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Need Help Diagnosing Pain...? Reflux?

My first thought was gall bladder--sounded just like what I was going through. I did not have mine removed--i just try to avoid extra fatty foods and stuff
HOWEVER--my husband does have GERD--and he takes prevacid. Before prevacid was OTC it was so expensive--that he would also do Tums--when it would get really bad he would go back on the prevacid.
I hope they figure things out for you soon-
Weird thing is, these episodes started AFTER I started eating healthy....no fast food in 6 weeks, no pop in 6 weeks, no greasy stuff in 6 weeks....Nuts, lean meats, veggies and now I get problems. Doesn't follow the textbook, that's for sure.
Oh ****, wcjost....you just explained the problem that my mom was having to a T. They told her that it was barrets disease. They scoped her and did confirm that she did have the start of barrets....now this has got me thinking that it could be achalasia because she has sojgrens and psoriasis ...and they are both autoimmune diseases....****..... when you are diagnosed with an autoimune disease you usually have other autoimmune problems that you don't know about....just thinking out loud.

My 1st auto immune disease was my thyroid and then I got this. It is a "little known disease" so I could totally see them not diagnosing it. I was treated at Northwestern Hosp in the city, THey are the "inventors" of the surgery. Miracoulous improvement for me!!!!
Ok...I probably watch too much tv but a few weeks ago on Royal Pains this actor playing an actor had pain like you described and the dr was having trouble diagnosing because when the x-ray he took was either lying down or sitting up and showed nothing. It turned out it was some type of hernia that eventually got trapped and was very dangerous when it didnt' slide back down to where it has been before. They finally figured it out when the did the x-ray the opposite way they had taken it before. I hope you feel better soon and they figure out was is wrong!
Weird thing is, these episodes started AFTER I started eating healthy....no fast food in 6 weeks, no pop in 6 weeks, no greasy stuff in 6 weeks....Nuts, lean meats, veggies and now I get problems. Doesn't follow the textbook, that's for sure.

Maybe it's your body's way of telling you it misses all that tasty junk food. :giggles:
My 1st auto immune disease was my thyroid and then I got this. It is a "little known disease" so I could totally see them not diagnosing it. I was treated at Northwestern Hosp in the city, THey are the "inventors" of the surgery. Miracoulous improvement for me!!!!

I will definately keep this in the back of my mind when it comes to my mom. The doctors missed that she was having symptoms of Sojgrens. Her neck swelled up one day and they biopsied it....nothing conclusive...I like the read her reports real close. Well, in itsy bitsy writing they said possible Sojgrens. All her doctor's missed it....I questioned them when they were scratching their heads with her weird symptoms. Sure enough that is what she has. That is when I did more research and read that autoimune comes in clusters.
Since eatting healthier did you lose alot of weight fast? I had the same symptoms when I lost weight and it was my gallbladder. They had to do the scope down my throat because nothing showed on the ultra sound ..Good luck
I will definately keep this in the back of my mind when it comes to my mom. The doctors missed that she was having symptoms of Sojgrens. Her neck swelled up one day and they biopsied it....nothing conclusive...I like the read her reports real close. Well, in itsy bitsy writing they said possible Sojgrens. All her doctor's missed it....I questioned them when they were scratching their heads with her weird symptoms. Sure enough that is what she has. That is when I did more research and read that autoimune comes in clusters.
and northwestern is where my "almost died" sister in law is FINALLY getting a proper diagnosis after NIMC almost let her die of a serious misdiagnosis. complete idiots! they diagnosed her with an ulcer.
Since eatting healthier did you lose alot of weight fast? I had the same symptoms when I lost weight and it was my gallbladder. They had to do the scope down my throat because nothing showed on the ultra sound ..Good luck

I've lost 7 lbs in about 7 weeks so nothing too drastic.
and northwestern is where my "almost died" sister in law is FINALLY getting a proper diagnosis after NIMC almost let her die of a serious misdiagnosis. complete idiots! they diagnosed her with an ulcer.

Hey Linkin, lets start a "****ing about doctors" thread....I got a million stories...after taking care of my father for 10 years and now my Mom.....:surrender:
I've lost 7 lbs in about 7 weeks so nothing too drastic.

Valerie, you take good care of yourself. If they just sum it up to GURD or something acid related and you keep having the problems, keep asking questions....I hope you are doing better....:flowers:
Hey Linkin, lets start a "****ing about doctors" thread....I got a million stories...after taking care of my father for 10 years and now my Mom.....:surrender:
been gone for a while and just seeing this now! YES LETS! and a who is a really great doctor thread too! love rush associates in cardiology and drs there. i steer clear of all drs in mchenry county and wisconsin, especially aurora!!! i have had 3 friends die needlessly at th hands of aurora medical facilities and one almost die two months ago. IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've lost 7 lbs in about 7 weeks so nothing too drastic.
so, are you better? i do not advise taking any prevacid or acid reducers other than simple antacid. it kills off your good bacteria and leaves you succeptible to c.diff. a battle you could likely lose.
so, are you better? i do not advise taking any prevacid or acid reducers other than simple antacid. it kills off your good bacteria and leaves you succeptible to c.diff. a battle you could likely lose.

I ate just a few almonds the other day and I had another "episode". Not nearly as bad but same feelings.

Can't remember if I posted but my ultrasound was normal so I'm schedule for a HIDA scan on Monday, which will probably come back normal.

Thanks for asking!
I vote for gallbladder also. I started a diet on 1/1/11. Since eating healthy, my chest would get tight when I ate any fast food. I had an episode after eating Thai food that caused pain and "dumping" (just like what it sounds like). Thought I had food poising.

Finally in October, I went to the hospital because I could not get comfortable, my chest hurt terribly and I took some klonopin, but nothing helped.

After three days in the hospital, they finally did a US and found a big, gross, infected gallbladder.

Good luck!
I still think Gallbladder because I had an ultrasound that came back fine but I still was getting the pain. I went to a different dr. and they did the scope down my throat and there they were ALOT of stones having a party.. It's worth requesting that test.
Having another episode right now. Ate lunch 30 minutes ago and it started about 15 minutes later. This sucks.
I haven't read through this whole thread, but have you looked into an alkaline diet? I was diagnosed with gerd about a month ago, and am trying to go the no meds route. From what i've read, most people eat too many acid producing foods, and not enough alkaline producing foods, which is needed to feel energetic & be healthy. I'm trying it, and it seems to be helping.
I haven't read through this whole thread, but have you looked into an alkaline diet? I was diagnosed with gerd about a month ago, and am trying to go the no meds route. From what i've read, most people eat too many acid producing foods, and not enough alkaline producing foods, which is needed to feel energetic & be healthy. I'm trying it, and it seems to be helping.

Several years ago I read Alkalize or Die http://www.amazon.com/Alkalize-Die-...=sr_1_7?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1332526607&sr=1-7

It's an incredibly interesting and easy read book...........highly recomment it.
Some of the foods that are acid producing are surprising, like all meats (lean or not, chicken, turkey, all of it), all canned food (unless it is home canned in jars), most frozen foods (unless home frozen), all dairy, all bread/wheat flour (except sprouted wheat). It seems overwhelming, but you don't have to become a vegetarian, but they say the acid producing foods should only make up 35% or less of your diet. Sugar is bad, but honey/molasses/agave nectar is ok. All oils, except for olive oil, are acid producing. All fresh veggies & fruits are good, including citrus. Pineapple is especially good for reflux, but only fresh or fresh frozen. I'm eating some pineapple right now. I had pizza for lunch today (i know I shouldn't have), started to get reflux right away, but when I had a big salad (i make my own italian dressing with olive oil) it went away.