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Questions about the Arizona Suits

Mantis1 said:

No Mantis, but nice try. Your comment of "Ahhh Clarity!" was an incorrect assumption on your part, not bait.
Nice try???? I thought it was lame! Just didn't feel like replying at the time.

The fact that you can not see "clarity" in true definitions of term (s) you used, say alot about you!

Mantis1 said:
Nice try???? I thought it was lame! Just didn't feel like replying at the time.

The fact that you can not see "clarity" in true definitions of term (s) you used, say alot about you!


Just remember that the ONLY term I used was "quid pro quo."
The others ("vendetta and grudge") came from Sandman alone, they were not my words.
So where's the "clarity" in that?

Your willingness to blindly ignore that fact also speaks volumes.

Quid Pro Quo...
I can read!!!

What is Your definition of QPQ?

Grudge sure makes ALOT more sense!!!!
Mantis1 said:
I can read!!!

What is Your definition of QPQ?

Grudge sure makes ALOT more sense!!!!

Apparently, you didn't read since Sandman clearly posted the "definition" of Quid Pro Quo...

Which, by the way, does NOT mean "grudge."

So, guess again...
Wow !!!! REALLY????

Slow down man!!!!!

What is YOUR ( you - Chip Staley) definition of qpq?

From what I can tell, someone did a FAVOR for/to you and you want to return the FAVOR ????? How nice of you!!!!!

Please explain, so we can all understand YOUR actions when it comes to why you are on YOUR side of these issues!!!!

A favor is nice, is it not????

Reading and comprehension go hand in hand. If we are gonna use the same laguage, don't you think we should have a similiar definition of common words/ terms???? No ????

I mean we do have dictionaries for a reason!!!!

Holding a grudge isn't good for your health or your heart.. But you can certainly have ( keep) yours.
Mantis1 said:
Wow !!!! REALLY????

Slow down man!!!!!

What is YOUR ( you - Chip Staley) definition of qpq?

From what I can tell, someone did a FAVOR for/to you and you want to return the FAVOR ????? How nice of you!!!!!

Please explain, so we can all understand YOUR actions when it comes to why you are on YOUR side of these issues!!!!

A favor is nice, is it not????

Reading and comprehension go hand in hand. If we are gonna use the same laguage, don't you think we should have a similiar definition of common words/ terms???? No ????

I mean we do have dictionaries for a reason!!!!

Holding a grudge isn't good for your health or your heart.. But you can certainly have ( keep) yours.

It's not a matter of "my definition" at all. There is more than one definition which apparently you missed so let's review:

quid pro quo [ kwìd pr? kw? ]

1. something done in exchange: something given or done in exchange for something else

2. returning of favor: the giving of something in return for something else, often in a spirit of cooperation

You're only looking at definition #2 in which case, not all favors are "nice" are they? "Often" doesn't mean "always."

And you keep throwing in the word "grudge" that you got from Sandman.... it doesn't belong here....
Please explain, so we can all understand YOUR actions when it comes to why you are on YOUR side of these issues!!!!

You debate and argue REALLY well. But you don't communicate at all!:huhpill:
Mantis1 said:
Please explain, so we can all understand YOUR actions when it comes to why you are on YOUR side of these issues!!!!

You debate and argue REALLY well. But you don't communicate at all!:huhpill:

I communicate often. The reason(s) how or why I'm on this side of the issues is not open for debate.
Ok Chip, Just keep in mind that there are three sides every story. Not tryin to debate. Tryin to understand.

We KNOW there are reasons!!!
Mantis1 said:
Ok Chip, Just keep in mind that there are three sides every story. Not tryin to debate. Tryin to understand.

We KNOW there are reasons!!!


You just can’t seem to keep your mouth closed sometimes. You are your own worst enemy. I am trying to prepare for the Mobile Beat show, but you have forced me to waste my time dealing with you. For all of you sitting on the edges of your seats hoping that Ernie is correct, you will be disappointed. For those ROTFL at Ernie as he appears more and more stupid, you will probably feel edified in knowing the WHOLE TRUTH:

5/21/10 – While we are negotiating a settlement, McCullar files a motion to dismiss and an answer, which he does not serve on us as required by the rules.
5/24/10 - We get an e-mail copy of what he filed because of the clerk's entry of it onto the record.
5/26/10 - McCullar agrees to settle.
5/28/10 - McCullar signs the settlement agreement
6/1/10 – Kurt Slep signs the settlement agreement. We didn't respond to the motion to dismiss because his settlement made it moot.
However, Ernie did not sign the stipulation of dismissal that was required by the settlement agreement, so we couldn't file the dismissal, so due to his fault, it was left “open”.

10/26/10 - The judge issued a "show cause" order, saying she would dismiss the suit against McCuller if we didn't respond to the dismissal motion. However, we didn't receive the order (it was issued only through e-mail, and we didn't get it). If we had received it, we would have filed the notice of voluntary dismissal immediately.
11/17/10 - The judge issued a new order dismissing the case against McCuller. That one, we received. Harrington immediately filed a document notifying the court that we hadn't received the original show cause order and stating that our position would have been to dismiss the case anyway, even if we had received it. Because the net effect was the same, there was nothing more to do.
Now, at that point, the case was over except for the formality of dismissal. In light of the information revealed by Ernie regarding “dismissal with prejudice”, we will notify the court that the dismissal was WITHOUT prejudice just so they have that on record.

The bottom line is that we have a valid settlement agreement that predated any action by the court and the court will not over-ride that. And Ernie McCuller is in default of that agreement and ultimately will not be getting two sets of discs for $3000.

As for his other comments about our business plans, I won’t comment except to say that he is wrong again, just as he has been proven time and again with his previous off the mark assumptions and speculations.

I'll be attending Mobile Beat Las Vegas and will not be logging in again.

For those that are interested, we (Chartbuster, Sound Choice and Stellar Records) are putting on a seminar that will be videotaped and made available later. If any of you are going to be going to MB, come by and say hello.

Wednesday, Feb.2 1:00 – 1:45 PM Capri 102

How to Survive and Even Thrive in a Karaoke Market Fraught With Pirates - KIAA (Karaoke Industry Alliance of America)

Are you losing shows to pirates with illegal music systems? Is the “playing field” in your market skewed by illegal, unfair competition? There is hope on the horizon! KIAA members Sound Choice, Chartbuster and Stellar Records will present a summary of their anti-piracy activities, provide you with tools to combat the pirates, explain how to get legal if you are not and discuss the requirements and benefits of being a KIAA member.
Sound Choice said:

You just can’t seem to keep your mouth closed sometimes. You are your own worst enemy. I am trying to prepare for the Mobile Beat show, but you have forced me to waste my time dealing with you. For all of you sitting on the edges of your seats hoping that Ernie is correct, you will be disappointed. For those ROTFL at Ernie as he appears more and more stupid, you will probably feel edified in knowing the WHOLE TRUTH:

5/21/10 – While we are negotiating a settlement, McCullar files a motion to dismiss and an answer, which he does not serve on us as required by the rules.
5/24/10 - We get an e-mail copy of what he filed because of the clerk's entry of it onto the record.
5/26/10 - McCullar agrees to settle.
5/28/10 - McCullar signs the settlement agreement
6/1/10 – Kurt Slep signs the settlement agreement. We didn't respond to the motion to dismiss because his settlement made it moot.
However, Ernie did not sign the stipulation of dismissal that was required by the settlement agreement, so we couldn't file the dismissal, so due to his fault, it was left “open”.

10/26/10 - The judge issued a "show cause" order, saying she would dismiss the suit against McCuller if we didn't respond to the dismissal motion. However, we didn't receive the order (it was issued only through e-mail, and we didn't get it). If we had received it, we would have filed the notice of voluntary dismissal immediately.
11/17/10 - The judge issued a new order dismissing the case against McCuller. That one, we received. Harrington immediately filed a document notifying the court that we hadn't received the original show cause order and stating that our position would have been to dismiss the case anyway, even if we had received it. Because the net effect was the same, there was nothing more to do.
Now, at that point, the case was over except for the formality of dismissal. In light of the information revealed by Ernie regarding “dismissal with prejudice”, we will notify the court that the dismissal was WITHOUT prejudice just so they have that on record.

The bottom line is that we have a valid settlement agreement that predated any action by the court and the court will not over-ride that. And Ernie McCuller is in default of that agreement and ultimately will not be getting two sets of discs for $3000.

As for his other comments about our business plans, I won’t comment except to say that he is wrong again, just as he has been proven time and again with his previous off the mark assumptions and speculations.

I'll be attending Mobile Beat Las Vegas and will not be logging in again.

For those that are interested, we (Chartbuster, Sound Choice and Stellar Records) are putting on a seminar that will be videotaped and made available later. If any of you are going to be going to MB, come by and say hello.

Wednesday, Feb.2 1:00 – 1:45 PM Capri 102

How to Survive and Even Thrive in a Karaoke Market Fraught With Pirates - KIAA (Karaoke Industry Alliance of America)

Are you losing shows to pirates with illegal music systems? Is the “playing field” in your market skewed by illegal, unfair competition? There is hope on the horizon! KIAA members Sound Choice, Chartbuster and Stellar Records will present a summary of their anti-piracy activities, provide you with tools to combat the pirates, explain how to get legal if you are not and discuss the requirements and benefits of being a KIAA member.

I am glad to read your post. After only reading a lot of this thread, and filtering out the opinions, I had generally surmised the facts that you presented. It is great to have my supositions confirmed. Thank you for clearing up the smoke. If I were free to do so, I would definitely attend the Mobile Beat Seminar. I will wait for the webcast.
Man I wish I could do MB!!!

Busier than ever though! Just booked my first Wedding over $1k.

Got 2 doubles this week and 3 on Thurs.

Been goin non-stop putting my second sytem together. What a buttload of work!!!! Must be nice to just copy a HD a roll on down the road!!! ( **** pirates)

Thanks for taking the time Kurt!!!

Got another call for band gigs ( plural) tonight too!

Haven't been able to do MB, or AC or anything except the MB mobile tour, for over 10 years! Usually cuzza $ Now it is lack of time ( sigh)

Kurt calls Ernie stupid - yet, SC (the GD plaintiff) fails to get the required "stipulation of dismissal" and fails to "show cause" after failing to reply to the motion. All this after failing to come up with a business plan that actually works, or settlements they can actually collect?

Now SC wants to give advice on how to thrive in the karaoke market?

ROTFLMAO :) Will this seminar take place in the comedy lounge?

BTW: Where's the DJ Associations on all of this? For agencies that purport to represent DJs they seem conspicuously silent in the face of such obvious and dubious threats on DJs and their venues. Perhaps they're too busy planning another celebrity roast on the membership's dime?
Sound Choice said:

You just can’t seem to keep your mouth closed sometimes. You are your own worst enemy. I am trying to prepare for the Mobile Beat show, but you have forced me to waste my time dealing with you. For all of you sitting on the edges of your seats hoping that Ernie is correct, you will be disappointed. For those ROTFL at Ernie as he appears more and more stupid, you will probably feel edified in knowing the WHOLE TRUTH:

5/21/10 – While we are negotiating a settlement, McCullar files a motion to dismiss and an answer, which he does not serve on us as required by the rules.
5/24/10 - We get an e-mail copy of what he filed because of the clerk's entry of it onto the record.
5/26/10 - McCullar agrees to settle.
5/28/10 - McCullar signs the settlement agreement
6/1/10 – Kurt Slep signs the settlement agreement. We didn't respond to the motion to dismiss because his settlement made it moot.
However, Ernie did not sign the stipulation of dismissal that was required by the settlement agreement, so we couldn't file the dismissal, so due to his fault, it was left “open”.

10/26/10 - The judge issued a "show cause" order, saying she would dismiss the suit against McCuller if we didn't respond to the dismissal motion. However, we didn't receive the order (it was issued only through e-mail, and we didn't get it). If we had received it, we would have filed the notice of voluntary dismissal immediately.
11/17/10 - The judge issued a new order dismissing the case against McCuller. That one, we received. Harrington immediately filed a document notifying the court that we hadn't received the original show cause order and stating that our position would have been to dismiss the case anyway, even if we had received it. Because the net effect was the same, there was nothing more to do.
While it was his mistake not to serve you, it certainly doesn't take two brain cells to rub together to go and ASK for a copy when you saw it had been filed.
My experience with the courts have been that they are very forgiving regarding the complicated rules when someone is representing themselves. Lawyers, know better and so are NOT forgiven.
It's not been unheard of for a judge to ask a question such as, "So you were notified by email that a document had been filed. Why then, did you not investigate at that point?" The onus COULD be put onto the lawyer in such cases, since they are the ones who ought to know the rules of the court, and I have seen it done. I can very well see a judge with an angry look on their face about it. They certainly don't look lightly on lawyers taking advantage of such things and "playing" dumb about it afterward.
NOW who's looking stupid?