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LoudKaraoke.com sued by publisher

Mantis1 said:
and for the record, I am FOR the mfr's when it comes to piracy. If their houses are not in order, then that is their problem now isn't it?

"Their problem?"

When someone steals, it's everybody's problem.

And I do take offense at your eagerness to blatantly call me a pirate with no basis in fact. If you have some proof of that inflammatory and slanderous accusation, then please post it here and substantiate what you claim for everyone - just as I have done with Chartbuster.

Until such time as you have some concrete proof, I'd appreciate if you'd keep the "chin wagging" out.
You clean YOUR house Chip.

Shall we bring up the zoning thing again? I realize it is not a court judgerment but... hey if it quacks like a duck. YOU Stated you had 6 systems. etc etc.

Weren't you exposed on KS or Jolt yrs ago??? Again, not a court judgement but... hey in civil cases, seems I've heard the proof of innocence is on the defendant.

This reminds me of the singer who comes in and butchers a song a blames the whole thing on ME, or my reverb, or my mic. When THEY are obviously incapable of singing in time etc. How are indiscretions of a mfr justification for YOU not being able to continue your previous activities? You seem to be hell bent on proving what is public knowledge as justification, or vendication for what you can no longer get away with. I don't get it. What is your purpose??? Again looks to me like you are using them as YOUR excuse!!!

When you point a finger, HOW MANY point back ???

Be offened, don't bother me.
Mantis1 said:
You clean YOUR house Chip.

Shall we bring up the zoning thing again? I realize it is not a court judgerment but... hey if it quacks like a duck. YOU Stated you had 6 systems. etc etc.

What does the zoning board have to do with anything? Just because I owned multiple systems doesn't mean that I didn't pay for all of the music on them.

Mantis1 said:
Weren't you exposed on KS or Jolt yrs ago??? Again, not a court judgement but... hey in civil cases, seems I've heard the proof of innocence is on the defendant.

First of all, you are referencing a blatant lie posted by Thunder. One that is not only not true, but cannot possibly be substantiated. You are simply perpetuating that lie in an attempt to divert the attention away from the real subject of this thread, which is the proven piracy of Chartbuster. Give it up.

Mantis1 said:
This reminds me of the singer who comes in and butchers a song a blames the whole thing on ME, or my reverb, or my mic. When THEY are obviously incapable of singing in time etc. How are indiscretions of a mfr justification for YOU not being able to continue your previous activities? You seem to be hell bent on proving what is public knowledge as justification, or vendication for what you can no longer get away with. I don't get it. What is your purpose??? Again looks to me like you are using them as YOUR excuse!!!

I am not asking to be excused for ANYTHING, because I have done nothing wrong, despite your continuous perpetuation of lies. I owned every track of music I used on the multiple systems I built over the course of 15 years. Please consider this a warning and a notification that if you continue to post libelous statements on this forum as to anything to the contrary, I will consider legal action against you.

Oh, and by the way...there is no "e" in the middle of "Judgment."
Why the crusade chip? Give it up... the reason. What are you getting out of this?

No, I don't think Thunder was involved....it was many years ago. Coulda been :) Prob was:)

If you have been legit it makes me wonder "why the crusade?" even more

Why, why,why??? Can you NOT see how this looks to other ppl??? Especially those who have been around a long time on various boards? Like me.

I have wondered for yrs how some mfr's could put out music so fast. This is not new. If they get busted, they get busted. If they are wrong they SHOULD be called on it. So should KJ's.

It may be right, it may be wrong but it IS what I see. It is what YOU project! Think about it,........please?
DOH !!! Why did i just now think of this? lets go pm
Chartbusterette said:
One need look no further than your avatar to know which side you come down on when it comes to piracy. Do you also presume to speak for the body politic? For every KJ? Your words above would seem to indicate that you think so.

We are what we are. If we've made mistakes, we've paid for them, in spades. Those mistakes do not justify stealing from us, and they never will.

If you read with any comprehension you'll note that that I attributed those thoughts to myself. That being said, I think the sentiment carries a lot further than you are capable of knowing.

I stand by my assessments of your future on the presumption that you must be an owner or relative within the Chartbuster company. It would not be possible for you to manage information or post as you do and still have a job in any other business. No company that displays that kind of arrogance has ever survived long term.
Mantis1 said:
Why the crusade chip? Give it up... the reason. What are you getting out of this?

No, I don't think Thunder was involved....it was many years ago. Coulda been :) Prob was:)

If you have been legit it makes me wonder "why the crusade?" even more

Why, why,why??? Can you NOT see how this looks to other ppl??? Especially those who have been around a long time on various boards? Like me.

I have wondered for yrs how some mfr's could put out music so fast. This is not new. If they get busted, they get busted. If they are wrong they SHOULD be called on it. So should KJ's.

It may be right, it may be wrong but it IS what I see. It is what YOU project! Think about it,........please?

Chips' outrage is understandable given the constant "gaslighting" of both CB and SC. His position on the other hand (IMHO) has remained constant and his arguments both factual and of merit.

Your position on the other hand is that of a straw dog riding someone else's coat tails. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" - you foresake all collateral damage as long as you can throw stones at your supposed "witches?"

These forums and I will part ways permanently. I am content that karaoke manufacturers deserve a place in the entertainment world right alongside the likes of strip club owners and traveling carnivals. Pay them your attention at your own risk.
dangit!!! what'd i hit? just spent 10 minutes typing and hit something on the keyboard and everyting was gone! I type too slow for this crap to happen!!!!
i understand glass houses, throwing stones.....what i don't understand is why it appears that if a manu has willingly or otherwise put out unlicensed material, and paid the price for it that it diminishes the guilt of the pirate KJ. as it appears from how this thread has gone, since SC and CB have put out unlicensed tracks before, then they have no right to come after me if i pirate their stuff. to me it sounds like a guy steals my car, goes to jail, gets out, and when his car gets stolen, he has no right to prosecute the thief. i don't get that sentiment at all.
Paradigm Karaoke said:
ito me it sounds like a guy steals my car, goes to jail, gets out, and when his car gets stolen, he has no right to prosecute the thief. i don't get that sentiment at all.

I guess if the car stolen from the thief was actually legally owned by him, he could proscute. I just wouldn't expect the now ex-felon to be appointed to head up the local anti-theft task force.
and it is not just the karaoke mfr's who own the rights to this music
Paradigm Karaoke said:
i understand glass houses, throwing stones.....what i don't understand is why it appears that if a manu has willingly or otherwise put out unlicensed material, and paid the price for it that it diminishes the guilt of the pirate KJ. as it appears from how this thread has gone, since SC and CB have put out unlicensed tracks before, then they have no right to come after me if i pirate their stuff. to me it sounds like a guy steals my car, goes to jail, gets out, and when his car gets stolen, he has no right to prosecute the thief. i don't get that sentiment at all.
It's not so much that those guilty of piracy should have their guilt diminished because of the manu's previous guilty of the same.
Not at all. Pirates deserve to get whatever is comig to them. No one is denying that at all.
But it's the manu's self-righteous attitude toward KJ's and how they put themselves on a pedestal above everyone else like they somehow were never guilty of anything themselves. It would have been much better PR if Deb had just admitted the past faux pas and said, "Yes, we were guilty of not licensing tracks in the past, but we've settled that and are we now moving forward both legally and responsibly as we should have done right from the start."
Instead, she avoided the whole thing and tried to make it seem as if it had never happened and they were never guilty of anything. Makes her look totally dishonest and one has to wonder what else they are hiding?
THAT'S what the issue is.
That, and her insinuation they (manus in general) could hold us responsible and sue us if we possessed and used tracks that were previously unlicensed due to THEIR own piracy!
Interesting.... by the time you read this, this thread will have over 3,400 "views'.... I find that amazing... is everyone checking it 10 times a day?
Proformance said:
I am contenet that karaoke manufacturers deserve a place in the entertainment world right alongside the likes of strip club owners and traveling carnivals. Pay them your attention at your own risk.

I strongly disagree with this analogy, but if you truly feel this way, then it begs the question - as a KJ and provider of the fruits of the labor of the manufacturers you despise so deeply, then within the framework of your own analogy, what does that make you?

The level of vituperation we must endure to be a part of this particular community could be disheartening if we allowed it to be. But the crusade of enmity that you and others here continue to execute is perhaps more indicative of your own feelings and actions than anything that we have done. After all, one hates most the things one sees in others that are reflections of things they hate about themselves.

But I offer you (and everyone else who feels such antipathy toward the manufacturers) a ready resolution: walk away. We would no more advocate the purchase of our product by someone who hates it than we would to someone who has no use for it. If the existence of the manufacturers so offends your sensibilities, then stop using their products. To do otherwise would seem to indicate you lack the courage of what you have represented as your own convictions.

Of course, we would rather have you as a satisfied and loyal customer. But the words and actions of some on this forum show such a profound level of malevolence that it borders on obsession. And it makes us wonder why, given the depth of that hatred, how they justify to themselves continuing to purchase and use the manufacturer's product.

There isn't a single successful company in the world of any longevity that hasn't defended itself in a lawsuit for some sort of infraction. This is not said to justify anyone's actions, let alone that of a pirate, but simply to indicate that if your litmus test on using a product is predicated on the respective manufacturer's possession of a spotless record of litigation, then you must forswear using the products of Microsoft, IBM, AMD, Dell, Apple, and of a myriad other companies as well. As you are reading and posting here, and/or using a computer in the operation of your business, this position would seem doubtful.

And that's perfectly fine - you alone will determine your level of comfort with the purchase of any manufacturer's product. If you are like the overwhelming majority of people, your main concerns will be if the product meets your needs, and whether or not the cost of the product (monetary or moral) is reasonable for the given level of need.

But to continue to purchase and use such products while executing a jihad of animosity smacks of hypocrisy.
That is so close to the point (s) i was tryin to make ( only MUCH more articulate) to CS and Pro when i hit whatever button i hit that lost my 3 paragraphs.


Still at a loss, what the heck did i hit on my kb? anybody????

How can a KJ, in good faith, purchase a product when their vitriol for the mfr is such?

lemme guess..... they buy,.... er..... obtain.......products from overseas? from under the table? from....joe on the corner ( not you joe). from torrents??? from the kj next door? Ebay HD sellers who offer "updates" ? or maybe even the other ( one) major mfr who doesn't stand up for themselves and stays out of the jihad? ( who is also not infractionless)

Why am i not on 7 days susp yet???? does the word "former" ( and yes, "alleged" because there is no judgEment) have anything to do with it?

Does CS not have ANY new music from the last ...oh say.... 5 years?

Big Joe, your analogy is noted ( good one too) but do you really think the ENTIRE libraries of SC,CB, or any other mfr are 100% "unclean"? It only takes one my friend!!! ONE trademark infringement can be, what $200k per . Copyrights can be what ????
Chartbusterette said:
I strongly disagree with this analogy, but if you truly feel this way, then it begs the question - as a KJ and provider of the fruits of the labor of the manufacturers you despise so deeply, then within the framework of your own analogy, what does that make you?

A former Chartbuster consumer.

Chartbusterette said:
The level of vituperation we must endure to be a part of this particular community could be disheartening if we allowed it to be. But the crusade of enmity that you and others here continue to execute is perhaps more indicative of your own feelings and actions than anything that we have done. After all, one hates most the things one sees in others that are reflections of things they hate about themselves.

Ummmm.... nope. (Nice try, though.)

Chartbusterette said:
But I offer you (and everyone else who feels such antipathy toward the manufacturers) a ready resolution: walk away. We would no more advocate the purchase of our product by someone who hates it than we would to someone who has no use for it. If the existence of the manufacturers so offends your sensibilities, then stop using their products. To do otherwise would seem to indicate you lack the courage of what you have represented as your own convictions.

Great idea! Consider it done.

Chartbusterette said:
Of course, we would rather have you as a satisfied and loyal customer. But the words and actions of some on this forum show such a profound level of malevolence that it borders on obsession. And it makes us wonder why, given the depth of that hatred, how they justify to themselves continuing to purchase and use the manufacturer's product.

You are absolutely right, which is why we have no qualms about dropping your brand and never purchasing your product again. The anger you speak of is rooted in your own actions. You come on to this site asking for help and claiming honesty, integrity, being "above board", a "family-oriented company" out to "help the karaoke industry" like some good fairy of the north and recruiting your customers to gather evidence for your battles. You'll even go so far as printing "certifications" for your loyal customers but the minute you are challenged on your own statements, you immediately become evasive and pontificate to those same customers what they have to do, how they have to do it and how appreciative they should be, (all the while telling them how stupid they are if they don't agree with you.)

Good luck in your future business relations.

Chartbusterette said:
There isn't a single successful company in the world of any longevity that hasn't defended itself in a lawsuit for some sort of infraction. This is not said to justify anyone's actions, let alone that of a pirate, but simply to indicate that if your litmus test on using a product is predicated on the respective manufacturer's possession of a spotless record of litigation, then you must forswear using the products of Microsoft, IBM, AMD, Dell, Apple, and of a myriad other companies as well. As you are reading and posting here, and/or using a computer in the operation of your business, this position would seem doubtful.

There is a distinct difference between:

#1. "defending yourself in a lawsuit" because thousands of companies are involved in lawsuits and their "litigation records" aren't spotless, AND

#2. Agreeing to pay $592,000.00 in a judgment because you admit you are guilty of copyright infringement.

So the "litmus test" has nothing to do with any litigation record at all. It's more about Chartbuster preaching and demanding honesty of their customers all the while picking the pockets of the publishers to the tune well over a half million dollars worth of music. And that isn't speculation, it's a fact.

We've always been honest. You, on the other hand, have been "less than honest" with us. We have no problem with being honest. However, we do have a problem when we are being treated (condescendingly) as though we are not honest.... by someone who has been "certifiably NOT honest."

Chartbusterette said:
And that's perfectly fine - you alone will determine your level of comfort with the purchase of any manufacturer's product. If you are like the overwhelming majority of people, your main concerns will be if the product meets your needs, and whether or not the cost of the product (monetary or moral) is reasonable for the given level of need.

But to continue to purchase and use such products while executing a jihad of animosity smacks of hypocrisy.

You're right. I won't buy anymore of your product or even use the ones I have.