Before I state my opinion, take a look at this tidbit taken from Animal Planet’s website:
Perky, bouncy and playful, the bichon frise’s happy-go-lucky outlook endears it to all. It is friendly toward strangers and other dogs and pets, and it is very good with children. It is sensitive, responsive and affectionate, as eager to cuddle as it is to play. It can bark a lot.
Animal Planet’s website goes on to say that the bichon averages between 7 and 12 pounds and stands between 9.5 and 11.5 inches tall.
Now then, to recap, the dog is of a smaller size, and is famous for not only it’s high levels of tolerance, but also is the perfect dog for all ages. Then there is the **** whom committed this ruthless act. He was able to throw an angelic creature out into oncoming traffic without a second thought. Now, I’m no genius, but if he’s able to do that without an ounce of apprehension, he probably isn’t a very approachable person.
Okay, so let’s think about this. If the dog did opt to bite, I’m willing to wager it was because the dog felt threatened and was more than likely provoked. Secondly, I have yet to hear about this ****lick’s injuries. As far as I know he has both hands as well as all ten fingers in tact. A dog of that size could clearly *never* hurt a grown man to any significant degree.
In my opinion this menace to society deserves to be in jail for three years if not more, and I’ll tell you why. We are the human race, yes, but so what? We haven’t the slightest proof of dog’s being any less than intelligent creatures. We aren’t able to communicate with them, therefor we make assumptions, but assumptions do nothing but make an @$$ of u and me. I by no means consider myself to be a supreme being. My dog is my equal, my baby, entitled to the same love and respect as I have, and it's not my right to say otherwise. As said previously by a fellow Souper, the dog was innocent on all accounts even if it did bite, because it’s the owner’s responsibility and the owner’s alone to teach the dog that biting isn’t acceptable behavior. It’s bad enough that our world is filled with beings like the accused, but then he goes and kills one of what few wholehearted beings continue to exist. It’s pathetic.
I keep on rollin'...*deep (Hmpf) voice* baby
Duke on!
Steak for two for one...for me...Dominic!