Just add deoderant and cologne over the funk and go about his day.
Try my 3 yr old never flushes the toilet and then bends over and asks " Is there poop on my butt?"
Girls are dirty to.:lol:
Try my 3 yr old never flushes the toilet and then bends over and asks " Is there poop on my butt?"
Girls are dirty to.:lol:

OK, here's a true story and I hope to god the PITA never reads this...When she was much, much younger, she preferred my DH over anyone else (read: mom). Since she had a problem making sure everything was clean after using the bathroom, she took to yelling for her father at the top of her lungs "Daddy, come wipe my butt." seriously. At one time he was almost out the back door on his way to work when she started yelling for him - I was just in the next room. She actually came out and stood in the hallway demanding that he wipe her butt. He said to have mommy do it. Nooooooo, YOU wipe my butt. He used to joke that he was going to have to drive to the high school...

Her first experience in Mexico was a roadside taqueria restroom where they did not have toilet seats. Boy, did she scream for her Daddy!
I just pulled this up, as I am fighting with my 2 boys over who's getting in the shower first! Of course neither one are stepping up and volunteering! But, then how mad can you get when my DS13 decides he's going to interview me today for his assignment on why we have 90+ cans of soup in our basement, and how I got them for free!
There's 3 people in my home & i'm grateful that we each have our own bathroom.