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No discussion of Trayvon Martin?

Are you saying he banged Zimmerman's head on the ground? After Zimmerman, who has no authority to do so chased him down like a criminal and beat him up, just before he ultimately shot him dead?

Are you really saying that this boy should have done nothing but assume the position? Why? We teach our children about stranger danger, and how to assert themselves and get away from threatening situations (which this certainly was). What is it that you think he should have done?

Are you saying he banged Zimmerman's head on the ground? After Zimmerman, who has no authority to do so chased him down like a criminal and beat him up then shot him dead?

Are you really saying that this boy should have done nothing but assume the position? Why? We teach our children about stranger danger, and how to assert themselves and get away from threatening situations (which this certainly was). What is it that you think he should have done?

this wasnt a child who is going to be taken this was a 17 year old young man Zimmerman was injured somehow (from what I read it was before he persued Martin) when Zimmerman asked him who he was and what he was doing if he would have answered respectfully like he should have answered an elder Zimmerman wouldnt have followed him..........both of these guys messed up
Child should have defended himself totally. Guy shouldn't have shot him to begin with. Got all that. It just blows my mind that the boy is also called innocent in the situation. I am really trying to listen to ALL sides. It's very easy to get twisted. I've heard on the news about the 911 calls and all. And you are probably correct...if the child didn't have a history of breaking the law or being in trouble...I'd probably think differently.
It's a travesty for parents who buried their murdered son.

Fixed that for you.

There is no travesty for Zimmerman, he's alive, breathing, sleeping in his own bed, can wish him mom a happy Easter etc. Not arrested, not charged, not jailed, not buried, may or may not have a bump on his head after chasing down and accosting an unarmed child. I fail to see where this is a "travesty" for him.
Child should have defended himself totally. Guy shouldn't have shot him to begin with. Got all that. It just blows my mind that the boy is also called innocent in the situation. I am really trying to listen to ALL sides. It's very easy to get twisted. I've heard on the news about the 911 calls and all. And you are probably correct...if the child didn't have a history of breaking the law or being in trouble...I'd probably think differently.

The police department confirmed TRAYVON HAD NO CRIMINAL RECORD

a school employee saw an empty baggie, decided it must have had pot in it at one time, didn't call the police, didn't have them "test" the baggie just suspended him on "suspicion". That is not a history of breaking the law. Seriously? Missing school? How many here participated in Senior Ditch Day? You are all at risk of being murdered you troublemaking law breakers. Give me a break.
this wasnt a child who is going to be taken this was a 17 year old young man Zimmerman was injured somehow (from what I read it was before he persued Martin) when Zimmerman asked him who he was and what he was doing if he would have answered respectfully like he should have answered an elder Zimmerman wouldnt have followed him..........both of these guys messed up

No, no, no. Until you are 18 in this country, you are a child.

Mr Zimmerman was specifically told NOT to accost this boy by a police dispatcher. After he disregarded that directive, EVERYTHING HE DID is unlawful and 100 percent his fault. Was he injured in his head prior to calling the police? Was his judgment impaired?


I seriously cannot BELIEVE what I am reading on this thread. If it looks like a duck it must be a duck? For God's sake.
this wasnt a child who is going to be taken this was a 17 year old young man Zimmerman was injured somehow (from what I read it was before he persued Martin) when Zimmerman asked him who he was and what he was doing if he would have answered respectfully like he should have answered an elder Zimmerman wouldnt have followed him..........both of these guys messed up

I come from a very Southern family where you respect your elders, but it was none of Zimmerman's business who he was or what he was doing. He is not an authority, Trayvon was walking down the street, he owed him no explanation for that.
I disagree with Icoup and skincare. Not on all of it, but some of it. That's all.
The Kool Aid served by Fox "News" must be delicious.

Unless Zimmerman actually witnessed this kid breaking the law he shouldn't have done anything. The only acceptable action he should have taken had he witnessed a non-violent crime is to call the cops and let them handle it.
No, no, no. Until you are 18 in this country, you are a child.

Mr Zimmerman was specifically told NOT to accost this boy by a police dispatcher. After he disregarded that directive, EVERYTHING HE DID is unlawful and 100 percent his fault. Was he injured in his head prior to calling the police? Was his judgment impaired?


I seriously cannot BELIEVE what I am reading on this thread. If it looks like a duck it must be a duck? For God's sake.

if a member of a neighborhood watch sees a young man walking threw their neighborhood in the middle of the day if very warm weather walking with a hoodie pulled up over his head and face your not going to call the cops or ask him whats up. I would have

I understand Zimmerman was told not to persue Martin and he did hes at fault but before he persued him he was accosted by Martin after asking him who he was so mabye Martin was at fault also

as Ive said before both these people were at fault unfortunatly one of them is dead and the other will have to answer for it
How about if Trayvon Martin had been a black female? Would it have been OK for her to beat the man's head on the ground if he were beating her up for no reason? Wouldn't anything she might have done to get away from an unprompted attack from an unknown male attacker be OK? No? Different because he was a male?

Oh, this is so ICKY!
as Ive said before both these people were at fault unfortunatly one of them is dead and the other will have to answer for it

WHEN?! Do you really think so? It doesn't look that way so far does it?
if a member of a neighborhood watch sees a young man walking threw their neighborhood in the middle of the day if very warm weather walking with a hoodie pulled up over his head and face your not going to call the cops or ask him whats up. I would have

I understand Zimmerman was told not to persue Martin and he did hes at fault but before he persued him he was accosted by Martin after asking him who he was so mabye Martin was at fault also

as Ive said before both these people were at fault unfortunatly one of them is dead and the other will have to answer for it

I cannot even understand any of that nonsense.
So I read that article and it says he was suspended for marijuana...

Anywho...i agree trayvon should not been persued by Zimmerman at all. Not his place. He should have reported whatevr and moved on...but instead it got out of hand and kid got shot. At THIS point with what i know from the news...I truly don't think Zimmerman meant to kill the kid...maybe I'll change my mind...maybe not.
How about if Trayvon Martin had been a black female? Would it have been OK for her to beat the man's head on the ground if he were beating her up for no reason? Wouldn't anything she might have done to get away from an unprompted attack from an unknown male attacker be OK? No? Different because he was a male?

Oh, this is so ICKY!

It doesn't matter the color/race/gender

****es be crazy too!
I guess the difference I dont nessessarially think it was totally unprovoked
So I read that article and it says he was suspended for marijuana...

Anywho...i agree trayvon should not been persued by Zimmerman at all. Not his place. He should have reported whatevr and moved on...but instead it got out of hand and kid got shot. At THIS point with what i know from the news...I truly don't think Zimmerman meant to kill the kid...maybe I'll change my mind...maybe not.

A. The school had no business releasing that information, it is a violation of numerous laws. Shame on them.

B. If you shoot someone, you do it knowing a bullet can kill a person, especially when you shoot them at point blank range in the chest. You think he thought it would just be a flesh wound?
A. The school had no business releasing that information, it is a violation of numerous laws. Shame on them.

B. If you shoot someone, you do it knowing a bullet can kill a person, especially when you shoot them at point blank range in the chest. You think he thought it would just be a flesh wound?

should they have relieased it NO but not releasing it doesnt make it not happen
I really think a court of law with ALL the evidence should decide if Zimmerman is guilty or not. Like Autunmsky said, there are two sides to every story.

This is from the Orlando Sentinel:

Police: Zimmerman says Trayvon decked him with one blow then began hammering his head

With a single punch, Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood Watch volunteer who eventually shot and killed the unarmed 17-year-old, then Trayvon climbed on top of George Zimmerman and slammed his head into the sidewalk, leaving him bloody and battered, law-enforcement authorities told the Orlando Sentinel.

That is the account Zimmerman gave police, and much of it has been corroborated by witnesses, authorities say. There have been no reports that a witness saw the initial punch Zimmerman told police about.

Zimmerman has not spoken publicly about what happened Feb. 26. But that night, and in later meetings, he described and re-enacted for police what he says took place.

In his version of events, Zimmerman had turned around and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from behind, the two exchanged words and then Trayvon punched him in the nose, sending him to the ground, and began beating him.

I guess there was a reason he wasn't arrested that night. Broken nose, back of head bloody, grass stains on the back of his shirt...... goes along with his story.