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Online porn to be blocked automatically in the UK

They won't be able to block it all and people will still find a way to view. I think it's a good idea though. However, I don't think it'll stop pervy men from killing young girls/boys. Porn which contains child abuse may stimulate them to do it but I think with porn or not, if they're that mentally ****ed in the head, they'll do it anyway.
Pedophiles/rapists probably already have what they want downloaded on their computers and if the stuff was that easily found and removable, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be there now.
Yeah exactly. A lot of paedophiles download porn to their computers so it could never be fully stopped. If anything, it'd just stop ordinary, mentally healthy people from having a bit of fun every now and then!
Paedophiles would use the TOR network anyway as it could be traced back to them otherwise, so it won't make any difference in that sense unfortunately. I think the whole paedophile thing is just a front so that people will accept these restrictions being put in place. It is a good idea to stop children accessing porn but really parents should've set up parental controls for that anyway.
I do agree that we should have this though. Just not that it will work as well as it should.