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pet peeves

people who walk in front of me at a snails pace,,on a cell phone ,god i hate the
When people think they need me to look after them constantly. sigh.
People who make like they know a lot more than they actually do about a topic.
People who have a little problem with body odor. You wouldn't believe who many people have this problem at my high school.
lol, sometimes people don't realise that they have this problem.

But i know what you mean! ><

people thinking i cannot play bass because im a girl.

haha I rpoved that boy wrong XD
Chrisl0 said:
School as always, I hate school with a passion.

I'm glad this is my last year of high school. No more childish drama or he said she said. And no more being a "playa". I hate that crap and when someone calls me that I just want to grab a hammer and break all their knuckles.
This is why I am glad of the english schooling system, at 16 I am able to attend college which thankfully I am in.

Completely different from school.

Boys, will they ever grow up!
Hmmmm.... England sounds like a really great place to visit. I hope I get stationed there so I can check the place out.
lol it's not all it's cracked up to be jef, the people are ignorant as always and it's cold.

Lil'Jeffery34 said:
I'm glad this is my last year of high school. No more childish drama or he said she said. And no more being a "playa". I hate that crap and when someone calls me that I just want to grab a hammer and break all their knuckles.

Yea people in high school were as childish as all the grades before, with the lies and calling people gay. College is much more adult like but the work is a ball buster. Tomorrow is my last day and I get a month off.
Canadian Television

We should be given a choice to select any television programming and not be forced to carry so many Canadian produced shows. I would even pay more to eliminate the french and Canadian produced programs from my cable.
I am with you Anglo, we pay allot of money for our cable service and we watch mainly the movie channels, news, sports, science channels, etc. But some of the channels we never use and they still force us to pay for them.
Pet Peeve: being 100% confident that you did nothing wrong yet someone will suddenly stop talking to you and begin avoiding you as if you had a fatal disease or leprosy. (I wonder if it has to do with the fact that these people still owe me a ton of money?)
people who yell at me at work because of the price of gas
(i am just a cashier **** it i dont set the prices)
Family members who feel it necessary to lie to you for no good reason; then accidentally slip up when conveying information.

I think the reason why I hate it so much is that when you suddenly become aware of the lie, rather than questioning or commenting on it, you act like you didn't notice what was said. Because you chose not to confront the lie, the person brags about how they accidentally slipped and I was so dim that I didn't even notice. NOT!!

As they say - you are as sick as the secrets you keep!