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Most boring sport

Baseball. I've no idea why it is popular. In the UK we play baseball until about 12 years old. It is called rounders ;)
To be honest, even when Tiger Woods was playing golf at his best level, golf was still incredibly boring to watch. I'd always change the channel even if I saw him about to swing his club, I never understood what enjoyment people got out of watching golf.
Soccer for me. I don't know what it is, to slow paced for me. As a basketball guy, I can watch baseball, football, and even hockey sometimes, but soccer for me is just a total no-go.
A lot of sports are boring to watch for me, even though they are fun to play. I played football in high school and loved it, but watching on tv is too slow with the stopping after every play.
You did not make it very clear whether you meant playing the sport, or spectating. A lot of sports may be boring to some to spectate, but a thrill to actually be involved in. It also matters on your involvement in the actual game and how well you follow what goes on in every aspect.

For me specifically, to spectate, I am not a huge fan of watching golf.
How can you guys say soccer! Its the most beautiful sport in the world. That's just my opinion though.
I think everything is pretty boring, except football and sometimes basketball. I'm kind of hard to keep entertained though.
Golf is fun to play and sometimes fun to watch, but in general it is EXTREMELY boring to watch. I play a lot of golf, but I don't watch it much because of the boredom factor. The best way to watch golf is a highlights reel of the the great shots. Other than that its like 5 hours of watching paint dry.
I'm going to have to say golf, curling would be a very close second.
It seems like everybody that says soccer has never played it and just assume it is a sissy sport. The bottom line is that anyone that plays soccer pretty much loves the sport.
It seems like everybody that says soccer has never played it and just assume it is a sissy sport. The bottom line is that anyone that plays soccer pretty much loves the sport.

I like playing soccer, but can not stand to watch it. Too many fake drives/mircile injury recoveries .

My vote for most boring has to be men's tennis to watch. Women's tennis on the other hand is one of the best sports to watch.
I hate watching golf. I love playing it on my wii though. It is different when you are playing it I guess. Golf just takes too long I guess. I also can't stand that you have to be quiet. I am a yeller when it comes to sports!
Soccer is a great sport to watch!!!! Have you ever watched the World Cup? Yea I bet you have.

But the most boring sport in the world has to be golf. Even the way the commentators say stuff is boring, whispering and stuff. There's no excitement in the game at all. If you want a good sport go to a sport that was started by the lower classes as opposed to a sport that the blue bloods play.
For me, the most boring sport to watch would have to be golf. Although golf requires a tremendous amount of skill, the sport just doesn't fit in with the typical "cheery" fan base and excitement as most sports have.
Nascar? I dont know the fascination of seeing like 20 cars go around a track for hours.

I dont know it just doesnt appeal to me to stare at a screen without entertainment but thats just me.

Hopefully i didnt offend any nascar lovers!
I'm sure 90% of the people that posted in this thread said gold. Myself included haha.
Baseball is awesome to watch once you know the nuances and the intricacies of the game. Golf is only entertaining to watch in small doses (major tourneys, a few minutes here and there in non-majors, and highlights). I used to enjoy watching tennis, but now I feel like it is such a boring sport even with all of the stars out there (EX: Nadal, Federer, Djokavic, etc, etc.).
I would say golf. I couldn't think up of anything more boring to watch. I don't know since I have never picked up on how to play it, but it may not be so boring to play. The scenary will probably do it for me.

This may not count, but watching the marathon is another one. Wake me up when someone actually comes close to crossing the finish line.
Curling. When it's on TV I simply can't watch it, things happen so slowly..