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pet peeves

Good one, Nighty! I'm sick of seeing people's "butt floss" all over the place! To each his own tho, I guess...
yupyup, i'll just stick to what firefly came up with a while back...

'comfyness or looks all the way!!'

it made me laugh but she ahs a point :p
Can't imagine how that could be comfy. Guess you have to try them to understand. Maybe in another lifetime!!
no we were talking about different underwear :) comfyness for us, looks for them :p
i can't stand people that congregate in front of doorways and just stand there and talk. then if you want to use the door you have to walk through the middle of 2 or more people in the middle of a conversation 'cuz there is no way around them. seriously, would it kill them to move 5 feet away from the door? would it?? *rar*
That happens at school alot and it's annoying because the corridors are small so yea...ggrrr...
I have a peeve with people who feel that I am the provider of phone service, groceries and money because they do not know how to budget. I have one nut bar here now, owes me over $100 yet had her phone shut off and is a royal pain in the ****! GRRRR. Could spit at the fact that hair and makeup is far more important than paying debts.! Screaming mad!!!
People who use obscene amounts of scented product to cover up the fact that they either haven't bathed or have been smoking.

I've got one of each where I work, and it makes the women's bathroom smell absolutely sickening.
This guy came in the other day and reeked of smoke. I thought I was going to be sick, I couldn't get rid off him fast enough.
Another peeve I have is the people who slide into the space between myself and a semi on the freeway and then slam on their brakes so I have to pull off the road to avoid rear-ending them. Arrrrgh!!
doh...I hate smokers, cigarettes any form of it, it sickens me...told you had a sensitive nose.

Another pet peeve, When your trying to have a serious conversation with someone and they just don't pay attention or stare at the hot guy/girl walking past...dammit I'm more important and in a crisis here!!

People who are never on time. It shows a complete lack of respect for the person waiting for them.

A spin off of this... Doctors (or anyone else you have an appointment with) who are never on time. Their time is apparently more valueable than yours. Always pissed me off to no end in the military that I could get written up for not being 15 minutes EARLY to a Dr appt... but the Dr could run over an hour late with no repercussions.
There are many who feel as you do gilean. Doctors are infamous for never being on time. My pet peeve of late has to do with MSN Messenger. I may be engaged in a conversation with someone and suddenly I find myself wondering after several minutes why the party on the other end is not responding to my question. It is then I learn that they were also corresponding with another person at the same time. Now I realize that another person can be invited to join the two of you in your conversation, however, when the other person is someone you detest immensely it is absurd to even suggest such an action. Personally I find it rude and inconsiderate to keep someone waiting while you are off chatting with another party. Too bad MSN doesn't post Messenger etiquette for those kind of people!
How'd I miss this thread? I love complaining!!!

I hate people who make unnessesary noises. Y'know the ones, yawning 25 feet away but you can hear them as clearly as a train whistle inside your ear.

I also have a hatred for people who sniff. Here's a hanky, feel free to make noise once ever hour instead of ever second until the day you die (most likely from me balling a hany up and shoving it down your throat)

I also dislike telemarketers calling for my mom or brother, who when I say they aren't here proceed to ask me if I'm over 18, as if I've been hit in the head with a brick and won't understand that they mean to tie me up for 20 minutes explaining the virtues of buying a time-share in Batton Rouge.
Could it be that the person on the messenger was doing something else and you only assumed they were talking to someone else. I know a few times where I would be talking with someone and they would take awhile to answer. Usually they were doing something other than talking to another person. I tend to just walk away and go get the laundry without warning or sometimes people get booted then the other friend is all pissy and thinks you don't want to talk to them. Some people should really try being more patient though. Like at the doctors office, I waited for 45 minutes in the little room once just to find out that my doctor had an emergency delivery. Anyhow, my point is this, sometimes things are out of a persons hands.
oh man, don't even get me started on msn etiquette lol. my gripes are many:

gripe #1: people that are on "away" all day every day. they log on in the morning, go on "away" and stay on all day. like, what the crap?? i don't message those people anymore unless i have something REALLY important to say. i think most people do it so they can be selective of who they talk to which is just patently ridiculous.

gripe #2: i have a friend that occasionally messages me and says "hi"...and then disappears. he goes to get food or watch tv or something. so i get the feeling he wants to chat and i'll say "hey, what's up?" and then not hear anything from him for 20 minutes. it's REALLY annoying. i try not to talk to him anymore.

i allow about 5 minutes for someone to reply to me before i start to get anxious. i know personally it's not strange for me to have up to 5 conversations going at a time on msn, so sometimes i forget about one if it starts to slow down. instant message conversations are weird though, i dunno, i still think it's a good way to keep in touch with people though. on the other hand, if you think that you should be in an exclusive conversation with someone on msn...well that likely will not happen, use the phone.
I have never held more than two convos at a time. I really only talk to two people on messenger, one of them I really enjoyed to talk to, but I haven't seen him in awhile :( . We used to have the best talk and he is really nice and interesting to talk to. The other friend is probably just as insane as me so it's easy for him to put up with my shtupidness and silliness.
WOODEN COFFEE STIRRERS! Whatever idiot thought of that! I don't like my coffee to taste like wood! I like my coffee light and sweet, not woody! Bring back the flimsy red teenie straw stirrers, they suck too, but they don't make my coffee taste like I am licking a tree!
Msn bugs me. Because everytime I'm onlien I have a million people chatting to me usually. Most of the time it clikcs on by itself and when I put up busy people still tlak to me!!! for god sake!!!

But yes rascal I get that too!!

meh stupid msn people...