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Kids? How many???

I have 4.
DS 12 (13 tomorrow!)
DS 9
DD 6
DD 4
I always wanted a big family. I would love to have more but had to stop b/c I had 4 c sections. I hope to adopt someday.
Well since you're counting furbabies...
right now I've got:

Chloe - gorgeous shepherd mix who's about 12 years old
Molly - Mama kitty
Daisy - Mama's oldest daughter (who's most likely preggers)
Lily, Emma, Chip, Sophie - Molly's 7 week old kittens who will be headed to the shelter this weekend (that's Lily and Chip in my avatar)

(I should mention for those of you who've missed my kitty saga threads, Molly & Daisy are formerly homeless cats who my Uncle Fred had been feeding and they took quite a liking to him and ended up moving in. My Uncle Bobby & I are doing the best we can to take care of these guys since my Uncle Fred passsed away.)
I have two children

DS 16
DD 12 Tommorrow is her Birthday 5/6
DS is 3 1/2, Jackson, whom we lovingly refer to as Moose. He's a big'un, about as big as your average 5 year old.

We also have 2 four legged girls, Bella is a yellow lab and she is 6. Katie is a golden retriever, she is 5.
DH is still sitting on the fence about having kids and I am not getting any younger. I want to experience motherhood, so we may adopt in the future.
I have three girls. 8, 6, and 4. I'm hoping to have more. Just need to get some health issues resolved and dh needs to finish his master's degree. :)
Ahhh... I also have a hubby (sometimes they are they biggest babies... can you suck on my pacifier pwease)

And 2 fur babies. Domino pitbull 10 years old... Prolly need to put her down soon, but really struggling with that. And Peanut a very round Beagle brown and white only 7 years old.
Ahhh... I also have a hubby (sometimes they are they biggest babies... can you suck on my pacifier pwease)

And 2 fur babies. Domino pitbull 10 years old... Prolly need to put her down soon, but really struggling with that. And Peanut a very round Beagle brown and white only 7 years old.

Oh no Georgie - I'm so sorry! :huggy:
Oh no Georgie - I'm so sorry! :huggy:

We have started preparing Billy. Domino is his princess. He climbs in bed with her all the time and just loves on her. There are days when he comes home that she has a hard time getting up and she'll bark until he goes in to love on her.

He knows that Domino is gonna go and be Jesus' princess soon.
We have started preparing Billy. Domino is his princess. He climbs in bed with her all the time and just loves on her. There are days when he comes home that she has a hard time getting up and she'll bark until he goes in to love on her.

He knows that Domino is gonna go and be Jesus' princess soon.

So you've got yourself one of those mean old pitbulls, huh? I really miss getting some pitbull snuggling.
I have three


Yes they are spread apart in age! LOL! Had our first when I was 17, then we got married and decided to have #2. We were done, so we thought... along came #3 - 5 1/2 yrs later! I get the 4-5 yr itch! I wanted another one but HUBBY SAID NO! LOL!

I have three wonderful blessings, though they are quite the thorn in my side at times!

Forgot to mention our furry friends:

Thor is 9 he is an akita, most loving dog you will meet
Sophie is 2 1/2, she is our mini cat, she's only about 5 lbs.
Hershey is 1 1/2, he is a FAT CAT! Love it though, he's long haired and so nice to snuggle with.
I have 4 boys ages 15,13,12 and 6. That last one was a total surprise, same husband and all and he has brightened up everyone's days!

I find it interesting that you have to add, "same huband." I tend to feel the same way sometimes because of the big gap in ages with my kids too.
I have 5 rambunctious boys ages 25, 21, 10, 8, and almost 6 (born on May 9th- Mother's Day!). I also have one little princess age 3 (she is literally wearing a Disney princess dress right now - it will be a huge struggle to get it off of her). They are all wonderful blessings.
I have 5 rambunctious boys ages 25, 21, 10, 8, and almost 6 (born on May 9th- Mother's Day!). I also have one little princess age 3 (she is literally wearing a Disney princess dress right now - it will be a huge struggle to get it off of her). They are all wonderful blessings.

Then just leave it on her. I took my DS to the Jewel in his Buzz Lightyear costume because he didn't want to take it off.

I have 2 kids:
Andrew is 5, Dorothy is 7 months.
So you've got yourself one of those mean old pitbulls, huh? I really miss getting some pitbull snuggling.

Oh yes, she could cuddle you to death! When Billy was younger & would get too wild... She would lick him into submission. :giggles:

When Peanut gets too skippy she will over power her by pushing her head on Peanut. So ferocious!

I remember when she got dropped in our laps. I called my hubby and said that we just got a dog dumped on us. I said I was torn b/c I was pretty sure she was a pit & if I called they would just put her down, but I wasn't sure about having a pit. He got all excited and defensive and I don't want you and the girls there alone with a pit... I said the girls were sent into the bedroom with the door closed and told to stay there. I said she was in the living room with me and seemed very sweet. He came home right away & checked her out for himself. He said there is no way we can have them pick her up b/c they will just put her down & she is a very sweet dog.

So glad we kept her!