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Officially Certified

KJSandman said:
Whose belief is it that "this certificate should be required." I do believe there was an assertion that in the future, bars who wish to book karaoke entertainment will be well advised to deal with KJ's who possess these certs.

I'm not sure how you missed it.


I understand that it is the process that you don't like (audits) but it is the future of being a karaoke host and within a couple of years those that want to work will have to show that they actually own what they are using.

What it means is that in time these certificates will be required by venues to allow a KJ to work, I would love to see the same thing happen on the DJ side as well!

You are correct, exciting isn't it? :)

As club owners become more educated(and they will) about whats illegal and whats not, being certified will be a must if you want to keep a steady karaoke gig.

Mr Staley, In the future a certified KJ is going to have the edge on the non-certified KJ- MARK MY WORD

I'm sorry Chip but he is completely correct. If you want to continue working in bars down the road you will have to show you are certified to be employed there, but you may also just be able to show your discs as well to achieve the same goal, but wouldn't it just be easier to show a couple certificates?

I guess we could all take a lesson from our long-lost pal Kurt and start using IMHO more often.:yespill:
KJSandman said:
I for one, don't believe that the "vetting process" should be left to the mfr's. I believe that the certs are one part of determining that you are dealing with a KJ who is legitimate. This leads to the voluntary audit process. The mfr's are the only entities in existence at this time that could logically be expected to carry out an audit. Again, this is only one aspect of the "vetting process".

I suppose that some would question the necessity of vetting KJ's to begin with. I would suggest that if the KJ's who have expressed their willingness to organize themselves and develop this process in such a way as to cede oversight authority to a trade organization, then WE will have built the credibility you're looking for.

Remember, the certs are a start. Everyone discussing this is participating in the development process.

FM (No Static At All)

You have already referred to yourself and others as "vetted". I'm not questioning the necessity of vetting, I'm wondering if you know what vetting is??? Because submitting to a voluntary audit does not make a vetted KJ, it makes an audited KJ, even a certified KJ if the one's doing the audit wants to call it that.
possumdog said:
I'm not referring to what the customer pays. I am referring to a business using stolen property in order to charge less than sustainable prices. Many aren't as willing to give up their livlihood, hard work, etc. to theives as some so choose to try to do something about it.

Then there is a legal system in place to take care of people breaking the law. All of the other bar owners are not permitted to gang up, storm his business with torches and pitchforks in hand, and threaten him into compliance.
Big Joe said:
Then there is a legal system in place to take care of people breaking the law. All of the other bar owners are not permitted to gang up, storm his business with torches and pitchforks in hand, and threaten him into compliance.

You are correct (for once) it is called the courts and (gasp) hard to believe but that is exactly how it is being done!
Thunder said:
You are correct (for once) it is called the courts and (gasp) hard to believe but that is exactly how it is being done!

Too bad the only person in the court system that ever gets to be involved is the clerk?:nopill:

Yeah, I know. I'm waiting.:rolleyespill:
Big Joe said:
Then at least you are willing to be honest and say that. Thunder was not. That was of course the original question posed to him. Before his audit, he of course was not a pirate. Just those of us that disagreed with SC were accused of piracy, and it was called into question that we owned original discs.

Now that voluntary audits are being done, it's clear that the bar has been raised. Let me now get back to the original intent of this thread and join in congratulating the what, only 20 or so "legal" KJ's in the USA.

I have always been honest about my answers and will continue. I will take that further in saying congrats to those kjs whether or not they have had an audit as long as they run an honest show and only use music and karoake tracks from proper vendors (not counting used discs) therefore not supporting vendors selling unauthorized copies (aka pirated) of original music and karaoke tracks
What makes a disc is its origin not its final destination
Again I dont want to sound grumpy but somethings for you to think about

why do you exclude used discs if they are manufactures original discs ? :rolleyespill:

I wish I could show you how many "new disc" from "proper vendors" we have cracked in half and tossed upon discovering they were fakes.

If only new discs are valid in your mind what value can you place on your library? :rolleyespill:You certainly wouldn't sell them right ?

Also what would you do if an O.O.P disc that was used alot at your shows disappered? :rolleyespill:You woulnt buy it used right ?

OK well I guess that may sound grumpy but I dont know how to state this things diffrent in my current state of mind...

I agree that only M.O.D's should qualify but it shouldnt matter if you buy them new,used or trade. Our library was fully audited by SC and CB and they could not find ONE fake....even with our O.O.P often faked discs....and we by far had the largest library:yespill:

Any rebuttals?
KJSandman said:
Whose belief is it that "this certificate should be required." I do believe there was an assertion that in the future, bars who wish to book karaoke entertainment will be well advised to deal with KJ's who possess these certs.

As Proformance stated; these certificates are no more than a proof-of-purchase seal. They "certify" what? That someone "looked at" a disc?

KJSandman said:
I for one, don't believe that the "vetting process" should be left to the mfr's. I believe that the certs are one part of determining that you are dealing with a KJ who is legitimate. This leads to the voluntary audit process. The mfr's are the only entities in existence at this time that could logically be expected to carry out an audit. Again, this is only one aspect of the "vetting process".

Good. It's a ridiculous concept that the mfg's should have anything to do with any sort of process like this. They should be just as willing to be subjected to at least the very same scrutiny that they want to shove down their own customer's throats. This is a process that would only be valid from start to finish and unfortunately, that will never happen.

KJSandman said:
I suppose that some would question the necessity of vetting KJ's to begin with. I would suggest that if the KJ's who have expressed their willingness to organize themselves and develop this process in such a way as to cede oversight authority to a trade organization, then WE will have built the credibility you're looking for.

Remember, the certs are a start. Everyone discussing this is participating in the development process.

They are nothing of the sort, they are nothing more than another attempt at manufacturers wanting to insert themselves in your business.

The manufacturers are desperately grasping at any straw they can to convince KJ's to hand over control of their businesses. Right now it's a matter of testing the waters to see which 'term' the KJ's will bite on. So far, they've used;

1. Audited
2. "Legit KJ"
3. "Legal KJ"
4. Covenant
5. Licensed
6. "Vetted"
7. Certified

And I'm sure in the future they'll also use:

8. Authorized
9. Partnered
10. Exclusive

And when they run out of these, they'll simply chain them together to make a whole new set:

1. "Legally Certified"
2. "Professionally Vetted"
3. "Exclusively Authorized"
4. "Licensed Partner"

None of which of course will really mean doodily-squat but if that's all it takes to control their customers is some frilly titles, they're all for it.
KjAthena said:
Proud"Legally Certified" KJ:biggrinpill:

Too Late.... I used it first.... (neener-neener-pooh-pooh-wah-wah!)

As a matter of fact, I happen to be not only "legally certified," but I'm also "EXCLUSIVELY LEGALLY CERTIFIED IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE" and I'm am in the process of printing my own certificate to prove this as soon as I can borrow my kid's coloring set 'cause he's using the gold crayon.
Don't care where the title wrangling goes--every time I see the title of this thread, I think it describes us all as being certifiably insane.
possumdog said:
Don't care where the title wrangling goes--every time I see the title of this thread, I think it describes us all as being certifiably insane.
+1 my first thought exactly.

Simmer down killers, I didn't mean a reflection on the topic at hand. Just my first thought upon seeing the title.

Or maybe it does apply to the topic at hand. :laughpill:
KjAthena said:
Proud"Legally Certified" KJ:biggrinpill:

I would think twice about using made-up language in professional promotion.

There is nothing "legally" required of anyone to perform or host karaoke.
Even the ASCAP/BMI licensing is a private rights management system - actionable only by ciivil tort and not a law enforcement issue.

To any professionally wise individual, these verbal exaggerations make one wonder what else you're prone to faking and over-stating. Accrrately representing a credential is an important part of the rapport you need to get hired in quality positions.
c. staley said:
Too Late.... I used it first.... (neener-neener-pooh-pooh-wah-wah!)

As a matter of fact, I happen to be not only "legally certified," but I'm also "EXCLUSIVELY LEGALLY CERTIFIED IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE" and I'm am in the process of printing my own certificate to prove this as soon as I can borrow my kid's coloring set 'cause he's using the gold crayon.

Yes,you did and just like other words used in a imflammatory manner (ie cheerleader) I took it and ran with it.....I like that one too Chip...Thank You:laughpill::laughpill::laughpill:

BTW good luck getting to the gold crayon
possumdog said:
Don't care where the title wrangling goes--every time I see the title of this thread, I think it describes us all as being certifiably insane.


couldn't resist:yespill:
KjAthena said:
Yes,you did and just like other words used in a imflammatory manner (ie cheerleader) I took it and ran with it.....I like that one too Chip...Thank You

Typical... Unable come up with your own so what you're saying is that you'll happily "pirate" mine?

Why am I not surprised?
Oh Chip....do you own the copyright on the compounding of these two terms ?:nopill:
KjAthena said:
Oh Chip....do you own the copyright on the compounding of these two terms ?

Certainly. Search the copyright office... you'll find it right next to CB's copyrights for the SGB catalog that they bought "a few years back and registered through the proper channels.":winkpill:

But I think a more important question here is; "What exactly are you attempting to justify?"
KjAthena said:
I agree that only M.O.D's should qualify but it shouldnt matter if you buy them new,used or trade. Our library was fully audited by SC and CB and they could not find ONE fake....even with our O.O.P often faked discs....and we by far had the largest library:yespill:

Any rebuttals?

Hell no not from me!:laughpill:
Proformance said:
I would think twice about using made-up language in professional promotion.

There is nothing "legally" required of anyone to perform or host karaoke.
Even the ASCAP/BMI licensing is a private rights management system - actionable only by ciivil tort and not a law enforcement issue.

this one hit me kinda funny.....i was not aware that ASCAP, BMI were only able to follow with civil action. Score 1 for Pro teaching me something i did not know.
on that same line.....
is the manus actions for their asset recovery also a civil tort and not law enforcement like ASCAP, BMI?
ASCAP, BMI are private, like AC, CB, Stellar, and issuing licenses for the privilage of playing their material, like legally purchased CD's and PC tracks
how does it differ when the karaoke manus (private) issuing licenses for the privilage of playing their material, like legally purchased CD's and PC tracks?
KjAthena said:
"Legally Certified"

When I was in radio, we would always say loudly and proudly say that our station was "Proud to Officially Welcome" the latest band coming in concert, even though the guys across town were the actual "Presenting" station.

It used to really p!ss them off and the listeners neither understood nor cared. :laughpill: