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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

So the inaction of the Sanford PD is going to lead to possibly more violence? They really need to arrest Zimmerman and end this.
right. the violence that will occur in prison is moot......
I have my pink hoodie on, so I guess I'm a double threat.
I'm honestly not trying to add fuel to the fire. (honestly I'm not). But I did want to point out in your original post mrs.melton, where I believe Barb is coming from. (Though I am not her, so I could be wrong) But your original post had more than just the one line in it that could have led Barb to feel the way she did. I too, when I originally read the first part of your post, thought: Wow! I didn't realize that you held your opinions back because you were worried we would be so shallow as to downplay them just because of your race.! Especially the last part about "staying in your place" and not trading with you for expressing your opinions about the tragic Trayvon case.

Now I realize that there is a lot of sarcasm to your comments and they were given for effect ( I believe) to accentuate the case before us and as I read on, you certainly did share personal stories that I just find horrifying and that, admittedly, many of us who are "white", will never have the displeasure of experiencing. This tragic story has affected us all, and as a mother, I WEEP for this grieving family!

I honestly don't believe you meant any of your comments to point out how bigoted the rest of us are here (after all, I can't imagine you still hanging around here if that is how you actually felt!)

But I did want to point out in your original post where Barb (or others) could have been coming from. To be fair to her, I don't think she took one line in your post out of context to create drama! Again, I don't think you meant anything you said below to be insulting to the rest of us, but when you read it back can you see how it could be?

I am not sure if you have noticed before so I will leave that to just not noticing, but that first part is actually an ongoing joke where Joy said I was black some time ago and I said something like wow I never knew that, wonder if my husband knows and also I have joked repeatedly with Rebecca about that most recently I think in the Don Cornelius thread...if you had never heard it before, maybe you could easily not get it. Further there was an entire thread where quite a few people were actually talking about y daughters picture (think it was a prior one, but not sure) so it was actually may way to lighten such a heavy message with the sarcastic news flash.

The rest is true to how things have historically been handled here in my view and the things that have been said. When there are talks about anything relating any prejudice or anything related to any minority group, there are numerous people who very loudly vocalize how they feel about it from there are too many excuses for minorities, to Spanish insert coupons being a higher amount is some type of reverse racism, or the fact that a regular poster constantly calls President Obama "Osama". Everyone on CW is not the same, with the same belief systems, and yes there are some people who makes remarks about Hispanic people, Black people, and maybe other groups. That does not mean all do it, but to say it has never happened here is not right either.

As for the staying in your place...actually that is not a direct affect of anything here...simply something to be shared because that is what actually is a part of being a Black person overall in this country, just like it is for many other minorities. As it has been shared here how you have to be prepared for the possiblity of encountering this or that because you are Black or another minority, I was honestly sharing that in order for me to achieve the things i have achieved in life, I have learned to in every aspect of life know my place and know when it is and is not appropriate to bring up the fact that I am a Black woman, hope that clarification helped you understand that section.

So yes, without the back context I can definitely see the beginning as confusing and even insultive, but it was me being sarcastic. Based on your statements I can accept what you have said about the rest...no problem at all. And there are people who I have huge political or religious differences with who I absolutely adore on here, so no there is no overall problem I have. I have spent the past week having wonderful conversations with many many people on CW about this.

I do not believe, nor was there any inclination that these things were what Barb09 was talking about, especially since she directly responded to the part I mentioned with a retort and mentioned nothing of the rest. She also seemed to completely overlook my post about this being a human issue, not a race issue, and continued to try to "prove" that the mainstream news even covered this story in depth before the prior week.

I respect and understand what you are saying, and thank you for speaking it, maybe she did somehow mean those things, but choose to focus on what the posts we had did talk about, but I am not going to further allow my post to be grouped in with some stuff a kid wrote on facebook when my statement about it not being mentioned on CW said it was because of the media not reporting it.

I think the issue with Trayvon is far more important than this stuff, so I hope I covered it all for you, but would prefer to not continue this conversation to take away from the real issue. I hope you understand
I very much appreciate the reflections and clarifications. And as you indicated, no I am not very much aware of all the back stories you mentioned as I very rarely venture into the OT. I don't have time. Every once in a while I will pick up on a story that interests me and this one did because I am an avid news watcher and this story has mortified me for several days before I saw the thread. Therefore, all your back stories did help to clarify some of the confusing parts of your post and I appreciate the time you took to share them.

As I indicated before, I surmised that you must have intended it as
sarcasm to lighten a tragic story. I do not claim to speak for Barb as she is more than capable of speaking for herself, but merely wanted to point out that sometimes the tone of everything in a conversation, (or in this case a post) can sway ones overall feelings on a topic and it is difficult to pinpoint why exactly one feels the way we do. This is actually my general problem with conversations on the Internet anyway. It is often difficult to pick up on a person's Intended tone and we get our feathers ruffled over something that was not meant to be insulting in the first place.

I absolutely agree with you here that the real story is the tragedy of this young man who was gunned down in cold blood in the prime of his life. I pray that his family will be comforted and that his killer will be brought to justice!

I am not sure if you have noticed before so I will leave that to just not noticing, but that first part is actually an ongoing joke where Joy said I was black some time ago and I said something like wow I never knew that, wonder if my husband knows and also I have joked repeatedly with Rebecca about that most recently I think in the Don Cornelius thread...if you had never heard it before, maybe you could easily not get it. Further there was an entire thread where quite a few people were actually talking about y daughters picture (think it was a prior one, but not sure) so it was actually may way to lighten such a heavy message with the sarcastic news flash.

The rest is true to how things have historically been handled here in my view and the things that have been said. When there are talks about anything relating any prejudice or anything related to any minority group, there are numerous people who very loudly vocalize how they feel about it from there are too many excuses for minorities, to Spanish insert coupons being a higher amount is some type of reverse racism, or the fact that a regular poster constantly calls President Obama "Osama". Everyone on CW is not the same, with the same belief systems, and yes there are some people who makes remarks about Hispanic people, Black people, and maybe other groups. That does not mean all do it, but to say it has never happened here is not right either.

As for the staying in your place...actually that is not a direct affect of anything here...simply something to be shared because that is what actually is a part of being a Black person overall in this country, just like it is for many other minorities. As it has been shared here how you have to be prepared for the possiblity of encountering this or that because you are Black or another minority, I was honestly sharing that in order for me to achieve the things i have achieved in life, I have learned to in every aspect of life know my place and know when it is and is not appropriate to bring up the fact that I am a Black woman, hope that clarification helped you understand that section.

So yes, without the back context I can definitely see the beginning as confusing and even insultive, but it was me being sarcastic. Based on your statements I can accept what you have said about the rest...no problem at all. And there are people who I have huge political or religious differences with who I absolutely adore on here, so no there is no overall problem I have. I have spent the past week having wonderful conversations with many many people on CW about this.

I do not believe, nor was there any inclination that these things were what Barb09 was talking about, especially since she directly responded to the part I mentioned with a retort and mentioned nothing of the rest. She also seemed to completely overlook my post about this being a human issue, not a race issue, and continued to try to "prove" that the mainstream news even covered this story in depth before the prior week.

I respect and understand what you are saying, and thank you for speaking it, maybe she did somehow mean those things, but choose to focus on what the posts we had did talk about, but I am not going to further allow my post to be grouped in with some stuff a kid wrote on facebook when my statement about it not being mentioned on CW said it was because of the media not reporting it.

I think the issue with Trayvon is far more important than this stuff, so I hope I covered it all for you, but would prefer to not continue this conversation to take away from the real issue. I hope you understand
Anyone read the two pieces in the Tribune this AM on page 12 or page 19? Whew - tough read for anyone with sons, left me shaking.

In order for us to be a community where ANY of our children are safe, what that whack-job did can't be tolerated - I'm glad people care enough to protest.
I find the other side of the story interesting.
Of course, no child should die over walking down the street.
Kid was a punk though.
I saw the other day that Blame the Victim has started. Was surprised it took this long. Being a punk (and what is the criteria for that? again?) doesn't make it legal to stalk and pursue a child like a ... mmm ... dangerous wild panther who has eaten 47 babies just in the last hour.... and shoot him dead.

This guy wasn't even a cop for eff sake. Did he not read the part in the gated community "Neighborhood Watch" manual that they let black folk live in that neighborhood now? (NO offense to Mrs Melton, I TOTALLY understand the post you made having grown up myself in a predominantly poor, black area, I know what I saw). So far as I can tell he had no standing to even attempt to detain this boy- not only is he a first-degree murderer, he is a child abductor.

If I were on his jury, I would vote him the needle. Not because that kid was black, but because we cannot have unpaid volunteer rent-a-cops riding around with guns (is there even an open-carry law in FL?) accosting people then shooting them when it gets out of hand.

I BET when they really dig into this guy's background, there's more. Leering at the ladies, stealing residents' belongings, maybe a little date rape. These events did not come out of nowhere with this guy.
PS - I looked it up. Open-carry is illegal in FL.

PS - That neighborhood watch dude was a VOLUNTEER. Unpaid. Untrained for all we know. He is no different than if ANY RANDOM resident driving down the street saw a hoodie kid, ordered him to stop, then shot him when he wouldn't. A random retired guy. An 80-year-old granny. A 20-year-old out of work carpenter. ANYONE. Do we want this happening in our neighborhoods?
I think both Zimmerman and Martin were to blame it was a bad situation all togher
I agree that its horrible this kid dies and a guy just felt like killing someone one evening. I think the issue lies with the 'stand your ground' law that's in fl. As I understand it their law syas you can shoot anyone you feel is a threat.....and get away with it. I heard a story on abc where a guy 10years? Ago shot 14 people who he thought were gang members and didn't serve one day (as I understand). I think the issue lies in fl lawmakers and whoever passed this law should rethink if treyvon was their child
I disagree they were both to blame. You have a son his age, what if someone with no authority whatsoever accosted him for no reason then shot him dead as he was trying to save his own life by running toward his home?

Think of it this way. What if by chance the kid were able to defend himself and actually killed Zimmerman in the process? He would already be on trial and it would most certainly be for first degree murder. No evidence needed beyond him being alive and the other guy dead.

This is a travesty.
The guy that wrote the Stand Your Ground law suggested the police read it again, it does not apply here because the man chased the kid down. This was the opposite of self defense.
I disagree they were both to blame. You have a son his age, what if someone with no authority whatsoever accosted him for no reason then shot him dead as he was trying to save his own life by running toward his home?

Think of it this way. What if by chance the kid were able to defend himself and actually killed Zimmerman in the process? He would already be on trial and it would most certainly be for first degree murder. No evidence needed beyond him being alive and the other guy dead.

This is a travesty.


I'll be sorry for this I'm sure, but I'm just going to say it like it is.

My son is 17
My son has surely been referred to by people as a "punk"
My son has been suspended
My son has smoked pot (not sure that "a baggie" which wasn't tested for marijuana residue means Trayvon did btw)
My son wears hoodies and baggie pants *gasp*
My son eats Skittles and drinks bottled beverages

Should some wackjob pursue him (read hunt him down) through a neighborhood and shoot him dead in cold blood for any of those things? NO

Should some wackjob have pursued Trayvon through the neighborhood and shot him dead in cold blood for any of those things? NO

There is no "other side" because the "kid was a punk". That's ridiculous, if that was the criteria half the teenagers in the world would be laying dead on the ground.

The "innocent" child banged the guy's head in the ground. I'm just saying there are two sides to a story. The innocent kid may not have been so innocent. And this isn't about race IMO. Half the teenagers in the world are not punks.
we always say theres 3 sides to the story what one person said, what the other person said, and the truth which is somewhere in the middle
Are you saying he banged Zimmerman's head on the ground? After Zimmerman, who has no authority to do so chased him down like a criminal and beat him up, just before he ultimately shot him dead?

Are you really saying that this boy should have done nothing but assume the position? Why? We teach our children about stranger danger, and how to assert themselves and get away from threatening situations (which this certainly was). What is it that you think he should have done?

How about if the person who was chasing him was Jerry Sandusky? Jeffery Dahmer? John Wayne Gacy? Certainly a child should run from those people? Bang their heads on the ground in self-defense if they had to? No?

Zimmerman was this child's NEIGHBOR. Do you really want your neighbors feeling as if they can resolve mildly uncomfortable feelings about people with a bullet?
we always say theres 3 sides to the story what one person said, what the other person said, and the truth which is somewhere in the middle

You do realize that Zimmerman was told by a police dispatcher specifically not to accost this boy? And that the bulk of the altercation, including the child begging for his life and the gunshot that killed him is actually recorded on the 911 tapes?