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pet peeves

Let's not forget people who stop at red lights and instead of stopping before the cross walk they stop on the cross walk and look at you like your a retard.
People who honk at you as you're waiting for enough space to pull your car forward without blocking the intersection. Or who honk when you don't turn at an intersection that's clearly marked, "Don't turn on red."
People who see that you are approaching a door with your arms full of groceries yet they enter the building and shut the door behind them rather than holding the door for you.
People who make sucking noises with their lips and tongue in attempt to clear food particles stuck in their teeth.
People who don't flush after using the restroom.
People who scream into the intercom when making store announcements.
People who cough all over you without covering their mouths especially in a doctor's office.
1. People who come to a COMPLETE STOP before making a turn.
2. People who drive slower than grandma Moses (EX: 20mph in a 45mph)
3. People who have a system in their car that focuses entirely on BASS. Its not music anymore its just a loud buzzing noise that rattles my teeth.
4. People who get in groups of three and walk as slowly down the hallway as possible talking loudly.
5. People who drive SUVs and have NO CONSIDERATION for anybody else when they drive. (EX: Pulling WAY up at a red light so I can't see if there is any oncoming traffic)
6. People who think they're cool because they remove the ****ler in their car and install a noisy tail-pipe. YOUR CAR SOUNDS LIKE A WEAD-WACKER YOU RETARD!!!!
7. People who worry too much about very slight mistakes in grammer. EX:"Aint isnt a word." sorry I've been hearing it and using it all my life.
8. Parents who make NO effort to shut their kid up when they act like a brat in public.
1) the sound of vacuum cleaners
2) people in elavators who talk loudly on cell phones
3) Losing ****!
4) Careless people in grocery stores who randomly stop and block crowded isles
GoingNova said:

  1. People who seem to get annoyed that I can drive a car and talk on a cell phone, but they apparently can not <;) hehehe gentle dig at BabyBuddah>

Just have to comment on this again.....as I was almost in a car accident today with a lady blabbing on her cell phone, well "attempting" to drive. She never even looked to her right side, which I was quickly approaching as she cut across in front of me. Secondly almost got run over in a parking lot, when this guy again blabbing on his cell phone, suddenly backs up!! I feel like a cat with NINE lives.....already down to seven!!
Perhaps you can start teaching a course, GoingNova.:thumbsup:
BabyBuddha said:
Just remembered another pet peeve......Lazy people who leave their shopping carts in middle of the parking lot:cussing:, instead of putting them in the available shopping cart stalls, that are usually less than 10 feet away.:nono:

THAT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! It's so inconsiderate!
BabyBuddha said:

Just have to comment on this again.....as I was almost in a car accident today with a lady blabbing on her cell phone, well "attempting" to drive. She never even looked to her right side, which I was quickly approaching as she cut across in front of me. Secondly almost got run over in a parking lot, when this guy again blabbing on his cell phone, suddenly backs up!! I feel like a cat with NINE lives.....already down to seven!!
Perhaps you can start teaching a course, GoingNova.:thumbsup:

BabyBuddha, I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND! It happens to me all the time as well. My point is, I can do it, and I resent being told I am not allowed because some can't. Just like I resent being told I can't have beer at a sports event because SOME people can't handle it, and get drunk. Punish those who can't and leave those of us who can alone. :D
Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should. I though in New York state if you are on a cell phone while driving they ticket you?
Another pet peeve: People who complain that they have too much to do and then stand there listing off EXACTLY how busy they are and what they have to do.

i.e. First I have to clean the catbox, then I have to fix the boys' lunches, then...and then...and then...and then...ad nauseum.

If you're so busy, how can you possibly have time to tell me all this? Just go get it done.
More pet peeves: People just dropping in for a visit - CALL AHEAD ALREADY! Then at least you know the house is tidy. (The only exception to that rule- if my sister or my favorite niece decide to surprise me with their presences -rare but truly a pleasant treat)
Kids Gone Wild - when parents are obvious to their little brats destroying items in a department store or messing with their food in a restaurant. Yuck!
Screaming Monsters - Parents allowing their kids to scream, cry and take temper tantrums in stores without yanking them out of the place and permitting them to continue with their brattish behavior.
Body odor - these days with shower gel costing as little as a dollar there is no excuse for smelling dirty.
1. People who are high maintanence
2. People who think they're better than everyone else (don't worry ski2bfree I know the difference)
3. People who talk about things they don't know anything about
4. High pitched sounds ( like smo1704 said)
*Most Important*
5. People who use other people
6. People who talk a lot of stuff but can't fight to save their lives
1) People (women) who step out in public with curlers still in their hair. Bugs me to no end.
2) People who pop chewing gum. I hope you choke on it.
3) People who go out in public in their houseshoes. Put some proper shoes on for Pete's sake.
4) Parents who stick up for their kids when they know they're kids are wrong.
5) People who blame God for their own stupidity.
6) People who ask for your advice and don't take it.
People who send their kids over as soon as you get home from an over 10 hour work day.

People who only call when they want something.

People that cannot take no for an answer.

People that allow their kids to brake things in your home and do not offer to pay for it or fix it.

People that borrow stuff, lend it out then deny they ever had it in the first place.

People who when you send their kids home they tell them to come back over to your house to play because they are screwing and you have things to do and places to be, so you have to call them til they answer the phone because you have to LEAVE TEN MINUTES AGO!!

People who want you to watch their kids on a work/school night til midnight when you have to get up at 4:30 in the morning.

People who have ALL the above traits and you feel bad because you cannot tell them because they are family and you don't want to sound like a **** and you happen live on the same street as them.
People always crying poor yet won't do anything to improve their lot in life;
People who borrow money then six months later treat you like the enemy because you inquire as to when it will be repaid;
People who allow others to walk all over them;
Hydro companies who give their CEOs Million dollar bonuses and turn around and raise the consumer cost of power 13.5%. NBPower has given the consumer 4 price hikes in less than 2 years. It isn't right!
Do It Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lil Bit said:
People who send their kids over as soon as you get home from an over 10 hour work day.

People who only call when they want something.

People that cannot take no for an answer.

People that allow their kids to brake things in your home and do not offer to pay for it or fix it.

People that borrow stuff, lend it out then deny they ever had it in the first place.

People who when you send their kids home they tell them to come back over to your house to play because they are screwing and you have things to do and places to be, so you have to call them til they answer the phone because you have to LEAVE TEN MINUTES AGO!!

People who want you to watch their kids on a work/school night til midnight when you have to get up at 4:30 in the morning.

People who have ALL the above traits and you feel bad because you cannot tell them because they are family and you don't want to sound like a **** and you happen live on the same street as them.

Hell I say do it!!!!!!!
People who register on BA and never post!
People who go out all gung ho posting then suddenly drop off the radar without explanation for their conspicuous absence, leaving the rest of us fearing the worse that may have happened to them.
Friday nights on a diet! Rice cakes suck and taste like cardboard or Styrofoam cups with a caramel flavor! LOL
Yea, those people suck. What I learned with rice cakes if you get a product called "Nutella" and dab a tablespoon of it on it makes it a lot better tasting and it isn't that fatting.
I can eat Nutella by the spoonful so it would not be a good idea for me. I would chuck the rice cakes and reach for a spoon! LOL
A few of my pet peeves today are:
Cats who decided to expel a hairball on the clean bedspread. Gross especially after they have just finished eating.
People talking to you when you are trying to listen to a news broadcast or you are in the middle of a good never seen before movie! They always ask the dumbest questions like "What's going to happen next?" Duh, I didn't write the movie, you idiot!
Dumb commercials make me cringe! I do like the one for Edward Jones where the man sits in front of the computer, reads a dating blurb about a girl who writes that she likes walking, reading and cuddling. His response - Will you marry me! I think it is one of the better ads Edward Jones has on at the moment.