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Rude response from Latshaw/Karma!!!

A smear campaign, I believe, would be based upon innuendo and exaggeration?

DJDawg, I believe, accurately presented what happened. Some took exception to his point of view, while most took exception to Latshaw's!

And while we may agree to disagree as to who is responsible to whom for what happened between DJDawg and Latshaw.... there are important details about Latshaw, the man, that others have learned about and have posted about.

Most recent of which was the comment made by Jokerswild in his post immediately preceding this one -- a "like it, or lump it" attitude!

Meanwhile, nobody seems to have any complaints about his product. So we can't say that anyone is smearing the Latshaw product line!

Those who are railing against Latshaw are railing against the man who is proving to be his own worst enemy!
A smear campaign, I believe, would be based upon innuendo and exaggeration?

DJDawg, I believe, accurately presented what happened. Some took exception to his point of view, while most took exception to Latshaw's!

And while we may agree to disagree as to who is responsible to whom for what happened between DJDawg and Latshaw.... there are important details about Latshaw, the man, that others have learned about and have posted about.

Most recent of which was the comment made by Jokerswild in his post immediately preceding this one -- a "like it, or lump it" attitude!

Meanwhile, nobody seems to have any complaints about his product. So we can't say that anyone is smearing the Latshaw product line!

Those who are railing against Latshaw are railing against the man who is proving to be his own worst enemy!

Point taken.
I believe it qualifies as a smear campaign, based on the following:

1) Kevin posted this on several boards, which leads me to conclude this was more than a vent, but a vendetta, attempting to "punish" the "rude" business.

2) I believe this thread (here and elsewhere) should be titled "rude exchange with Latshaw/Karma!!!"

Two wrongs simply don't make a right. Apparently, other people have different math.
As did one other poster, Steve, you used the term "smear". And some might agree with your usage. But in the strictest of terms, you are absolutely incorrect about the most accurate usage of "smear campaign".

I believe that DJDawg's goal was to alert us to the possibility that we might encounter some unpleasantness when dealing with Latshaw. I know I did! Yes, DJDawg posted on several boards. Personally, I am not only glad that he did, but I wish I had gotten to the board sooner than I had and I would have been spared dealing with Bob Latshaw.

In my dealings with Bob, I let him know that his handling of customers and potential customers could hurt him beyond the impact he had on me. I suggested that as a member of several forums I could provide negative feedback regarding his company's customer service. He informed me that such discussions go on all the time and that he couldn't care less. Obviously, Bob Latshaw is aware that there are many who have reasons to inform others that they might want to avoid doing business with Latshaw!

Meanwhile, in spite of Latshaw's stated indifference to "public opinion", he is on the very same forums as Karaoke Ho and BDtheDJ defending himself. So, is his indifference contrived or real? And if it's real, why not apologize to those he has offended and make an effort to change himself.

Since you, Steve, haven't had to deal with Latshaw's ugly side, you don't know what it is like! AND, even if one believes DJDawg was complicit HOW DOES THAT JUSTIFY LATSHAW'S ATTITUDE?

The burden of "Customer Service" lies upon the shoulders of the business, not the customer! For "customer service" to suggest to a customer that he plan better is: outrageous, demeaning and useless to DJDawg at that point.

So, I for one appreciate that DJDawg took the time to share his experience with as many as possible. And it does take valuable time to post on these forums and then have to defend yourself from those who have misread and/or misunderstood what you have said, or simply want to disagree!

I have been involved with many businesses in my life where I have been in a position to make purchases. Sometimes I needed the delivery of my purchase expedited. Can you put yourself in that position and then imagine, further, that the person on the other end of the line suggested that you should have planned your needs better? Simply unheard of in the "real world"!

And, Steve, I agree with you that: "Two wrongs don't make a right". So, even if DJDawg was wrong that doesn't excuse Bob Latshaw and make him right! And while none of you are likely to be doing business with DJDawg in the future, how many of you will be looking into new software?

I believe it qualifies as a smear campaign, based on the following:

1) Kevin posted this on several boards, which leads me to conclude this was more than a vent, but a vendetta, attempting to "punish" the "rude" business.

2) I believe this thread (here and elsewhere) should be titled "rude exchange with Latshaw/Karma!!!"

Two wrongs simply don't make a right. Apparently, other people have different math.
Since you, Steve, haven't had to deal with Latshaw's ugly side, you don't know what it is like!

You're right, I don't.

But, just as you evaluate Latshaw, I evaluate you and Kevin (and others), based on what they post, how they post it, and exactly how much and how long they sustain "injury" from deciding that they don't want someone's software, because they don't like the person who sells it.
Steve, are you suggesting that I and others "might cut off or noses to spite our faces"? If that's what you're suggesting, aren't there other software packages available beside Latshaw's products? And since there are so many to choose from, why would anyone who feels slighted by Latshaw's customer service need to do business with him in the future?

And are you recommending that it is ALWAYS a wise decision to ignore customer service issues when purchasing what is perceived to be a superior product. I, for one, stopped purchasing anything made by HP years ago because of their customer service, or lack thereof! There was a time when I was an avid HP customer and lauded their customer service. Well, that was then and now is now!

Someday, I might try HP again, but it'll take awhile before I become daring enough to spend money with them on the assumption that their customer service efforts has returned to what it used to be.

And as to telling a lot about a person from what they post, I might suggest that it may be best not to let "looks" deceive you. I have encountered several people in person who I was introduced to on a forum and in each case I found the individual to be much more enjoyable in real life!

Some people say a lot behind the cloak of anonymity that such forums provide. Some care to say as little as possible to make their point. Some post in order to be helpful, others to "hear themselves speak". Some post in return for the benefit they have derived from participating in the forum, others to boost their sagging egos!

And while some may want to guess at why others are participating, I bet few of us have clarified in our own minds why we are participating!

You're right, I don't.

But, just as you evaluate Latshaw, I evaluate you and Kevin (and others), based on what they post, how they post it, and exactly how much and how long they sustain "injury" from deciding that they don't want someone's software, because they don't like the person who sells it.

I have had dealings with Bob in the past and I just haven't seen what either you or Kevin have said to be the case.

I read Kevin"s post on the matter and honestly did not see a problem with Bob's response to him on his request for expedited service. Kevin took offense to Bob suggesting that he should plan ahead!

Bob's second response was in direct response to an open threat to smear him on the boards, personally my response would have been a lot more harsh but I guess Bob chose not to stoop to Kevins level on that issue. I don't remember exactly what the response was but it was really nothing more than have fun!

BTW you are wrong on the issue of "SMEAR" a person can be "smeared" just as easily as a business or product can, in this case a personal smear on Bob is also a smear on his business. In fact if you will notice in a lot of Kevin's postings and i believe in yours as well the phrase along these lines has been used several times "not a way to run a business" or some other variation of that!

That my friend is a business smear no matter how you look at it!
I have never had any dealings with any of the above but I will offer an unbiased opinion.

#1 - None of you have brought up the fact that not everybody is having a stellar day at the same time you are. People have bad days...EVERYBODY has bad days. Perhaps Mr. Latshaw was having a bad day and came off a little more harsh that he could have.

#2 - It is quite difficult to gauge emotion in a typed email. What one person deems trite, to-the-point, etc...may not come off the same way for someone else.

#3 - Dawg, while I can see your point, I believe you are blowing this entire thing out of proportion and, indeed, coming across as a whiney prima donna because an email response rubbed you the wrong way. Did you ever think that, perhaps, YOU werre having the bad day when you read Mr. Latshaw's response? Suck it up, man...if that's the worst thing that has ever happened in your business dealings, I really don't want to know what something serious would do to your fragile ego.

His reaction to my basic inquiry - which comprised basically of a question about the rate of speed that companies confirm sales - was devoid of any rudeness. I thanked him IF he was able to process it quicker than he told me and that was it...No, I was not having a bad day and you should realize by now that his response to me was not unique and could not be chalked up to having a "bad day" but instead seems to be his general business practice.

1. Because you have not experienced something doesn't it mean it doesn't exist or isn't so!
2. I don't know who "kevin" is but I do know there have been more than two people over the course of various posts on various forums, including this one, who have indicated that they have had the exact same type of experience with Latshaw
3. I stand by my previous comment that nobody smeared the Latshaw product line. And I NEVER stated, Thunder that a "smear" campaign could not be directed towards an individual; most such efforts are, in fact, directed towards individuals. So why am I wrong!!!???
3. If I were to say that Chrysler produces an inferior car as compared to Mercedes Benz, is that a "smear" or a fact?
4. And while "answers.com" is not the ultimate lexicographic authority, this is the definition found there for "smear campaign" : "An attempt to ruin a reputation by slander or vilification" http://www.answers.com/topic/smear-campaign.
5. Neither slander nor vilification has been used in any post I have encountered regarding Latshaw's personality! And telling the truth is NEVER a smear!
6. Lastly, considering how many alternative sources exist for the software I need, I'll follow the old adage: "where there's smoke, there's fire"!


I have had dealings with Bob in the past and I just haven't seen what either you or Kevin have said to be the case.

I read Kevin"s post on the matter and honestly did not see a problem with Bob's response to him on his request for expedited service. Kevin took offense to Bob suggesting that he should plan ahead!

Bob's second response was in direct response to an open threat to smear him on the boards, personally my response would have been a lot more harsh but I guess Bob chose not to stoop to Kevins level on that issue. I don't remember exactly what the response was but it was really nothing more than have fun!

BTW you are wrong on the issue of "SMEAR" a person can be "smeared" just as easily as a business or product can, in this case a personal smear on Bob is also a smear on his business. In fact if you will notice in a lot of Kevin's postings and i believe in yours as well the phrase along these lines has been used several times "not a way to run a business" or some other variation of that!

That my friend is a business smear no matter how you look at it!

1. Because you have not experienced something doesn't it mean it doesn't exist or isn't so!
2. I don't know who "kevin" is but I do know there have been more than two people over the course of various posts on various forums who have indicated that they have had the exact same type of experience with Latshaw
3. I stand by my previous comment that nobody smeared the Latshaw product line. And I NEVER stated, DJFuzzy that a "smear" campaign could not be directed towards an individual; most such efforts are, in fact, directed towards individuals. So why am I wrong, DJFuzzy!!!???
3. If I were to say that Chrysler produces an inferior car as compared to Mercedes Benz, is that a "smear" or a fact?
4. And while "answers.com" is not the ultimate lexicographic authority, this is the definition found there for "smear campaign" : "An attempt to ruin a reputation by slander or vilification" http://www.answers.com/topic/smear-campaign.
5. Neither slander nor vilification has been used in any post I have encountered regarding Latshaw's personality!
6. Lastly, considering how many alternative sources exist for the software I need, I'll follow the old adage: "where there's smoke, there's fire"!

I believe that it was your intent to address Thunder.

1. Because you have not experienced something doesn't it mean it doesn't exist or isn't so!
2. I don't know who "kevin" is but I do know there have been more than two people over the course of various posts on various forums, including this one, who have indicated that they have had the exact same type of experience with Latshaw
3. I stand by my previous comment that nobody smeared the Latshaw product line. And I NEVER stated, Thunder that a "smear" campaign could not be directed towards an individual; most such efforts are, in fact, directed towards individuals. So why am I wrong!!!???
3. If I were to say that Chrysler produces an inferior car as compared to Mercedes Benz, is that a "smear" or a fact?
4. And while "answers.com" is not the ultimate lexicographic authority, this is the definition found there for "smear campaign" : "An attempt to ruin a reputation by slander or vilification" http://www.answers.com/topic/smear-campaign.
5. Neither slander nor vilification has been used in any post I have encountered regarding Latshaw's personality! And telling the truth is NEVER a smear!
6. Lastly, considering how many alternative sources exist for the software I need, I'll follow the old adage: "where there's smoke, there's fire"!

Great post Eric...in fact I have stated more than once that his products WERE top notch! I think they are wonderful so hard to equate that to a smear campaign....
Here's something to remember. If the company or person that you are smearing really gets upset he can pull your license to the program. You DO NOT own the program your are buying the license rights to use it and it can be revoked.

Lone Wolf
Here's something to remember. If the company or person that you are smearing really gets upset he can pull your license to the program. You DO NOT own the program your are buying the license rights to use it and it can be revoked.

Lone Wolf

Ya, and if that license were revoked... by whatever company or person... a refund had better be following that revocation very quickly.
Being a COYNTSYF (cut off your nose to spite your face) type of guy I can see Latshaw doing both: revoking the license and issuing a refund!
Being a COYNTSYF (cut off your nose to spite your face) type of guy I can see Latshaw doing both: revoking the license and issuing a refund!

Well I hope not.. because it's a good program and in fact I used it last night with fantastic results.... *See My Gig Report*
Well I hope not.. because it's a good program and in fact I used it last night with fantastic results.... *See My Gig Report*

But you arn't the one that complained. I use some of Latshaw's programs also and love the all. I haven't gotten around to Karma yet.

Lone Wolf
This thread has got to be the longest running, pointless crock of s**t I've ever seen posted on any forum.

What a fine advert for the forum and it's users.

There's obviously nothing else of any worth to be discussed here and, from the lack of posts on any other worthwhile subject, seems to be the ideal place to set up your soapbox and spout about any old bull. :sqembarrassed:
Any wagers on who dunghouk is? Hmmmm? Hi Bob. Seems like folks like you programs they just think you're an a$$.
This thread has got to be the longest running, pointless crock of s**t I've ever seen posted on any forum.

What a fine advert for the forum and it's users.

There's obviously nothing else of any worth to be discussed here and, from the lack of posts on any other worthwhile subject, seems to be the ideal place to set up your soapbox and spout about any old bull. :sqembarrassed:

Not really even close to the longest running crock of S**t on this or any other DJ board, I believe the longest running thread on this forum was one done about people who post on a forum for the first time for no reason other than to berate the members of that forum and have absolutely nothing to contribute otherwise.

That thread was 72 pages long! Hi Bob:sqlaugh:
This thread has got to be the longest running, pointless crock of s**t I've ever seen posted on any forum.

What a fine advert for the forum and it's users.

There's obviously nothing else of any worth to be discussed here and, from the lack of posts on any other worthwhile subject, seems to be the ideal place to set up your soapbox and spout about any old bull. :sqembarrassed:

Two whole posts! Thank you for your fine contribution here.