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nice huh? (DAGG MOD LOG)

YOUR TRUE colors.....
I never understood how I became a drama queen in their eyes. :drama: They read way too much into everything! I remember when I found some deals on dvd's on FW and I posted them on DAGG....and just because Stepford Wives was one of those dvd's that had a deal they thought I was up to no good.
I never knew of dagg. I never have fully understood the history of this site. But I sat and read just part of the beginning of this stuff and was amazed. I recognized some of the names of the crazy little people talking- they are now HCW mods that get too much of a kick out of having a tiny bit of power, right? As I said earlier.....:asshat2: 's
how long has CW been around? As i read of the fued and keeping dagg up to date about CW. Ok this stuff is from 2006???? Thats quite a while and ALOT of those mods are still over on hcw.
Where is the private area on CW... is that to mean private messages..or am I just not invited to that place here either??? Just wonderin outloud as I read....
The more I read the lines... the more I'm thinking these people are freaking PARANOID m'fers! Over medication? Mental instability? What gives? there must be dirt here!!
More reading.... J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y!!! UNBELIEVABLE!
i still have a good laugh over the "little **** will pay" :giggle:

i'm over this **** though.
im shocked.. 11 pages from 3-ish years... just unbelievable!
what happened to jaysma anyways

Yeah, her and a few others I wondered where they went. Who could forget SyberShellstah? I used to trade with her. About the time of the incident with the bathroom thread happened, I think that was when that dang squirrel chewed our electric line (short story...had to get pc fixed). When I got back online...all hell broke loose.

Exactly. I liked many of those women. We were (imo) friends or friendly. I traded with a few of them.

I was shocked more at the mean talk towards newbies...calling people stupid type stuff.

Those members thought they (the mods) were nice...many of them followed the mods to HCW. And this is how they spoke about them when they thought they were in the privacy of their closed doors.

AT CW I have an archive room and no mod room or anything. Archive is just to throw old threads in after about 6 months or so. I used to just delete them, but that would change people's posts, so I just put them in there now. If the mods have a problem, they just pm me and we try to sort it out. But we rarely ever have an issue.
where's my room?

can I put posters of the New kids on the walls?
Step 1....

Step 2....

Step 3....

Man I love them.
I was never on anyone's watch list :37:

I think when the famlies.com **** it the DAGG fan I had all of 300 posts. I was merely a lurker...
For those of you that are new, I should find and bump my "grocery forums fairy tale" it explains (with humor) where all the boards came from and how they branched off from.

CW was started because Tazz had the AUDACITY to go offtopic every once in a while (a mortal sin if I read my Bible right). SO, the owner said "if you don't like our rules...get your OWN board." So, she did.

Those mods were DAGG mods that opened HCW
Ooooo! That one is good reading too. And it's a very good history lesson for newbies.
AT CW I have an archive room and no mod room or anything. Archive is just to throw old threads in after about 6 months or so. I used to just delete them, but that would change people's posts, so I just put them in there now. If the mods have a problem, they just pm me and we try to sort it out. But we rarely ever have an issue.
We have mods? Who are they?
Which of the mods is the mod-est? I'll ask the others for nekkid pics.
I am a mod, although i have offered tazz a few times to resign due to not being able to be here. Dee I know is a mod also, i think that is all.

there really is no special forum. We dont have much either, we can move, delete, sticky, etc a thread. As far as anything member related that is all tazz.

"Everytime I look at the newest members name, I can't help but try to come up with a connecting factor that they're trying to pass over on us."

You mean that there aren't millions of people in the U.S. alone who access the internet. There's like a group of 10 who post on every single couponing forum?
You know, it is amazing how different these people are when you see the whole picture.

Im laughing about the above. I was reading this again last night and seems to me that there is some stuff missing? Maybe I am just not remembering correctly though. I wish tazz could have stayed in there much longer that day though, a lot longer.
so I read all the pages here. I read along the way of mrsP stating maybe she would post info over here and wait to see how long before folks started taking jabs at her. So then I googled her and found this page titled will you stay or go? on families.com
Is this the time that Barb09 refers to :when they threw us out like used condoms ? Was this the same site from say 7/2006?