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pet peeves

I just hate msn. I only use it cuz one of my buddies refuses to use Yahoo. I think he thinks it's evil. I dunno.
Mustang Kitty Cat said:
WOODEN COFFEE STIRRERS! Whatever idiot thought of that! I don't like my coffee to taste like wood! I like my coffee light and sweet, not woody! Bring back the flimsy red teenie straw stirrers, they suck too, but they don't make my coffee taste like I am licking a tree!

lol that is a fabulous argument. I use to think those little red things were actual staws and I would try to drink my milk through them.
Mustang Kitty Cat said:
I just hate msn. I only use it cuz one of my buddies refuses to use Yahoo. I think he thinks it's evil. I dunno.

You should get earthlink, we are better. MSN is evil, they send you spyware! Earthlink, buy Earthlink, we are better!
I really hate it when I'm at the movie theater and someone has the nerve to bring their little brats to the movies and unleash them on all of us movie goers. That is why man created daycare centers and babysitters!
missy-v said:
I really hate it when I'm at the movie theater and someone has the nerve to bring their little brats to the movies and unleash them on all of us movie goers. That is why man created daycare centers and babysitters!

:applaus: especially when it's a rated 'R' movie it's 9:30 p.m. and the child is 3 years old, WTF are you on crack?
I'm with buckwheat on the wooden coffee stirrers - what a STUPID idea!! On the other hand, they are biodegradable....
Mustang Kitty Cat said:
I just hate msn. I only use it cuz one of my buddies refuses to use Yahoo. I think he thinks it's evil. I dunno.
I agree with your buddy, Yahoo has bad vibes. Maybe it's possessed! LOL It certain has been good for my computer!:thebirdma It hasn't made my summer enjoyable!
I am new to BA, and was wondering what other Basher's pet peeves :BangHead: are ? I have several...probably too many to list, and I will post mine shortly...just thought I would ask to get the ball rolling!! :toothy12:

"A pet peeve is a minor annoyance that can instill extreme frustration in an individual. Typically each person has several pet peeves that aggravate them more than the average person. Another person may not react as negatively or at all to the same circumstance.
The term originated from the word "peeve". A "peeve," meaning something that is particularly irritating or annoying, is a relatively recent word. Its first printed usage was in 1911. The term is derived, however, from a 14th-century word -- "peevish," meaning ornery or ill-tempered.
The modified term "pet peeve," a uniquely personal irritant, first appeared in print in 1919.
Pet peeves are typically of common occurrences and a person may encounter their pet peeve up to several times a day. An example of this would be someone not using their turn signals while driving. Many people do not use their turn signals, and it does not bother some drivers that people do not. People that have a pet peeve of someone not using their turn signals would become very agitated and upset when they witness the practice. Many pet peeves associated with driving can result in road rage, where the person who has been peeved seeks some sort of retribution for the action.
Often a pet peeve will seem illogical to others. For example a supervisor may have a pet peeve about people leaving the lid on the copier up and get very upset. That same supervisor may witness employees coming into work late, and not react as they did with the copier."
1. People who talk on Cell phones well trying to drive/operate a moving vehicle.

2. People who will NOT leave a message on your voice mail or answering machine.
I'm going to list just three that came up today:

1) The use of the word "hate" as a noun. "Hatred" is the noun. "Hate" is a verb.
2) The use of the phrase "hate on." As in, "why you gots to be hatin' on a playa." Actually, everything about that sentence is a pet peeve of mine.
3) The words "explicate" and "utilize." The words "explain" and "use" are shorter, more communicative, and don't make you look like a jackass. I make an exception for the mathematical use of the word "explicate."
  1. Members who register, but never post
  2. People who seem to get annoyed that I can drive a car and talk on a cell phone, but they apparently can not <;) hehehe gentle dig at BabyBuddah>
  3. Government doling out charity
Nice GoingNova.....perhaps you can drive well you talk on cell phone.....but lots of people definately cannot. BTW I do not own a cell phone.
1) People who stand (or walk very slowly) in the middle of a hallway and talk with large groups of friends, thereby making it impossible for anyone to get by.
2) High pitched screeching sounds, like nails on a chalkboard, styrofoam, or grinding metal.
3) People who play their music so loud I can feel my shoes vibrating, despite being in a different room.
4) Paperwork.
1) People who call you and hang up/or say nothing.
2) People who cut into your lane without a blinker at the last minute.
3) People that through flyer's onto my property.
1) People who don't know the difference between the words "their" "they're" and "there".
2) People who are too self-absorbed to realize that no one wants to listen to their crap.
3) People who are inconsiderate of the people around them.
4) People who verb nouns. For example: "He got floored." No. He was knocked down. And you're retarded.
People who smoke right outside the entrance/exit to a building.....if I wanted to inhale cigarette smoke...I would smoke!!
1. people that stand in the middle of an escalator and don't move out of your way even if you say "excuse me".
2. people that congregate and talk in doorways when they could easily more 10 feet to the side and not get in everybody's way.
3. buying a ****in only to find out it is stale.

p.s. i love verbing non-traditional verbs! language is intrinsically fluid, if it was static it would be no fun at all and would hinder creativity. you wouldn't have dialects or anything. :p. sorry ski, i needed to say that lol.
People who smoke while behind the wheel
People who sniff back a glob of snot from their nose then spit it out of their mouths
People who fart in public
Drivers who pick their nose at stop lights
People who chew with their mouths open
Just remembered another pet peeve......Lazy people who leave their shopping carts in middle of the parking lot:cussing:, instead of putting them in the available shopping cart stalls, that are usually less than 10 feet away.:nono: