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Rude response from Latshaw/Karma!!!


I have dealt with Latshaw for over 7 years with problems (on my end) and he has never been rude, condesending etc. to me only professional and helpful in all my computer ignorance problems.

I think the problem was the additude he preceived from Kevin!

His products are top notch and do exactly what he says they do... and really the only problems with them are those created by the purchasers.
Listen, I can relate to both sides. What I can't relate to or condone is the tone and attitude of Bob Latshaw. A little patience and a little PR towards the customer can go a long way is what I was trying to say. He could have answered djdawg differently IMO. Even if djdawg was being a bit of a pain in the arse.

Latshaw can do whatever he wants and he can conduct his business however he wants. Being brusque, terse and outright acting annoyed isn't what I consider good business practice, but he's the one who is rich and who owns a successful software company, so who am I to say what is the best way to behave?

While I can see your point, if indeed Bob was being terse or acting annoyed, but the way I see Keveins last e-mail was not just being annoying but actually a veiled threat and honestly I would have responded in the same manner or even worse (I don't take threats in as laid back a manner as Bob did).

In Kevin's first E-mail kevin was asking for something different than what was clearly laid out on Latshaws website (and his response times have clearly improved since I bought the product).

What other response could he have typed that would have made sense?

Apparently nothing he could have put in words would have come across any differently, at least in the mind of the recipient!
Maybe Rick doesn't want to get involved in this fracas and I don't blame him. I would be willing to bet that he doesn't conduct his business the way Latshaw does. I just can't see him being a smartass to his customers. I can see him being a smartass here, to us, but I think that's a whole other ballgame and it's done in humor. I can see Rick being choosy about who he want's to be a customer at this point, but I've read many comments about how he has helped customers and the level of support he provides. I've read other things about Latshaw before this so I wasn't surprised at all.

I've dealt with Rick and he has been nothing but courteous and professional. I'm happy that a few folks have had positive experiences with Latshaw however after posting my experience on several dj boards, its painfully obvious that the negative experiences FAAAAR outweigh the positive ones....mine was hardly an isolated incident.

I guess the next question would be are there any other karaoke programs that can make books the same way that Latshaw does - reading your digital files? If they have professional customer service, they'll be rich!

While I can see your point, if indeed Bob was being terse or acting annoyed, but the way I see Keveins last e-mail was not just being annoying but actually a veiled threat and honestly I would have responded in the same manner or even worse (I don't take threats in as laid back a manner as Bob did).

In Kevin's first E-mail kevin was asking for something different than what was clearly laid out on Latshaws website (and his response times have clearly improved since I bought the product).

What other response could he have typed that would have made sense?

Apparently nothing he could have put in words would have come across any differently, at least in the mind of the recipient!

Several other reaponses wouldve made "more sense"...a few of them being

Thank you for your order Kevin...I'm only a one man operation and all orders are processed by hand but I'll see what I can do...


Thank you for your order Kevin. I do process all the orders by hand and I I do this in order received so expediting any is difficult. I appreciate your enthusiasm and I promise you it will be well worth the wait...

There! I thought of two right off of the top of my head. As far as me making a "veiled threat"...are we talking about me saying that poor customer service will lead to poor sales? I'm sure Latshaw is well aware of that and its obvious he just doesn't care. I don't think reminding a business owner about a proven business practice qualifies as a threat...lol!
But I think he did say exactly that!

You were looking to have it right now, and he told you perhaps in the future you should plan ahead!

Reading between the lines of your second e-mail I see you telling him (look I am on several DJ boards dissing the hell out of you trying to get people to NOT buy your product) And Yes I can read between the lines, you have already pretty much said as much here with both your words and your actions, maybe I am the only one who sees it this way but I have my doubts!

His response was "I hope you are enjoying the attention" that pretty much says it all!
But, instead of a "thank you", Kevin has raised a stink on at least three boards that I'm aware of.

If you don't think Bob Latshaw reads all the boards, think again.

He's seen Kevin's posts and that's why he asked if Kevin was enjoying the attention.

I've dealt with Bob in the past and they have all been good. He has fantastic products and will take suggestions if given in a courteous manner. I know because I offered one for his KJ Manager program and he incorporated it.

Putting myself in Bob's shoes, I'd have invalidated Kevin's key, refunded his money, and banned him from buying another product from Latshaw Systems; I wouldn't even let him download File Synchronizer.
Putting myself in Bob's shoes, I'd have invalidated Kevin's key, refunded his money, and banned him from buying another product from Latshaw Systems; I wouldn't even let him download File Synchronizer.

As I said above Lastshaw could have treated Kevin better and Kevin could have let it go but here's the funny part with all the piracy going on shouldn't developers be a little more courteous to people willing to pay?

How long do you think it would take to find that software elsewhere? I don't advocate piracy but if you treat me bad I ain't going to pay you to do so
If you don't think Bob Latshaw reads all the boards, think again.

He's seen Kevin's posts and that's why he asked if Kevin was enjoying the attention.

I've dealt with Bob in the past and they have all been good. He has fantastic products and will take suggestions if given in a courteous manner. I know because I offered one for his KJ Manager program and he incorporated it.

Putting myself in Bob's shoes, I'd have invalidated Kevin's key, refunded his money, and banned him from buying another product from Latshaw Systems; I wouldn't even let him download File Synchronizer.

Please tell me you are joking Goodnight...really? Banned from purchasing products? I wonder how your clients would perceive YOUR customer service practices if you really feel that way. I am completely dumbfounded and blown away that anyone in their right mind, that is self employed, that is a businessman, would even think that was an appropriate action. Wow...double wow.

I am certainly not the first dj that has gone on multiple boards warning others of crappy customer service yet I am conducting a smear campaign?

Tonight I have truly seen it all...
After a terrible experience with PCDJ technical support I take every opportunity to tell as many people as possible about my experience. I bought the program shortly after Vista came out and had several problems. I finally gave up and they will never get another cent from me even if they come out with the best program in history.

I need a program to print Karaoke books and I really don't want to deal with a company that is cranky and sarcastic if I need technical support or if I have other questions or issues. I was considering Latshaw's program, but I just don't need the potential hassle or aggravation if I need to communicate with him.
There are guys who drive around to mechanic shops selling professional tools. I'm sure they get calls all the time from mechanics who need something for a rush job or a tool broke and the they need the replacement ASAP etc. If they took the attitude of Bob Latshaw with the mechanics that they sell to what would the mechanics do? They would say "screw Mac tools, I'll just buy from SnapOn or Craftsman".

I understand someone saying "y'know, I think you'd be better off dealing with another company" if someone was abusive or rude or extremely difficult to deal with, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. It seems to take very little provocation to elicit a sarcastic response from BL. I see this all the time. It's just the way some people are. Some folks are just acerbic and sarcastic at the drop of a hat. Anyways, I think we're beating a dead horse here, especially me.
I agree Wiz...I thought I was fine in the emails and others think I was a jerk...no one is going to change their mind. Let's just agree to disagree as they say and move on...

So you how many people here have stated that Bob is a jerk and lacks customer support (that actually use his products) and how many (who do use his products) have said the customer service with Bob is just fine.

Until you have actually had a bad experience with him how can you judge? Kevin, has purchased the product, he received is Key Code, sooner than later but certainly well within the time frame that he was given (before he made the purchase), the only problem is he wanted it right now and that wasn't possible.

I am waiting on a master window switch for one of my vehicles, I would have liked to have had it two weeks ago but I didn't make the purchase until this past friday, now I wish they could have overnighted it to me (which they could have) but I wasn't willing to pay more for the item than I was already paying. Had I planned ahead I would have purchased this item before I took the door apart!

Do you really think just because Kevin got a response that he didn't like that Bob will be a **** to you as well, personally I don't think he is even concerned with Kevin.


I don't know about how you run your business but I worked at a club for years but they kept ****ing me around and firing me and hiring someone cheaper and the rehiring me (Always at $50 more per night) until they reached a level they just felt they couldn't justify. After a couple of years with the low end they started asking me to come back, I told them they couldn't afford me! Last year the owner called me and offered me $500 a night for Wednesday just to DJ the club and told me they would set it up anyway I wanted, I TURNED THEM DOWN, for two reasons

(1) I already have a wednesday night gig that pays $300 a night (and I have to carry all the gear in and set it up each time)

(2) I have no desire to ever work for these people again, ever!

Mainly because the money simply isn't worth my integrity as a business, and they have already dissed me three times, which was twice more than I should have let happen!

So yes if you are a **** some people who are in business to make a living will tell you to put your money in someone elses pocket!
Bad Dawg!

Jeeze Dawg, it was pretty thoughtless of you not to plan ahead.

Does anyone know how long it should take? In my experience, only once, was software activation not immediate. Certainly it would be my expectation, after paying for a product, it should work. As for instant gratification, you may be assured the corresponding bank account is de-gratified instantly. Why shouldn't the reciprocal be expected? The technology exists, give the customer his product.

But Dawg, certainly you knew activation would require a day's lead time because anyone interested good customer service would tell you before charging your card. Emm, don't see any warning for lead time / delaying activation on the home page. On the products page? Nope. On the details page? Nope. On the product registration page (give me your money page)? Nope. On the software license agreement or the FAQ? Nope, nope. If its there, it isn't prominent.

Telling a customer to plan ahead is kind of snotty. You can't plan ahead when the vendor doesn't explain his delivery system is manual and prehistoric.

To put it bluntly, it says on the Latshaw site that it could take up to 24 hours. All you had to do was read.

You wanted special service and when you didn't get it you whined on the boards. You got what you deserved.
I gotta agree with the statement before mine:(Goodknight's)

The tone of his e-mail was of one impatient, demanding, whiney, customer.

Dawg. Ever see the sign's at some businesses that read:


It obviously applies here.

Maybe Bob's a really busy one man band like Rick. Even Rick from time to time
comments about answering the phone, and answering the same dumb questions over and over, Day after day.....While trying to write code for the new Rocket
update that Mr. Whine **** customer cannot wait for.

If bob has spent the time and effort to make stellar products, They will sell themselves.....Even if he doesn't write you a 5 paragraph, smootch on the azz e-mail to your sarcastic e-mail.
Goodnight! Precision! Please read post #34, paragraph 2...the BOLD part...you guys are sooooo not paying attention! I can say this until I'm blue in the face but people JUST DON'T READ! :sqlaugh::sqlaugh::sqlaugh: It's like you are writing a review on a book that you read about a 1/3 of the way through and it I KNOW you guys are more intelligent than that. Take a moment to READ what I wrote!

oh boy.....:sqerr: