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Kids? How many???

Oh yes, she could cuddle you to death! When Billy was younger & would get too wild... She would lick him into submission. :giggles:

When Peanut gets too skippy she will over power her by pushing her head on Peanut. So ferocious!

I remember when she got dropped in our laps. I called my hubby and said that we just got a dog dumped on us. I said I was torn b/c I was pretty sure she was a pit & if I called they would just put her down, but I wasn't sure about having a pit. He got all excited and defensive and I don't want you and the girls there alone with a pit... I said the girls were sent into the bedroom with the door closed and told to stay there. I said she was in the living room with me and seemed very sweet. He came home right away & checked her out for himself. He said there is no way we can have them pick her up b/c they will just put her down & she is a very sweet dog.

So glad we kept her!

Aw, such a sweet story! How lucky you guys were to get Domino and how lucky she was to find a family who loves her so much.

Sami was quite the licker too - she would lick anyone any chance she got. It was a bit embarassing for me a few times (especially the window guy who showed up in shorts one day - she had a field day with him) but there was no way to stop her. I think it was her way of showing just how happy she was to know you or to have met you.

Ok, now I'm getting teary eyed.

Doggy profiling is one of my pet peeves having been the proud mama of two sweet pits myself. :ranting:
Aw, such a sweet story! How lucky you guys were to get Domino and how lucky she was to find a family who loves her so much.

Sami was quite the licker too - she would lick anyone any chance she got. It was a bit embarassing for me a few times (especially the window guy who showed up in shorts one day - she had a field day with him) but there was no way to stop her. I think it was her way of showing just how happy she was to know you or to have met you.

Ok, now I'm getting teary eyed.

Doggy profiling is one of my pet peeves having been the proud mama of two sweet pits myself. :ranting:

The beagle does short fast obnoxious licks. She is just so happy to see anyone. The pit does long loving licks. Almost like she's making love to ya!

Very blessed to have 2 precious babies!
The beagle does short fast obnoxious licks. She is just so happy to see anyone. The pit does long loving licks. Almost like she's making love to ya!

Very blessed to have 2 precious babies!

Somehow I'm not shocked you went there. :lol:
Aw, such a sweet story! How lucky you guys were to get Domino and how lucky she was to find a family who loves her so much.

Sami was quite the licker too - she would lick anyone any chance she got. It was a bit embarassing for me a few times (especially the window guy who showed up in shorts one day - she had a field day with him) but there was no way to stop her. I think it was her way of showing just how happy she was to know you or to have met you.

Ok, now I'm getting teary eyed.

Doggy profiling is one of my pet peeves having been the proud mama of two sweet pits myself. :ranting:

I know! When you were struggling with Sami it was very hard for me b/c we are at the same place with Domino. It is so hard to say good bye! Haven't been able to do it yet.
I have 4 -- lots of us have 4 or more!

dd almost 7
dd will be 5 (her b-day is tomorrow, May 6)
ds 3 1/2
ds will be 1 (his b-day is May 10th - Mother's day last year)

One very hairy black lab mix who will be 12 this summer.

Oh yeah, a dh too
I have 2 bio

and 1 step

And then my hubby, the biggest baby of them all!!!
Happy (early) Mothers Day to all you amazing moms! I am in awe of the big families (and all the boys!). I have DS 5 and DD 3 and they are enough for me to handle.
I have 2 -
DS is 9
DD is 6
I think it would be lovely to have another.... hubby - not so much.

We are planning on getting a dog this summer.
I have 2 -
DS is 9
DD is 6
I think it would be lovely to have another.... hubby - not so much.

We are planning on getting a dog this summer.

I think having 2 DH's is illegal. :lol:

:cartwheel:Congrats on your future furbaby. :cartwheel:
I hope you'll post pics when you can.
Will it be a shelter/rescue pooch?
We are looking at shelters - DD has Petfinder bookmarked and checks it frequently.

We have narrowed it down to a golden/golden mix or pug/pug mix. funny, huh? At this rate, we may get 2.

Geez! The thought of 2 hubbys - not so enticing!! haha - however it does make the idea of 2 dogs seem not so bad.
Dogs can be trained, right?

DH is still a work in progress... after 11 years (wow - 12 years next month)....
We are looking at shelters - DD has Petfinder bookmarked and checks it frequently.

We have narrowed it down to a golden/golden mix or pug/pug mix. funny, huh? At this rate, we may get 2.

Geez! The thought of 2 hubbys - not so enticing!! haha - however it does make the idea of 2 dogs seem not so bad.

Sometimes it's easier having two dogs than just one. We had Chloe (shepherd mix) for a little under a year and she was a handful. Way too much energy. We ended up getting Samantha (licking fool pitbull) and after a short adjustment period, they became the best of buddies. They were able to tire each other out and we just got to watch and enjoy!

Now that Sami's gone, Chloe is too old to put up with a new dog (although the poor thing is putting up with a mess of cats & kittens.) Thankfully at her age just lounging on the bed is all the entertainment she needs.
We have 2

DD almost 19
DS just turned 13

Then there's my sweet Lucy... we're not sure, but think she's about 4

....... and the little critters Lucy would love to "play" with :giggles:

Vito, the guinea pig
Bella and Sophia, the gerbils
Dancer, the hamster (as in rudolph, dasher, dancer... etc.)
3 boys

my 17 year old turns 18 on saturday. graduates high school on the 21st

Sait I didn't know you have three kids. I only remember you talking about your 7 year old.....I must not pay attention.

I have 2 boys ages 10 and 8.
DS1 (will be 2 June 13)
Canine8 (pound puppy rescue)
Feline7 (I think - pound rescue as an adult)

DS is the only male in the house and he is turning into quite the man of the house.