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pet peeves

OK let me explain. You said "hook up with a gay man.

So I jokingly said OK but don't call me "Bruce" (hey, why am I green?) meaning if I must pretend to be gay so be it! See told you it lost something in translation.
Hey - anyone know where Sicander and Buckwheat have gone to? Be nice to have them back, huh?

Anyone else like to add to this old thread?
My pet peeve today is when your trying to listen to music, but someone is constantly talking to you

like hellloooo earphones = MUSIC...

Or when I'm deeply involved in a book, and SOMEONE feels like being talkative!!! I'll get him back during a football game...
haha been there done that.

When your not looking for anything you find something really nice, but when you NEED something (AKA A DRESS!) youi cannot find one ='[
Oooohh -- I LIKE that, LilJeffrey!! Airport lines are the worst. Everyone is in a MUCH bigger hurry than you are, and their destination is WAY more important than yours!
mrsd607 said:
Oooohh -- I LIKE that, LilJeffrey!! Airport lines are the worst. Everyone is in a MUCH bigger hurry than you are, and their destination is WAY more important than yours!

And that is the perfect reason why I'm going to buy myself a high powered taser gun so that when someone wants to cut in front of me I can give'em a little jolt to remind them that you don't want to cut while I'm standing there.:thumbsup:
Liars (I was married to one) Nothing makes me see red more than knowing someone is lying to me!!
Liars (I was married to one) Nothing makes me see red more than knowing someone is lying to me!!

Especially if they know that you know they're lying and they keep going!!!!!! The nerve of people these days!!!!

when people think it's perfectly fine to keep whispering to each other while your with them..

thanks guys ;)...sigh..
mrsd607 said:
Hey - anyone know where Sicander and Buckwheat have gone to? Be nice to have them back, huh?

Sic's working retail at one of the local malls. He hardly even comes to game with the group on the weekends. *sadness* I'll mention it next time I run into him.
3 letters P...D...A. Unless you're a porn star and get paid for it, keep your sex life where other people can't see it.
I don't know what P...D..A.. stands for Ski. Private? Discrete? Adulteress? Panties Down Around your ankles?)

The woman across the hall with the three kids with two different men was fired for having sex in the office at the shop where she works. PDA for sure on that one! Pretty **** Asinine!
When people assume I'll sit down and be a good girl and walk all over me.

Sorry boys this girl thinks for herself
People who refuse to accept blame for their own actions and feel the need to point the finger at everyone else for their own stupidity.
haha I've met alot of those jef!

people who jsut don't butt out.

I'm not telling you anything dammit ><!
PDA has two general uses. Public Display of Affection, which is pretty self explanatory.

or Personal Digital Assistant, which is one of those Palm Pilots or other small gizmos.
Black Mage said:
PDA has two general uses. Public Display of Affection, which is pretty self explanatory.

or Personal Digital Assistant, which is one of those Palm Pilots or other small gizmos.
I am so so so glad that you explained the second definition of PDA, Black. I am not even going to go there with the thought I had when I read the first three words. The first definition - Public Display of Affection set me on the wrong path for the second definition - Personal Digit Assistant - :toothy12: