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Man hacked to death on the streets of London

I was watching this on the news just. Horrible. I just can't understand why anybody would do something like this.
Just another nut-job wanting to spread a message the wrong way; I understand he's distressed with the killing of muslims during war, but beheading someone on a public street isn't the right way to go about it.
I was so disgusted at someone's comments on facebook that I removed them from my friendlist and was tempted to report them. There is a time and a place for anti-war messages and now is certainly not one of them.
I couldn't believe this when I heard it on the news. So, this was a protest against war crimes. Tell me something how is going around violently beheading people in the streets any better then the crimes again Muslims. I don't know these people seem very warp to me. My news coverage actually showed one of them walking around talking their anti war stuff with blood of their victim on his hands. It was horrendous to watch.
I posted this early today on Facebook, and I'm going to post it here too..

First of all I'd like to say RIP to the soldier, and I truly feel sorry for his family and loved ones. It is totally not in Islam to taunt or feel glory over such a heinous crime, and whoever does is certainly going astray from the teachings of Islam.

Now to come to the hot point of this post; whatever happened in London ISN'T AN ACT THAT RELATES IN ANY WAY TO THE PRINCIPLES OF ISLAM, so stop accusing Islam of every violent act done by a person who CLAIMS Islam upon your land. It's ironic how when a Christian, Jew, Buddhist or atheist..etc commits an awful crime, it is most common that people hold mental issues responsible for his act, but when it is done by a Muslim, all fingers point at his faith! Just because someone was crying " Allahu Akbar ", doesn't mean he's doing what Islam tells him to do, and just because many people misunderstand the faith, doesn't mean that it is bad. And please do not compare London's scum with the people who cry Allahuakbar in Syria, those are true heroes, and they are but fighting to protect their families and homes. People do not cry Allahu akbar for the same deeds!

You have every right to hate on terrorists, fight them, beat them and kick them all out of your land, and we Muslims will not feel sorry for them, but what have all the Muslims who only want to have a peaceful life, raise a family, earn a living, or seek knowledge to do with all this? What have all the Muslims who are living within your borders peacefully by your rules to do with this?! Why do they always have to pay and get the assaults, harm and crap out of each similar case?! Those we defend and feel sorry for.

I understand your rage, but I believe you need to direct it at the right people!
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Is "Allahu Akbar" an expression similar to "Oh my god"? I know literally it doesn't mean the same, but is it used in the same context?
This is a disgusting act from obviously one extreme individual and people should not stereotype from this event like they have been doing, now people are revolting and attacking muslims because of this event when they had nothing to do with it and were also disgusted with it. RIP to that soldier anyway, im sure a lot of people are thinking about him.
I have never been nor will ever be a racist...But if someone where to give me a loaded shotgun (I'd only need two cartridges) I would happily rid this world of just two absolutely vile specimens of "Human Flesh". :mad:

RIP Drummer Lee Rigby...The good Lord has now taken you into his care...And may he look down and give comfort to those you have sadly left behind.
Is "Allahu Akbar" an expression similar to "Oh my god"? I know literally it doesn't mean the same, but is it used in the same context?

Allahu Akbar is an Islamic phrase, called Takbir in Arabic, meaning "God is greater" or "God is [the] greatest".

Is "Allahu Akbar" an expression similar to "Oh my god"? I know literally it doesn't mean the same, but is it used in the same context?

The literal meaning of Allahu Akbar, just like Pandemonium said, is " God is Supreme ", or " God is Great ", or " Greater ", and it can be used in many many contexts...

1. It has been used by Muslims over history as a warcry, and it is still used in that context.

2. It can be used as a prayer, when one is into a big predicament to which they feel too week and vulnerable.

3. It is common to be used when one sees or witnesses something very great or terrific, or hear very great news.

4. Allahu Akbar is a part of the call to prayers, and it is used much in prayers as well.

And there are many other contexts too. The words " Allahu Akbar " are usually used a lot by Muslim people.
To be perfectly honest, I got tired of hearing about this the day after it happened. Soon nobody will care, and if it hadn't been an attack by a Muslim, nobody would care now. However, the EDL and various "countryist" (read: racist idiots) people are using it as a reason to persecute members of the Islamic faith. It's disgusting, and it shows just how backwards this country truly is.