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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

When I say 'hood I don't mean black urban inner city, I mean 'hood = the town where you are from and stay in primarily. Dressing 'hood like to me means a person under 25, pants **** down to their knees, probably doesn't have a job because jobs are hard to come by if you come like that to an interview. You hang around other people that dress like that. Shirt is usually big enough for a 400lb dude to wear. There are white kids that dress like this and black kids that dress like this.

Am I blaming this kid for getting shot? F' no. Like I said, Zimmerman has mental issues, one being racist and another for self appointing himself as the wannabe Batman of the neighborhood.

But I will say again, if I saw any person coming down the block with a hoodie on and I can't see their face I will be the first to lock my door or cross the street. Could be a white guy, black guy, latino guy, asian guy. Hell even female. I don't give a rats ****, I'm about protecting myself in situations. It's like my insurance policy. If it doesn't happen, good, but I'm going to hedge my losses.

And I don't distinguish if a hoodie is from AP, Gap, Walmart, A&F or from where ever. All I know is I'm crossing the street or locking the door.
I'm shocked so few hoody wearing joggers get shot. They're either running at you or from you--they should be shot just in case. Personally, I blame the skittles. Those ****ers are gangsta.
Because Joggers are fast on their feet. Just can't wear a hoodie with earbuds or you'll be the victim.
Getting away from racial issues.....I don't understand the "self defense" purely based on him PURSUING Trayvon.

If you are in self defense....you are running/walking/fleeing/fighting to get AWAY....

It is just soooo unjust that the mind can't grasp it.

If a man robs a store....and the clerk chases him into the street and shoots him as he flees the crime....that is not considered self defense. How can chasing a young man walking/running down the street from inside a car be?

I think this is how they will be able to charge him with manslaughter. Also, the 911 operator told Zimmerman not pursue him (although it didn't come from a police officer, it may still hold some credibility)
I took offiense to the statement that MrsMelton didn't expect much talk about Trayvon here at CW.

Inferring that a bunch of suburban white woman wouldn't care about the massacre of a young black man isn't a whole lot classier than inferring that a young man is dangerous because he is black.

I have soooo much more to say....but have learned mostly to stay out of this stuff at CW.

My kids take humor in saying "you don't know me!" And I feel that is exactly how I feel about this.

This white lady from IL has a husband and son that are treated like criminals too....just for being. This white lady has a "Zimmerman" 6 houses down that
terrorizes my family.

AND this white lady cares for a 17 yo murdered by any man for doing nothing more than walking down the street. I will pray for his family....but not argue whether or not I care as much as black folks.

I didn't really notice this until you pointed it out and I can see where you/we could be offended. I did a search and I couldn't find any threads about the white boy doused in gasoline and set on fire by 2 African American teens--supposedly a hate crime. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/03/05/teenagers-set-boy-on-fire_n_1320993.html

Does that mean none of us cared about that boy or what he and his family went through????
The thing I don't agree with about Geraldo is equalizing the hoodie and Zimmerman shooting. That doesn't make sense. Putting blame on someone for being shot for walking down the street is also insane. But I'm in a position of defense when I see someone in a hoodie, I'm not going up to them with a gun or on foot or in a car, I'm going away from them.
I didn't really notice this until you pointed it out and I can see where you/we could be offended. I did a search and I couldn't find any threads about the white boy doused in gasoline and set on fire by 2 African American teens--supposedly a hate crime. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/03/05/teenagers-set-boy-on-fire_n_1320993.html

Does that mean none of us cared about that boy or what he and his family went through????

I hadn't heard about that. Time to start watching the news again. What is wrong with people? :pout:
I wonder if Geraldo thinks women that are raped are to blame for the clothes they wore?

My son is almost ALWAYS in a hoodie:pout::pout::pout:

So is mine, and he wears baggie pants because he has tactile tolerance issues (and being naked all the time isn't legal :giggles:). Does that mean he's a thug? Suspicious? Should be shot? (God forbid)

Geraldo can go :yay:
But I'm in a position of defense when I see someone in a hoodie, I'm not going up to them with a gun or on foot or in a car, I'm going away from them.
Exactly why I stopped shopping at Whole Foods. Creeps like these might try to vajazzle me or something.....

In the daytime, I don't care as much.

But in many malls around ny you are not allowed to have a hoodie on over your head while inside the mall. Also on NYC streets in the dead of winter you aren't allowed to have a full ski mask on or any other time of the year. Cops have stopped people, so it isn't just an old law on the books.
I took offiense to the statement that MrsMelton didn't expect much talk about Trayvon here at CW.

Inferring that a bunch of suburban white woman wouldn't care about the massacre of a young black man isn't a whole lot classier than inferring that a young man is dangerous because he is black.

I have soooo much more to say....but have learned mostly to stay out of this stuff at CW.

My kids take humor in saying "you don't know me!" And I feel that is exactly how I feel about this.

This white lady from IL has a husband and son that are treated like criminals too....just for being. This white lady has a "Zimmerman" 6 houses down that terrorizes my family.

AND this white lady cares for a 17 yo murdered by any man for doing nothing more than walking down the street. I will pray for his family....but not argue whether or not I care as much as black folks.

And I take offense to the fact that you read part of a sentence and tried to make it out to something it wasn't for your own reasons what ever they are.

the sentence said: So Ennui, it actually doesn't surprise me that there is no talk of Trayvon Martin here, because it is not like it is major news when a black kid dies

prior to that post someone also made reference to the fact that they had not heard anything about it until they saw my FB post, no one said "a bunch of suburban white woman wouldn't care about the massacre of a young black man " but thanks for showing where your thoughts were.

Dont turn this into something more than what I said...my world is not that small to even play that type of game with you...search for a fight over that garbage elsewhere.
Well go take another break because you got issues if you are equating the news not reporting a story to white women not caring...stop trying to create drama where it doesn't exist.

My sentence is very clear and direct...if the news didnt report it because it was not newsworthy, how would it make news on CW. Your accusation is based on whatever was bothering you at that time that you wanted to read into a clear sentence. Wow!
I'm honestly not trying to add fuel to the fire. (honestly I'm not). But I did want to point out in your original post mrs.melton, where I believe Barb is coming from. (Though I am not her, so I could be wrong) But your original post had more than just the one line in it that could have led Barb to feel the way she did. I too, when I originally read the first part of your post, thought: Wow! I didn't realize that you held your opinions back because you were worried we would be so shallow as to downplay them just because of your race.! Especially the last part about "staying in your place" and not trading with you for expressing your opinions about the tragic Trayvon case.

Now I realize that there is a lot of sarcasm to your comments and they were given for effect ( I believe) to accentuate the case before us and as I read on, you certainly did share personal stories that I just find horrifying and that, admittedly, many of us who are "white", will never have the displeasure of experiencing. This tragic story has affected us all, and as a mother, I WEEP for this grieving family!

I honestly don't believe you meant any of your comments to point out how bigoted the rest of us are here (after all, I can't imagine you still hanging around here if that is how you actually felt!)

But I did want to point out in your original post where Barb (or others) could have been coming from. To be fair to her, I don't think she took one line in your post out of context to create drama! Again, I don't think you meant anything you said below to be insulting to the rest of us, but when you read it back can you see how it could be?


I am going to say this and let the pieces fall where they may.
First Newsflash: I'm Black! I know...I know, you never even thought it. Who would? the little girl in my avatar picture is just the African baby we adopted to be more like a celebrity.

I listen to a lot around these parts and I know my place (because that is what any good Black person knows...we are taught very early in life to know our place in order to become anything and be anyone). I walk a thin line when something about race is mentioned on CW, I don't ever start the topic and I know that no matter what I say, if I happen to say anything in the world half way decent about President Obama, it will be overlooked because I am black and obviously Black people all just do the same thing and don't think about what is going on, we just all say we are Black and whatever Blacks say, we do (oh wait that's the democrats and republicans...but I digress)
Today, as the mother of a potential Trayvon Martin, the aunt of one, the wife of one, I can't stay in my place, so put me on your ignore list, call me names, send some PMs about me, and ignore any trade requests I post....I will survive.
Last night I cut the hoods off all my son's Osh Kosh hoodies. He's only three and as white as can be, but I'm not taking any chances. I'm dressing him in three-piece suits from here on out.
True story: my friend from Malaysia was visiting Texas on a business trip in 1997 (pre 911!). He was walking alone to a Walmart nearby to grab something. There were two young American whites with cowboy hats in the truck and one shout "****ing Arab on our roads!" Next thing he knew, a beer bottle smashed at him, and then the truck sped away. Was it aimed at him and was he lucky that they were drunk? He was very angry (no, he wasn't scared at all!) and the kicker : he wasn't even an Arab. How did a Chinese-Indian Malaysian get confused with an Arab???
Last night I cut the hoods off all my son's Osh Kosh hoodies. He's only three and as white as can be, but I'm not taking any chances. I'm dressing him in three-piece suits from here on out.

Why? Is he an Italian gangster? :)

Stereotypes- they just never really go away, do they? :p

I hope DD13's softball team isn't gunned down the next time they are all walking into a restaurant together wearing their team hoodies.

We all judge, the difference is that most of us don't react the way Zimmerman did. I, for example, judge every man I see at night, but it doesn't mean if I carried a gun I would shoot them on sight & it doesn't mean I don't trust men. It means I always try to be aware of my surroundings.

I'll never know what it's like to be black in America, or Muslim in America or anything other than a white woman in America, just like DH will never know what it's like to be a woman in America and fathers of sons will never know what it's like to have a daughter in America & be afraid every time she leaves the house that something will happen to her.

I think the new focus needs to be on WHY Zimmerman hasn't been interviewed by police yet (is that accurate? I read that a few hours ago), let alone charged. If he cannot use FL's self-defense law, what are they calling this other than murder? The 911 tapes clearly show it was not an accident.
Last night I cut the hoods off all my son's Osh Kosh hoodies. He's only three and as white as can be, but I'm not taking any chances. I'm dressing him in three-piece suits from here on out.

I think what mrsmelton is saying (and I agree) that it is hardly big news when he was shot on February 26th and on March 23 politicians start talking about what a tragedy it is, in particular that his murderer hasn't been arrested yet. That's not exactly what I would call "big news" in relation to the fact that the President spoke about it. Almost a month later? Notsomuch.

When you look around at all the other news stories, the guy stabbed at the bar in Naperville, the prisoner being transported to RM court house who was shot after trying to escape, a billion other stories...they arrest, charge, arraign whatever first and ask questions later. AND it's plastered all over the news and the internet. There are several posts in this thread saying that people hadn't even heard about the case. There are a lot of reasons why that is, none of them good. IMO

"Since his death, Martin's name and photographs – in football jerseys, smiling alongside a baby, and staring into the camera in a gray hoodie – have been held up by civil rights leaders and at rallies stretching from Miami to New York demanding Zimmerman's arrest.

On Friday, President Barack Obama called the shooting a tragedy, vowed to get to the bottom of the case, and added: "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids."

Looks like it IS big news....and tragic.
Just read that Jesse Jackson is attempting to get involved. Thoughts?