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Pet Peeves/Everyday Things that Make you CRAZY! Please Join Me.

Mine do the same with milk because they're too lazy to put it in the recyling bin. :hurt:

Can we talk about old people or is that still offensive? Ok maybe "some" old people.....better? Everytime I go shopping there's always two situations........the sweet old person whom I help a little by reaching something, holding a door, etc. and who is always so nice. Then there's always some entitled acting old **** who'll block an aisle knowing you're right there but doesn't care until she can scan the shelves and find that perfect jar of unsweetened jelly! GTF out of the way!!!!! Waiting a sec is cool, but when there's people lining up behind me to get by, you look at us and keep searching the shelves.....you're just being a **** and I don't care how old you are!!!!:ranting:

We take our kids to Disney World every year or two. We homeschool, so we can go during off times when it's not that crowded. But that's also when the baby boomer crowd likes to go....these people aren't old, just fairly young, well to do retirees. They make me crazy with how rude they are to children, and not just mine. Annoyed to share rides with them, annoyed that they may be slowed down by kids walking in front of them, annoyed to see even quiet, well behaved ones in a restaurant next to them...you name it. It's friggin Disney! There are gonna be kids! People who have such a strong sense of entitlement make me nuts.
People who don't tie their shoes....I mean you see the shoestring just flapping around....and yes, I'm in much anticipation of seeing you trip and fall, but PUH-LEASE just tie your freakin shoe already....
People who drive though the supermarket parking lot at the same speed they would on the street. Sorry if I'm slowing you down but my cart doesn't go 45.
We take our kids to Disney World every year or two. We homeschool, so we can go during off times when it's not that crowded. But that's also when the baby boomer crowd likes to go....these people aren't old, just fairly young, well to do retirees. They make me crazy with how rude they are to children, and not just mine. Annoyed to share rides with them, annoyed that they may be slowed down by kids walking in front of them, annoyed to see even quiet, well behaved ones in a restaurant next to them...you name it. It's friggin Disney! There are gonna be kids! People who have such a strong sense of entitlement make me nuts.

Yup! I've had old ****es stare down my kids at stores cause apparently they don't like kids.....I dunno. When they were toddlers they would talk to older people (while sitting in the cart) and many would be friendly but I was shocked at how many were so damned rude and couldn't bother to smile at my kid who simply said "Hi, I'm Nathan." They my kid would say "She didn't hear me." to which I would say loudly "Yes she did, but she's grumpy."
People who don't tie their shoes....I mean you see the shoestring just flapping around....and yes, I'm in much anticipation of seeing you trip and fall, but PUH-LEASE just tie your freakin shoe already....


Gosh, this thread is really bringing out the pettiness in me! I don't know any of you well enough to let you see how petty I can be!!
I hate adults or anyone for that matter who hang all over their main squeeze in public....

UM, are you showing me something that I don't already know how to do? I bet you don't even swallow....


There are two parent couples on Corty's VB team that do this and it's just GROSS, I'm sure their kid is mortified....I would simply die if my mom and dad proceeded to get it on at any of my high school functions....
Mine do the same with milk because they're too lazy to put it in the recyling bin. :hurt:

Can we talk about old people or is that still offensive? Ok maybe "some" old people.....better? Everytime I go shopping there's always two situations........the sweet old person whom I help a little by reaching something, holding a door, etc. and who is always so nice. Then there's always some entitled acting old **** who'll block an aisle knowing you're right there but doesn't care until she can scan the shelves and find that perfect jar of unsweetened jelly! GTF out of the way!!!!! Waiting a sec is cool, but when there's people lining up behind me to get by, you look at us and keep searching the shelves.....you're just being a **** and I don't care how old you are!!!!:ranting:

Take this one step further.
You are attempting to be kind, respectful and patient. Maybe it's an older person in front of you. You could be rude by huffing and puffing and pass them up. But you decide to wait. The jackass behind you decides that you're standing there for your health. The aisles fit 2 carts, 1 going east, 1 going west. Depending on the layout of your store, maybe the directions are north and south, you get the point. The freaking idiot will attempt to pass. Then they get stuck next to you and look at you like it is the first time they saw you standing there and you will magically just float up and out of their way. The look of OMG WTH is wrong with you. You think to yourself is this their first time shopping?!?! Can this idiot not judge space requirements for passing in an aisle? Then comes the 2nd look like you are the ****, because you waited for someone to move along, not pass rudely, huffing and puffing. Do they expect you to run granny/gramps down?
ok--people who pull up in front of a store ( target/walmart) and park blocking traffic so they can either
a-let out their very abled body wife/mom/kids out
b-pull up to pick up their abled body wife/mom/kids who have a cart-- hey get this IT HAS WHEELS you CAN push it out to the car--
Stick a post-it note over the sensor! Learned that trick when ds1 was psycho scared of them. :)

Great tip thanks! BTW it sounds kinda scary to me too! LOL!

And speaking of public restrooms, what about those automatic hand dryers that if they were positioned a different way would blow you across the room!!!
Take this one step further.
You are attempting to be kind, respectful and patient. Maybe it's an older person in front of you. You could be rude by huffing and puffing and pass them up. But you decide to wait. The jackass behind you decides that you're standing there for your health. The aisles fit 2 carts, 1 going east, 1 going west. Depending on the layout of your store, maybe the directions are north and south, you get the point. The freaking idiot will attempt to pass. Then they get stuck next to you and look at you like it is the first time they saw you standing there and you will magically just float up and out of their way. The look of OMG WTH is wrong with you. You think to yourself is this their first time shopping?!?! Can this idiot not judge space requirements for passing in an aisle? Then comes the 2nd look like you are the ****, because you waited for someone to move along, not pass rudely, huffing and puffing. Do they expect you to run granny/gramps down?

Yes! I get those too. Sometimes in line if an older person is writing out a check or looking for something, etc. I'll wait patiently then the jackass behind me starts huffing and puffing in my ear then the old lady says "I'm really sorry for the hold up" and I turn to the jackass behind me and say "Oh that's ok hun.....I'M in no hurry." Sometimes they do take a lil more time to check out.....that's life. I take DH's 92 year old Papa shopping and he has a hard time making out change anymore but I let him (don't want to step on his toes) and the cashier (has worked there forever) is so patient with him and helps him while people behind him get all pissy. I swear to God I was gonna kill some **** one day. Geez people the guy won't wake up one of these days......give him a break. :ranting:
I LOVE this thread! You all need to stop posting until the afternoon, though, because I'm not going to get any work done!

I'm a NYer born and bred. When we moved to IL, I really had to tone down my personality...people here are so much quieter and more 'polite.' Not as confrontational. I swear it made my stress level shoot up. In NY, there would be stupid little things every day and you could totally call people on it...just part of the culture. Each time a little stress release, a little bit of satisfaction at setting the record straight. Now here in IL, I've learned to be more patient, to blend in...talk more quietly, no more horn honking, no more throwing my hands up in the air. Of course, I'm wound like a drum now and have to run a few miles a day to get out the extra energy!

Anyway, I can tell that this is a threat that will never die and one I will turn to many times for venting! I love commiserating with salty people!
People who park illegally in handicapped spaces, either without a tag altogether or having a tag but not having the disabled individual with them.
It makes me so irate I want to vomit.
I saw a friend's younger brother pull into a handicapped space at target, his fancy shmancy wife in her fancy shoes and designer bag pranced out and did he shopping while he waited, in the handicapped space, with the car on. I wanted to hit him.
I also see the family of a disabled 8 year old old drive their van to the store and park in the space-and she is NOT in the car.
I hate people like that.
I take DH's 92 year old Papa shopping and he has a hard time making out change anymore but I let him (don't want to step on his toes) and the cashier (has worked there forever) is so patient with him and helps him while people behind him get all pissy. I swear to God I was gonna kill some **** one day. Geez people the guy won't wake up one of these days......give him a break. :ranting:

HATE it when someone does that to an old person! Whenever I find myself start to get impatient that an old person is slowing me down, I always remind myself that there's a **** good chance that person fought in at least one war to defend out country. Knocks my priorities back in line mighty fast.
People who park illegally in handicapped spaces, either without a tag altogether or having a tag but not having the disabled individual with them.
It makes me so irate I want to vomit.
I saw a friend's younger brother pull into a handicapped space at target, his fancy shmancy wife in her fancy shoes and designer bag pranced out and did he shopping while he waited, in the handicapped space, with the car on. I wanted to hit him.
I also see the family of a disabled 8 year old old drive their van to the store and park in the space-and she is NOT in the car.
I hate people like that.

My MIL did this all the time when FIL was alive (and not with her). She would also offer to grab her sign when we were going someplace in MY car and I would refuse telling her that's not right and I'm not too lazy to walk a little further. @@
When you're attempting to walk into most stores and the parking lot has the blacktop/cement painted that drivers are to stop for pedestrians. Most times there is a stop sign along with the paint job. The lovely people (read ****ing idiots) who rev the engines at you, Or they try to drive as your walking in the area and they don't see (by choice) you. Yea, love them also!
HATE it when someone does that to an old person! Whenever I find myself start to get impatient that an old person is slowing me down, I always remind myself that there's a **** good chance that person fought in at least one war to defend out country. Knocks my priorities back in line mighty fast.

Yep and he did too!!! WWII.
People who chew & pop their gum

People at the deli who ask to taste everything (it's not a ****ing dinner)then want a sixth of this or that.Buy the **** half pound or pound & get outta my way.Oh,& those assholes who go nuts when it's a bit over.

People who talk down to me cause i'm in a wheelchair(i'm smarter than most of them on my worst day)

When i ask my dd 50 times to carry up her laundry(that i washed,folded)& she says"i'll be back" & for days will pick thru it from the chair. I'm gonna rename her 'Arnold' from The Terminator.

People who don't read or watch news & are uninformed on everyday things.

I'll have lots more to add later.
People at the deli who ask to taste everything (it's not a ****ing dinner)then want a sixth of this or that.Buy the **** half pound or pound & get outta my way.Oh,& those assholes who go nuts when it's a bit over.

I had a lady in front of me at Caputo's last month who ordered all her cold cuts by the slice. "I'll have 40 slices of this, 35 of that...." and would then double check with the counter lady to make sure that it was exactly 40 and no more. I suppose it didn't take much longer to get her order taken care of than if she had ordered by the pound, but, at the time, it about made me want to jump out of my shoes.
Repeating myself....