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pet peeves

People who stop in the middle of the road or parking lot to talk to someone in another car. Also people who stand talking in the middle of aisles in stores.

People who pick at their skin in public.


Just a few that come to mind off the top of my head. :)
Chrisl0 said:

How can you hate Drama its the spice of life.

Oh, believe me, I really don't hate drama... I just hate excessive drama. When people do stupid things and over-dramatize matters, thats what I dislike.
People who feel that laws are made for everyone else to obey and do not apply to them.
bad_habit said:

Oh, believe me, I really don't hate drama... I just hate excessive drama. When people do stupid things and over-dramatize matters, thats what I dislike.

Well I guess too much of a good thing can be a bad thing after all.
PP: people who don't have the balls to follow through with promises!
Yes but they are still friends nevertheless

PP: people who don't seem to understand the importance of something
I agree with wolf tbh, friends are friends no matter what, i still stick up for people who have warm blood on theyre hands from the knife in my back. point being it aint all that black and white..
You sound like a realy loyal person, that can be a good thing. You have to watch people though they tend to stab people in the back.
ha, i was gonna start a new thread but i guess it's best here...HUGE pet peeve:

when the public transit people decide to put bus stops on both sides of a busy street! this is the sequence of events every time: green light, bus stops to let people on and off, bus accelerates hard to try to make the light, light turns to yellow so bus stops again (hard this time), bus waits for light, light turns green, bus speeds off, bus slams on breaks to let people on and off, bus accelerates hard again!

for like 5 minutes it's just pure starting and stopping and people being flung around the bus. my contention is that bus stops should only be on the far side of a light and there should not be 2 at an intersection!!!
Thanks wulfe.

PP: when your trying to talk to someone but something else gets in the way...

gah... >.<