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Rude response from Latshaw/Karma!!!

Steve I see your point however I didnt tell him to give me free samples cause his competition was doing it I said it as if I would like to check the quality and compare. If in fact I was considering buying their product I like most would like to compare.

For instance if I went to the Denon booth and they allow me to try the features on the latest CDMP3 deck and then go to the Pioneer booth and they tell me sorry we dont let you spin for free. I would likely put them on my No list. Think about this. How many folks walked away with discs from the other booths and went home to think about what service they would like to start subscription with. These folks will likely not be picking Promo Only. Especially if they got talked to rudely for simply asking.

I wanted to be informed to be able to give revue of the different choices. Just because we have Primecuts as a sponsor here I would have liked giving a critique. While keeping informed on what others in the industry offer keeps me certain my sponsors indeed are of the finest service and industry leaders.
"Your order was just processed. We processs [sic] our orders by hand which is why it can take up to 24 hours. You might consider the concept of "planning ahead of time" in future transactions with us.".....

If I recieved this email I would cancel payment and find another route. If he can take time to write that email he should be able to generate a key and put it in the email
You know what? Screw it...after more email communication today I will tell everyone to NOT buy from him...friggin d*#k...unbelievable...
You know what? Screw it...after more email communication today I will tell everyone to NOT buy from him...friggin d*#k...unbelievable...
Kevin Kelly
Starlight Entertainment

Let me clue you into something. Latshaw has made MILLIONS off his Karaoke programs, simple math will tell you that. I'm sure he doesn't have to work anymore and I doubt he gives a rat's **** what anyone thinks at this point. He can take any attitude that suits him. The orders and the money will keep rolling in.

I tried to explain how huge the Karaoke software market is to Softjock Rick, he doesn't care. There is tens of millions maybe hundreds of millions world wide to be made and the market is growing. I don't care what anyone says, Karaoke is growing and is here to stay. Whether you like it or hate it, millions of people enjoy it regularly and it's popular in other countries too. American Idol and shows like it are making Karaoke more popular too. It's so popular that lots of people sing Karaoke right in their own homes and that market will get bigger and bigger too. I wish I could program, I could become rich . . .
You know what? Screw it...after more email communication today I will tell everyone to NOT buy from him...friggin d*#k...unbelievable...

I'm curious, since I already know the kind of guy he is... what did he say to ellicit this?

I know he's a **** and he loves Toqer's ballz.... so I can only imagine what he said to you!
I don't see the problem he has always been very helpful with me and generally gets me whatever info I need back to me within 24 hours!

The program is awesome for making books!
Anyone that thought he maybe meant something else from his initial response will undoubtedly see him for who he actually is with the latest response...

I sent him this email yesterday...mainly sent it to try and communicate with him that I really do like his products and to extend an olive branch somewhat (or more to the point...give him a chance to show a side of professionalism that I hadn't seen before...perhaps apologize, etc)

Hi Bob (or whoever may be reading this)

First off, I want you to know that I think your products are awesome and I have told everyone and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a quality karaoke software management system.

I also need to say that I was extremely disappointed from the response that I got yesterday (not sure who sent it) after I requested that - IF POSSIBLE - it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED if my order was expedited a bit.

What I received was someone telling me that I need to look into the concept of planning ahead...

I was so surprised about the response that I received from your company that I posted this whole transaction process on a few dj chat boards and much to my surprise, few were surprised and several told me I should ask for my money back and tell Latshaw to stick it where the sun doesn't shine. Many people commented that professional customer service was sorely lacking at Latshaw and even a few said that they won't buy products from your company because of it.

Sad that they won't because the product is very good! I'm not telling Latshaw something it doesn't already know and people can conduct their business in any way they want but continued rude customer service stories WILL eventually start affecting sales if they haven't already. Perhaps hiring someone that has customer service skills to deal with sales transactions, questions, complaints, etc might be a good move in the long run because the track record so far is not that great.

At any rate, thank you for the great product with the song list generator.
I hope to purchase the Karma program soon in the near future....

This was the short response I got back...

Enjoying the attention?

I've asked for a refund.....

While I don't presently have a need for his products, I would gladly patronize Latshaw.
Would you expect some other response to your demeaning e-mail?

Had a client sent me such a communication I would not have hesitated to send them a very prompt refund (without even being asked)

You want him to get you the Key code asap and then send him a constant barage of e-mails because you don't feel like you should wait for at least the given amount of time that company policy dictates. And if you look on his website it tells you up front (before you purchase the product) that 48 hours is the amount of time they allow for a response! Without the BS you would probably have received it inside of 24 hours as I did!

The funny thing is if you had just waited instead of firing off all these e-mails you would have probably already received the key code (I imagine it is being deliberately held up now due to your own actions, I know I would have LOL)
Steve (Thunder):

Unless I've read this wrong, Kevin HAS RECEIVED EXACTLY WHAT HE ASKED FOR: expedited service.

But, instead of a "thank you", Kevin has raised a stink on at least three boards that I'm aware of.
OK, So, Kevin did you receive the Key code within the 24 hours he told you or are you still waiting?

Better yet did he refund your money as requested or did you wait until after you received the Key before asking for a refund?
It's amazing how it appears that people respond before even reading original threads or follow up posts...it's easy to fire off opinions without even fully reading or comprehending the original point. This time I will "bold" it in order to make it stand out more....

I received my key well within 24 hours...just as his website says. I received exactly what I was expecting in regards to the product that I paid for in a timely fashion. Neither one of my TWO emails (hardly a barage) were sarcastic, demeaning or condescending in tone. I was merely asking him if he COULD expedite my sale (which I don't know if he did or not since it takes up to 24 hrs but that has NOTHING to do what got my dander up) and he responded in a very non-professional and rude manner. THIS IS WHY I AM POSTING!!! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHETHER I GOT THE PRODUCT IN A TIMELY FASHION OR NOT!!! GOT IT???

If I responded to my clients in the same manner word would get out and my business would dry up rather quickly no matter how good I was or how good of a show that I put on.

If someone else had an encounter with a popular dj vendor that did something similar to this, I would certainly want to know about it so I could make my own decision to do my business elsewhere or not. For some people, (as evidenced in this very thread) customer service is really not that important to them whether they receive it, and I assume give it...that's fine and if it's not important to you, then more power to you. I guess I'm a bit old school in thinking that during ALL facets of a sale/relationship with my customer, I will treat that customer with respect and realize that they are the reason that I am in business. I would welcome all questions regarding my products and services and how I dispense them and would try to help the customer - IN A PROFESSIONAL AND COURTEOUS WAY - how or why things or done if they have a misconception or false expectations.
Kevin I was right with you until you entered the last email to them. You merely added flame to the fire. It has been shown on more than one occasion this one man show doesnt care if you have opinion. I would merely move on and find something that could replace this. I would have just swallowed my pride if the product is so good but would have no further dealings with this person. You stoked his sarcasm and wasted your time by cancelling a valuable tool. I only hope you find something half as good.

I once dealt with a gear supplier and had issues with them in a bit different way but I wanted the product regardless. Guess what I have no dealings with them and since they have hired on the new boss there they would not get business from me even when dimentia sets in. However I have found the vendors with good service and even when I can find them elsewhere perhaps even chaper I go with the few that offer courteous integrity based services.
I have to agree with Jon the last email was purely for your satisfaction and really unnecessary.

By saying this you became as condensending as he was

Sad that they won't because the product is very good! I'm not telling Latshaw something it doesn't already know and people can conduct their business in any way they want but continued rude customer service stories WILL eventually start affecting sales if they haven't already. Perhaps hiring someone that has customer service skills to deal with sales transactions, questions, complaints, etc might be a good move in the long run because the track record so far is not that great.

What kind of response did you expect?
I've been waiting and hoping that Rick would chime in on this thread, because he has a software company that is also a one-man operation, and processes orders taken online, to see what he thinks of the whole situation. I think he might have a unique perspective to this kind of situation.

Maybe Rick doesn't look at the karaoke section?
Sorry Kevin, but I certainly took it as demeaning and brow beating and if you had already received your KEY (what was the point) and you knew better than asking for your money back!
Maybe Rick doesn't want to get involved in this fracas and I don't blame him. I would be willing to bet that he doesn't conduct his business the way Latshaw does. I just can't see him being a smartass to his customers. I can see him being a smartass here, to us, but I think that's a whole other ballgame and it's done in humor. I can see Rick being choosy about who he want's to be a customer at this point, but I've read many comments about how he has helped customers and the level of support he provides. I've read other things about Latshaw before this so I wasn't surprised at all.
I can see the points people have made here regarding dJdawg's handling this maybe not the best way, but that doesn't change the way Latshaw communicates with people. No reason for it other than he is probably just a cranky, cantankerous, curmudgeon who finds dealing with customers irritating and annoying. There's other Karaoke software available . . .