Let's bring this down to the most fundamental, basic, emotionless, and utilitarian terms possible -- lets see a dog as nothing more than mere property.
PIT, are you to say that 3 months suffices as a reasonable maximum sentance for usurpation of any type of property?
Take a look at these statistics concerning average maximum sentence time served for propriatal infringements
Lengths of felony sentences imposed by State courts, 1996
Average maximum sentence length
(in months) for felons sentenced to Incarceration
<u>In order of: 1)Total 2)Prison 3)Jail 4)Probation</u>
All offenses 38 mo 62 mo 6 mo 41 mo
Violent offenses 78 mo 105 mo 7 mo 48 mo
Property offenses 30 mo 49 mo 6 mo 40 mo
Drug offenses 28 mo 51 mo 6 mo 42 mo
Weapons offenses 29 mo 45 mo 5 mo 35 mo
Other offenses 24 mo 42 mo 6 mo 40 mo
Let's equate a pet, however, with something less similar to a car, or a stereo as are indicated by these stats. Lets, rather, equate it to something far less replaceable, being that it is in fact, a unique entity. If someone stole (with absolutely NO way to retrieve it, mind you) one or more of my dearest possessions such as an irreplacable heirloom, or a priceless painting, I would expect and moreover, demand, a longer sentance than a mere 3 months. So where, pray tell is this arbitrary number coming from? Personally, I've been continually taken aback by how brazen your casual that's-just-the-way-it-should-be attitude and assertions in regarding your proposed adequate sentance are.
If, a pet is to be considered as nothing more than property (which is insulting in my opinon). 3 months is still a far cry from just compensation. Combine a property offense, with a violent offense, and *then* perhaps we're getting a little closer to justice for this situation.
In politics, if you want anything said, ask a man;
if you want anything done, ask a woman. -Margaret Thatcher
"Holy dung!" -- Monsiuerjohn
"Wooostah!" -- Anonymous Morrismen
En fuego, bebé.
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