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pet peeves

Don't know much about NYC - I've only been there a couple of times and know better than to take a cab anywhere!!
You might think driving in NYC is bad, until you go to a major city in Latin America or other "3rd world" nations. It's absolutely crazy.

My biggest pet peeve is probably disinformation. I really hate it when a tv show or a person will present a piece of information, without really considering the whole picture.
I know what you mean peotrylover.

My ex friend recently, well last night tried to apologised over msn...shortly I told her to go f off.

There is nothing in this world that I hate more than a two faced ****.

And she was one of them
what about people wwho chew with their mouths open or talk with a face full of food? That's really gross.
M@Broz said:
this might put me in hell where i belong but... ALL RHODE ISLAND DRIVERS

they're the worst i've ever encountered. They'll stop at a green light to wave you through, but when you're behind them its torture. They're slow and so unaggressive its almost DANGEROUS!

Ditto for Long Island Drivers
Jewell said:
what about people wwho chew with their mouths open or talk with a face full of food? That's really gross.

Dear god... this isn't even a pet peeve... this drives me absolutely insane.

I've gotten up from a table in resteraunts and left because if I don't, I'd probably cause a scene.

My entire family does it.

I usually wind up eating in my room.
If my kids smack there food or something I make them leave the table. I refuse to be driven from the table I paid for and food I prepared when their manners slip out of their little heads. They are allowed to come back to the table when they decide they can behave and act like children that were taught better. My friends kids can't seem to eat without smacking and it drives me batty!
Geez - I thought it would be men who hated spitters. Now you've done it - you've forced MrsD to the depths of thinking like a man. Drats!!!
that's a good question, ski. that beside the point that any car thief who really knows what he is doing is going to take your car no matter HOW you protect it.

I haven't spoken to anyone lately who has anything good to say about Dell. Their Customer Service is beyond horrible, and their product, once quite good is now substandard. Good luck...
Why would anyone use a car alarm anyway. At this point people are so used to them going off for absolutely no reason that even if someone was stealing your car, nobody would think anything of it. Lo-Jack would probably be a much better solution.
Dell are really bad computers.

Macs are funky I'll admit but I won't ever get one
Maybe so. I hope no one forgets how terrible their Cusotmer Service is, though. I have a Compaq 7550 and have been REALLY happy with it; it's about 2 years old now. BEAUTIFUL machine.
pet peeve? threads that go off topic! lol

but seriously i have a good one...

when you go to take a shower, and you think that the time before you pushed the button to make the water come out the faucet instead of the shower head so you don't check it. but the last time you were in the shower you were lazy and figured the next time you would check it, but you don't. so you turn on the shower and it comes out of the shower head and drenches you in cold.

i hate that...
I can imagine how that can start your day off on a bad note!

Another Pet Peeve - When the garbage men empty the can they leave it smack square in the center of the driveway! I have to get out of the car and move the smelly thing back where it belongs. I've learned to keep Handi Wipes in the car at all times.