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Lets Play *I Am*

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That is so cool Homebody. Perhaps one day I'll learn to can also.

I am so tired after working all day,now I can relax.
I am... currently just sitting at my desk in awe of the stupidity that surrounds me on a day to day basis... (not you guys, just... my life... people I deal with in my life... just got home from work... XD)
I am... currently just sitting at my desk in awe of the stupidity that surrounds me on a day to day basis... (not you guys, just... my life... people I deal with in my life... just got home from work... XD)

The best time to get lost in the internets my friend.
Is writing your hobby or profession, rosebud?

I am doing research on the 'Net, and thought I'd sneak in for a couple of seconds to visit my favorite GF.
I am incredibly thankful that I have ninja skills and that my boyfriend's mother did NOT see me completely topless last night on skype... *face palm*
That's an awesome avatar, bro--er, Brandon. I just about had a heart attack when I saw it.

I am puttering around the house today, nephew-free. Why? I will copy here a note I was given by the 9-year-old one; evidently worried when I noticed the lack of his presence in my place, he wrote me thusly(all writing oddities are his):
"Dear Auntea,
I am going to Cultus lake. You won't see me for some time. Because I am going to have some fun time there. And you won't see me that much to day. [flip /page]" On the other side was: "Yours turly, Kenneth. PS. Here's a picture"
--then there was an arrow down to the bottom of the page (apparently 'Auntea' is unable to find her way to the bottom of a note without help), where there was a lovely self-portrait drawn of him going down the water-slide going "Weeeee!"
Yes, it will be a capital "W", five "e" day.
[flip /page]" On the other side was: "Yours turly, Kenneth. PS. Here's a picture"
--then there was an arrow down to the bottom of the page (apparently 'Auntea' is unable to find her way to the bottom of a note without help),

I've done similar things at that age, and I put the "flip page" and arrows there b/c I feared the person who read it would stop reading prematurely if the "flip page" or arrows hadn't been there. ;)
I am sorry Homebody I didn't see you're message until now. I like to write stories. I did send one of my books to the Library of Congress. Hopefully this winter my hubby and I will sit down and find someone to publish it. My hubby and daughter are far better at writing than I am.

What a cute letter from your nephew Homebody. He must really love his Aunty. :)
I've done similar things at that age, and I put the "flip page" and arrows there b/c I feared the person who read it would stop reading prematurely if the "flip page" or arrows hadn't been there. ;)
I still write "over" if the note continues on the other side. But I don't believe I've ever drawn an arrow from the last of the note at the top of an 8" X ll" page to halfway down, to make sure someone sees the picture right below it.
I am sorry Homebody I didn't see you're message until now. I like to write stories. I did send one of my books to the Library of Congress. Hopefully this winter my hubby and I will sit down and find someone to publish it. My hubby and daughter are far better at writing than I am.

What a cute letter from your nephew Homebody. He must really love his Aunty. :)

He's my best boy. I love him to pieces.

I am fortunate to have the both of them so much in my life.

I am looking forward to seeing what you write if you do decide to publish!
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