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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

Since he already did a runner, I suspect they will keep him in custody.

Not really. He wasn't charged before yesterday. He was in hiding from peeps that wanted his head on a platter no? Or did I miss something? :9:
Not really. He wasn't charged before yesterday. He was in hiding from peeps that wanted his head on a platter no? Or did I miss something? :9:

My assumption is that he was told not to leave town, although that could just be due to too many Law and Order reruns.

I don't know that he will be safer in jail, but my gut says he won't be out on bail anytime soon.
I don't know what he was running from, but it was clear he wasn't in Florida, and he has family out of the country.

If I were him, I would want to be in custody.
I don't know what he was running from, but it was clear he wasn't in Florida, and he has family out of the country.

If I were him, I would want to be in custody.

You don't know what he was running from?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :faint: How about all the death threats and the $10k bounty on him from the New Black Panthers?! That would scare the **** outta me enough to wanna hide my ****!
The witnesses say travon was pounding his head into concrete. ummm I call that self defense.

Did anybody click the link and listen to the tapes?! Lots to listen to. Why did the media changevthe tapes?? Nobody will answer my question!

I thought that also but when I saw the video clip of Zimmerman at the police station the night this tragic incident happened there was not even a small cut or blood on his face. NO SELF DEFENSE...he is guilty.
As everywhere else, I'm on the side of justice here. Interesting though not at all shocking, that people put down the information in a particular news source, when even NBC apologized for and fired the producer who put the tape in question together. Unfortunately, the whole political arena is full of people who refuse to consider the other side and make fun of any and all information it puts forth.
btw, I think it's appalling that neither the President or Eric Holder have anything to say about the bounty the New Black Panthers put on Zimmerman's head. Not surprising though, since his calls for civility or on behalf of a group have always been about personal political gain.

I completely disagree with the fact that you are seemingly saying this is a political issue. It is a issue of a person being dead, period! I have no idea what political party either Zimmerman or the Martin's belong to, but I do know that there is a dead child involved.
I thought that also but when I saw the video clip of Zimmerman at the police station the night this tragic incident happened there was not even a small cut or blood on his face. NO SELF DEFENSE...he is guilty.

and the jury has spoken.
Something is going down this afternoon...

A last-minute hearing will unfold today in the second-degree murder case against George Zimmerman, accused of fatally shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Feburary.

The status hearing is set for 1:15 p.m. in front of Circuit Court Judge Jessica Recksiedler.

The topic of the hearing was not immediately clear. But only five minutes are set aside for the hearing.

Zimmerman, a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, pursued Trayvon, frightened him, confronted him then shot him during a struggle, prosecutors alleged in probable-cause affidavit Thursday.

The account is strikingly similar to the story that Trayvon's parents, the family's attorneys and civil-rights leaders have told for weeks — that Trayvon was an innocent victim hunted down and killed because he was black.

Notably absent is Zimmerman's account. In that version, Zimmerman is the victim. He told police and his family that he had stopped following Trayvon, 17, of Miami Gardens, and was returning to his SUV when the teenager approached him. He said the two exchanged words, Trayvon knocked him to the ground and then began hammering his head against a sidewalk.

During his first court appearance Thursday, Zimmerman said just two words, "Yes, sir," when asked by Seminole County Judge Mark Herr if he understood that he was charged with second-degree murder.

Herr found the affidavit legally sufficient to establish probable cause and ordered Zimmerman to appear for arraignment — when defendants formally enter a plea — on May 29 before Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler.

Neither Zimmerman nor his attorney asked for bail.

Afterward, defense attorney Mark O'Mara told reporters that now is not the right time for a bond hearing and that he'll raise the issue once he finds somewhere safe for Zimmerman to live.

For now, Zimmerman is being held without bond in "administrative confinement," away from other inmates.

Zimmerman wore a faded one-piece jail jumpsuit and was shackled. He appeared unshaven but still had the goatee that appeared in his booking photo, taken late Wednesday, the day of his arrest.

This is a developing story. Check back later for updates.
George Zimmerman judge: My husband works for a lawyer who'll do case commentary for CNN

SANFORD – The judge hearing the George Zimmerman case today announced that her husband works for the law firm of Mark NeJame, who's been hired to act as a CNN analyst for this case.

Circuit Judge Jessica Recksiedler said she had an ethical obligation to disclose that and allow Zimmerman's attorney or the special prosecutor to ask her to step down.

No one's made that request yet, but Zimmerman's attorney, Mark O'Mara, said that's an issue that worries him and next week he may ask her to give the case to another judge.

The judge scheduled the 10-minute hearing on her own, specifically to tell attorneys about the issue.

Zimmerman did not appear. Neither did the attorneys, who were tied into the courtroom by phone.

When Zimmerman and his family were looking for a lawyer, O'Mara told the judge, they talked to NeJame and even signed paperwork. NeJame, however, decided he'd rather be a case analyst for CNN, O'Mara said.

NeJame then gave O'Mara's name and those of other attorneys to the family, and they chose O'Mara, he said.

The judge's husband, Jason Recksiedler, works at NeJame's firm but does civil work, mostly personal injury, wrongful death and medical malpractice, according to the firm's website.

Bernie de la Rionda, the lead prosecutor in the case, said he had no intention of asking the judge to disqualify herself.

In an unrelated side note, the judge also announced that Zimmerman will have a bond hearing one week from today.

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the Feb. 26 shooting of Trayvon Martin, a black, unarmed 17-year-old.

In a probable cause affidavit filed Thursday, prosecutors alleged that Zimmerman, a Neighborhood Watch volunteer, pursued Trayvon, frightened him, confronted him then shot him during a struggle.

The account is strikingly similar to the story that Trayvon's parents, the family's attorneys and civil-rights leaders have told for weeks — that Trayvon was an innocent victim hunted down and killed because he was black.

Notably absent is Zimmerman's account. In that version, Zimmerman is the victim. He told police and his family that he had stopped following Trayvon, from Miami Gardens, and was returning to his SUV when the teenager approached him. He said the two exchanged words, Trayvon knocked him to the ground and then began hammering his head against a sidewalk.

During his first court appearance Thursday, Zimmerman said just two words, "Yes, sir," when asked by Seminole County Judge Mark Herr if he understood that he was charged with second-degree murder.

Herr found the affidavit legally sufficient to establish probable cause and ordered Zimmerman to appear for arraignment — when defendants formally enter a plea — on May 29.

For now, Zimmerman is being held in the Seminole County jail without bond in "administrative confinement," away from other inmates.

George Zimmerman's bond revoked in shooting of Trayvon Martin

Liar Liar Pants On Fire...No Bond For You!

In a shocking and unexpected turn, Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester has revoked George Zimmerman's bond in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

The decision came after revelations that Zimmerman and his wife may have conspired to lie about thousands of dollars in donations they'd collected before his bond hearing.

In a new motion, prosecutors accused Zimmerman and his wife of lying to the judge during a bond hearing about money they collected for his defense.

Prosecutors allege Zimmerman's wife knew about the donations her husband had collected through a PayPal account, but didn't mention the money at his bond hearing.

Zimmerman's PayPal account ultimately collected more than $200,000, his attorney later revealed.

"Defendant has intentionally deceived the court with the assistance of his wife," the motion says. "During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing."

Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda told the judge today that "this court was led to believe that they didn't have a single penny" at the earlier bond hearing.
Totally unrelated but IC2 I LOVE your new avatar...I feel like I am that person!:lol:
Sounds like a stand up guy. If he'd lie about something as insignificant as money, I'm guessing he lied about it being in self-defense, too. But then again, I've thought he was a liar from Day 1.

He can rot.