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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

What is the truth? Why is Trayvon dead? Not being at all sarcastic.............really wondering what you think happened. :bee:
Hispanic 28-year-old George Zimmerman was on his way home from getting groceries when he saw Trayvon. Zimmerman had headed up a Neighborhood Watch in response to a string of burglaries in the area and (according to his father’s account (6) of what Zimmerman told him afterwards) thought it suspicious that a young person he didn’t know and appeared to be high was walking behind the townhouses but not on the street or sidewalk. He called (7) the the police and reported what he saw. Though selectively edited out (8) of the recording played on NBC, GZ said, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.†Only after being specifically asked by the dispatcher whether the person was white, black, or Hispanic did Zimmerman say, “He looks black.†The dispatcher asked if Zimmerman was following the young man and said they didn’t need him to follow. Zimmerman continued walking to try (9) to find a street sign to give an exact location. At the end of that call Zimmerman said he was going to his vehicle to go home.
Within minutes (10) there was a call (11) to 911 from a neighbor who said there was a fight. Screams for help were heard in the background. According to the incident report (12), when police arrived they found Zimmerman with a bloody nose, a gash on the back of his head, and wet and grassy shirt – and he kept saying, “Nobody would help meâ€. His gun had a full magazine (13) and no bullet in the chamber – which suggests (14) there was a struggle for the gun, since the next bullet was stopped from entering the chamber. One shell was found. They attempted and failed to resuscitate Trayvon, who had a bullet wound to the chest. They made sure Zimmerman was fit to travel, handcuffed him, had the Sanford rescue squad give first aid for his injuries, and took him to the station for questioning, in addition to canvassing the area for witnesses and taking sworn statements from all witnesses they found.
Zimmerman claimed he shot in self-defense. According to the police, all the witnesses agreed (15) (although one witness, Mary Cutcher, later appeared on TV and radio claiming the opposite (16) of what was in her sworn statement, according to the police). Zimmerman’s injuries and the 911 recording corroborated that there was a fight. The person who called 911 said (18)that Trayvon was on top of Zimmerman and that Zimmerman was the one who was screaming for help. Since there was no evidence to refute Zimmerman’s claim that he had shot in self-defense and no probable cause for an arrest, the police let Zimmerman go, though the lead investigator had wanted to arrest him.

Believe what you want. The courts will decide. Go ahead, ignore.
A site that is labeled for conservatives is now a credible source :lol:

It all makes sense now...Please learn how to read for yourself, it will help you at least not sound like a fool.
A site that is labeled for conservatives is now a credible source :lol:

It all makes sense now...Please learn how to read for yourself, it will help you at least not sound like a fool.

Lets use your (liberal) sources . Much more reliable. ohh and you don't sound stupid at all.
On Thursday, a New York Post editorial characterized the edited 911 call as "pretty damning evidence of willful misconduct by NBC News" and suggested that racial violence could ensue over irresponsible news coverage.
I have to make dinner but I can't...stop...reading

So many of our threads lately are like accidents you just can't turn your head away from. :surrender:
Believe what you want. The courts will decide.

Right which is why I'm glad they'll get the chance to now.

So I'm trying to figure out what instigated Trayvon to attack Z? Was Z yelling stuff to him? Did he show him his gun? Was Trayvon defending himself? :9:
Lets use your (liberal) sources . Much more reliable. ohh and you don't sound stupid at all.
On Thursday, a New York Post editorial characterized the edited 911 call as "pretty damning evidence of willful misconduct by NBC News" and suggested that racial violence could ensue over irresponsible news coverage.

Sweetheart, stupidity and foolishness are not the same

Second NBC is also not a credible source. Have you ever wrote a research paper, took a class with research required...anything?

Since it appears you are yet again not willing to actually have a conversation based on simple common sense rather than your small minded spoonfed thoughts, I am respectfully ending this.

You can have beliefs, but you can not base a credible debate on those feelings. If you would like to discuss what exists (we don't even have to acknowledge any ones race in the discussion if that will make you more comfortable) I will gladly rejoin this lively discussion with you.
Right which is why I'm glad they'll get the chance to now.

So I'm trying to figure out what instigated Trayvon to attack Z? Was Z yelling stuff to him? Did he show him his gun? Was Trayvon defending himself? :9:

My opinion is they were both scared of each other. This is tragic and never should have happened. He probably thought zimmerman was going to attack him so he got the jump on him. idk. zimmerman said there had been multiple break ins in the neighborhood, I can only guess that is what he meant by "they always get away". I don't really think this guy was racist. If I did, I would want his head also.
Finally some justice for Trayvon...Zimmerman was just charged with 2nd degree murder. IMO they did the right thing, FINALLY!
If Mcdonalds can be sued for burning someone who spilled hot coffee on themself, why wouldn't George Zimmerman at least be tried? You can bet every last breath if it was my child, I would push this to the nth degree to find out wth happened.
You say you read the transcripts and yet you didn't or you would know the answer to that. Omg, you are so educated!

I turned on my desktop just so we are clear about my intentions.::shut::
You don't care about the truth . And you are not worth my time.

SHOW ME where I EVER said I read the transcripts please.

I'll wait....

I mean if you are going to tell someone to shut the **** up, you should at LEAST be clear on your facts. It's just good manners really.
I'm too tired to google. :surrender:

She quoted free republic. People who get their information from free republic are sometimes referred to as freepers in some places on the interwebs. They also refer to themselves on free republic like that.
As everywhere else, I'm on the side of justice here. Interesting though not at all shocking, that people put down the information in a particular news source, when even NBC apologized for and fired the producer who put the tape in question together. Unfortunately, the whole political arena is full of people who refuse to consider the other side and make fun of any and all information it puts forth.
btw, I think it's appalling that neither the President or Eric Holder have anything to say about the bounty the New Black Panthers put on Zimmerman's head. Not surprising though, since his calls for civility or on behalf of a group have always been about personal political gain.
Do you guys think Zimmerman will get out on bail? If so, how much? He might want to stay in custody...............might be safer for him. :9:
Since he already did a runner, I suspect they will keep him in custody.