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Rude response from Latshaw/Karma!!!

Kevin Kelly

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I finally broke down and spent the $80 (way overpriced I might add) to get the Song List Generator from Latshaw...the folks that give you the great Karma karaoke software program. After I did the thing online, I got the message that it takes up to 24 hrs (really? with the current technology we have? ok) to get the key and be able to register it, etc. and I sent them this note after I payed for everything...

"Hey folks...I understand that it may take up to 24 hrs (!!????) for me to receive an email that verifies that I paid for my song list generator software so I can actually use it...but if there is any way you could expedite this process, it would be greatly appreciated. I need to get my books ready soon and this long weekend would be a great time to do it....thank you! Why does it take so long anyway? Most websites this happens instantaneously...."

So I don't think I was rude in the slightest...I didn't want to come off like I need to get my books together tomorrow or anything like that...I was just trying to let them know that it's a long weekend and I could get alot accomplished with the job at hand and the sooner that I start the better. I showed appreciation IF the approval could be sped up, and I ended it with the statement that yes, with most websites this IS something that happens immediately.

So I get two emails from Latshaw...the first one telling me that they got the payment and everything is hunky dory - somewhat of an automated message - and the second one was a response to my email....it goes a little something like this....

"Your order was just processed. We processs [sic] our orders by hand which is why it can take up to 24 hours. You might consider the concept of "planning ahead of time" in future transactions with us."

Perhaps I'm just a bit too sensitive tonight but my email didn't deserve a response like this and I hope it's not the level of professionalism that I will get if I ever need customer support in the future. Will it keep me from purchasing products in the future? Naw...the karaoke software program looks top notch but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth...

I finally broke down and spent the $80 (way overpriced I might add) to get the Song List Generator from Latshaw...the folks that give you the great Karma karaoke software program. After I did the thing online, I got the message that it takes up to 24 hrs (really? with the current technology we have? ok) to get the key and be able to register it, etc. and I sent them this note after I payed for everything...

"Hey folks...I understand that it may take up to 24 hrs (!!????) for me to receive an email that verifies that I paid for my song list generator software so I can actually use it...but if there is any way you could expedite this process, it would be greatly appreciated. I need to get my books ready soon and this long weekend would be a great time to do it....thank you! Why does it take so long anyway? Most websites this happens instantaneously...."

So I don't think I was rude in the slightest...I didn't want to come off like I need to get my books together tomorrow or anything like that...I was just trying to let them know that it's a long weekend and I could get alot accomplished with the job at hand and the sooner that I start the better. I showed appreciation IF the approval could be sped up, and I ended it with the statement that yes, with most websites this IS something that happens immediately.

So I get two emails from Latshaw...the first one telling me that they got the payment and everything is hunky dory - somewhat of an automated message - and the second one was a response to my email....it goes a little something like this....

"Your order was just processed. We processs [sic] our orders by hand which is why it can take up to 24 hours. You might consider the concept of "planning ahead of time" in future transactions with us."

Perhaps I'm just a bit too sensitive tonight but my email didn't deserve a response like this and I hope it's not the level of professionalism that I will get if I ever need customer support in the future. Will it keep me from purchasing products in the future? Naw...the karaoke software program looks top notch but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth...


This is typically how he (Bob Latshaw) handles his customer service... get use to it. If a request or question doesn't suit him you get short rude responses....

Like when I asked when Karma would support 64 bit systems... I get a short... "Nah, not yet." Certainly not rude but also no kind of real answer.
And I should add an f.y.i. here...I did follow up his rude response with something like "gee, I didn't think my original email required THAT type of response" and I haven't heard anything back yet...

The purpose of posting this is not to steer people away from purchasing the products because they really are quite good...it's just that I'm so surprised that in this day of age where every dollar is fought after by competing products that someone would say something so unecessary and thoughtless. PLUS the fact that I heard these people were totally cool....:sqconfused:
And I should add an f.y.i. here...I did follow up his rude response with something like "gee, I didn't think my original email required THAT type of response" and I haven't heard anything back yet...

The purpose of posting this is not to steer people away from purchasing the products because they really are quite good...it's just that I'm so surprised that in this day of age where every dollar is fought after by competing products that someone would say something so unecessary and thoughless. PLUS the fact that I heard these people were totally cool....:sqconfused:

I'm not trying to desuade anyone from this product either... you are correct it is very good.... but, this is typical Bob Latshaw un-cool responses... like it or lump it.
gee this guy must be related to those guys at the MBLV09 Promo Only Booth.
The way I'm reading it, the original email, and the response seem to be equal, with the amount of "tone" in them. Is your position that you shouldn't get what you give because you're "the customer"?

Perhaps I'm just a bit too sensitive

The way I'm reading it, the original email, and the response seem to be equal, with the amount of "tone" in them. Is your position that you shouldn't get what you give because you're "the customer"?


I would totally disagree with my "tone"...hard for me to see how you would interpret my tone being equal with his...and no, I would also disagree that if a customer IS rude (which I was not in my op) you STILL do not give it back the same way...that's called basic good customer service!
at each of the other subscription booths they were giving out sample discs so as I went up to their booth I was looking at their stuff to see if they in fact were getting with the program. Im in Canada so cant get their subs from the USA but was wanting to see if they had any sample discs to compare. The guy said we dont give anything away our discs are for sale. His words though not that abrasive his tone of voice made it more abrasive. I then said to him well I cant buy your product as Im from Canada. He then mentioned that They have Canadian edition. I said yes I know but there are better providers. He was not pleasant and was very short.
I think we all have gotten so used to instant gratification that we are unwilling to wait for stuff anymore.
I think we all have gotten so used to instant gratification that we are unwilling to wait for stuff anymore.

That's true... OtsAV is that way too... due to time zone issues it can take upto 48 hours to get a response or software license from them as well.
I cannot comment on the spoken tone at Promo Only's booth, as I didn't witness jt's visit to it.

However, in Kevin's case, I believe the "tone" of the written word should taken with a grain of salt, and there's a huge amount of latitude that could be at work here. I have certainly misinterpreted others, and been misinterpreted, via the written word. What if Latshaw was somewhat kidding around with you, in the same manner in which Kevin seemed to be kidding around? And what if, right after this email exchange, Kevin's request was granted, and he got the licence right away - is that part of this story? Would you still be complaining if you got exactly what you asked for, because you didn't like "being talked to that way"?

I also believe in the Golden Rule, regardless of where and how the money works. I certainly believe in voting with my money. And yes, I've gotten bad service, and yes, I've taken my business elsewhere because of it, but I don't think I find either of these situations rising to what I consider "that bad".

at each of the other subscription booths they were giving out sample discs so as I went up to their booth I was looking at their stuff to see if they in fact were getting with the program. Im in Canada so cant get their subs from the USA but was wanting to see if they had any sample discs to compare. The guy said we dont give anything away our discs are for sale. His words though not that abrasive his tone of voice made it more abrasive. I then said to him well I cant buy your product as Im from Canada. He then mentioned that They have Canadian edition. I said yes I know but there are better providers. He was not pleasant and was very short.

So, after buying booth space, flying four people in from Florida, putting them up for several days, and all the other related costs (union regulations, etc.), you expect free dvds and/or cds from Promo Only? And why... because "the other guys" were doing it. While I'm sure the music and video subscription business is different from the mobile D.J. business, I would NEVER do what "the other guys" are doing, simply because they're doing it - I find that silly.

Again, I'm not defending his tone, but IF he's spent a major chunk of two days, with D.J. after D.J. bugging and begging for "free samples", do you think it might take a toll on his mood? Product reps are people, too.

Now, it seems to me that you started to recover from the rough start of this conversation when you told the "guy" you're from Canada. But then, you slam him by telling him other services do a better job. Was that nice? Was that necessary? Was that your best effort to sweet talk someone into giving you something for free?

Is customer service reserved for CUSTOMERS?

JT, I'm totally not trying to come down on you, and from experience, I KNOW you can be more charming than this story illustrates. I'm simply suggesting that had you USED more of said charm, I think you might have another disc or two at your house today.
Steve, I agree that txting, emails, etc can be misinterpreted greatly. I've been on both sides there...

I wasn't complaining (in the thread atleast) about how long it took to get the license...it came in less than 24 hrs. The point of the thread was that his response (if I'm reading it correctly) hit a nerve and seemed unequal to my original email/question.
I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill here...maybe if Bob Latshaw ever reads this thread he might have other people take care of the customer service aspect at Karma because his reputation may start effecting the sales of his product. (That's another reason why I'm not reading his email as if he might be joking because Jokers Wild has already had questionable experience with him.)

After playing with the software I have to say that it WILL save me a substantial amount of $ with my books. Looks like I can get my 14k song library down to less than 150 (sorted by Title so double that for sorted by artist) because it will let me print 4 columns per page!
The way I'm reading it, the original email, and the response seem to be equal, with the amount of "tone" in them. Is your position that you shouldn't get what you give because you're "the customer"?

Normally I'd agree with you, Steve. The old adage is the customer is always right. :) You would think that any business owner/sales person would go out of their way to 'go the extra mile' and be nice even when a customer isn't being as nice as they could be.

I'm already not a fan of Latshaw due to the 64 Bit thing which makes no sense but fighting fire with fire has to be one of the stupidest business moves. Just in my humble opinion of course. :)

Last week I stood by your side, suggesting that you have the right to run your business the way you see fit and to be fair. I believe that other businesses have the same right. I believe "the customer is always right" attitude has led to "the customer expects to dictate how the business is run", and I don't stand behind that, at all. I think it's a horrible negative spiral. "Well, if I ran this business..." Well, you don't! I regularly get unsolicited business advice from people who have never been self-employed. If you're such a business wizard, how come YOU don't have your own business?

Until or unless customer service reaches the level of "I didn't get what I paid for", the rest is just style, tact, and nuance - which is a two way street. Can Latshaw improve.. I'm sure of it. Can Kevin, or Jon, or Steve, or Dan... improve? Yes.

In Kevin's case, for example, if his original email actually succeeded in getting him faster service, I think he's being too sensitive (he asked) by complaining about... getting what he asked for, simply because the service wasn't with enough of a "smile". I think the vendor is potentially getting slammed after going above and beyond their "standard" procedure (whether it's "state of the art" or not). Going above and beyond should be followed by a "thank you", instead of being slammed on several forums.

That's my opinion, and if I'm in the minority on this, so be it.

I could randomly recount experiences where I've vowed never to patronize certain businesses, but instead, I just simply moved on.
I will say this.... although their site does tell you it can take up to 24 hours to process an order and send your license key... it didn't take more than 4 hours for me to get mine....

It's possible that had the email been worded more diplimatically the "rude" response might not have come.... hard to say Bob ain't here to defend his response.

But, historically this is his mode of operation.... I've heard other's complain too.... not just me or Keven... Long story short if you want Karma but don't want the customer service from Latshaw... then get KJPro from PCDJ... they are the same exact package... you just have a different customer service number/email.
Again...the vendor - Latshaw in this case - did not go above and beyond. He delivered what he said he would deliver in the time frame that he said he would. My problem is the additional comment that was added onto the sale...totally uncalled for and rude.

An example...you're in a restaurant and decide to use the bathroom. You do and in the bathroom there is a toilet, sink, papertowels. Being the clean freak that you are (not YOU and not even me in this case but can't think of a better example) you notice that there are no toilet seat-butt gaskets. You use the toilet anyway and when you come out you stop by the cashier you say,

"Hey I appreciate you having a bathroom here! Thanks for keeping it clean and having it stocked with papertowels. You know a lot of public bathrooms have those butt gasket seat liners...is there any way you guys might be able to get them? I stop here a lot and I'm sure I'll be using your bathroom from time to time so I would really appreciate it. How come you don't have them?"

This is said in a polite and courteous manner without any sarcasm whatsoever.

The cashier replies, "you know if you would've thought ahead you would've brought your own toilet seat liners."

How anyone canthink that my original email was anythink NEAR his rudeness is beyond me. Notice the words that I used like, "I would appreciate" and "thank you"...hardly matches up with his response. I wasn't telling him how to do his business...I was merely asking him a question about WHY it took longer than the INDUSTRY NORM. I didn't say "why the hell does it take you so much longer than everyone else?". I merely posed the question to him and got that response.
Ok, let's take it apart, then. Please keep in mind, you asked for opinions.

"Hey folks...I understand that it may take up to 24 hrs (!!????)"

Why the cartoon version of profanities, or the extra emphasis? Could it be indicative of your attitude, which later got responded to, in kind?

"for me to receive an email that verifies that I paid for my song list generator software so I can actually use it"

Sounds like sarcasm to me.

"...but if there is any way you could expedite this process, it would be greatly appreciated. I need to get my books ready soon and this long weekend would be a great time to do it....thank you!"

Latshaw's response reminds your rush, and your timing, are related to when YOU place the order.

"Why does it take so long anyway? Most websites this happens instantaneously...."

Some do, some don't. Where is this statistic from?