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Shocked, Appalled and Embarrassed....

Some parts of our govt, yes I do want to be equated with. There are MANY things about the United States govt. that I love (hence why many Mexicans want to come to this country). Nothing is perfect, but if MOST of the Mexican people are just so all around wonderful my thoughts are they should make their country just as great.

You must be naive about the government in Mexico? Do you have any idea at all how it works? Do you think those people have even half a chance of changing things? About as much as Cubans do. In the end they've got to worry about keeping life and limb together, if that means coming here and using our resources - fine by me. Trade you a hardworking Mexican who pays into the tax system with an illegal SSN for a welfare mama that keeps popping babies out and sucking the system dry. :giggles:
WAIT a minute!!! I thought "my **** is bigger than your ****" was a game that Mike and asb play.

I didn't know JRL19 plays too!

Now that sounds like a FANTABULOUS game......

I volunteer to be a judge.....unless ya'll are like....old.....and then I'll pass....thx
Don't bring my **** into this mess. Thank you.
Palin's **** is bigger....
I made pound cake! Flavored with almond extract...will that do? Cause that is what I am having! Pass the plate!

That will do just fine. Thank you! :hiphip:
wonder if he's manager of DQ yet?

...... that "my" government would have the audacity to actually SUE a state of people reaching out for help and protection, because that government doesn't have the DECENCY to do its job, to enforce its laws.

My heart goes out to the people of Arizona and other border states, begging for protection for themselves and their families. Our president didn't even have the decency to go to Arizona to see for himself the fear that people there live with every day, to see for himself how serious the situation is.

Oh, and before you tell me that we, as Americans, have been unfair to other people, over time, around the world, may I just say that these are OUR people, citizens of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA..... that our government is choosing to not protect, to sue, to make fun of... its own STATE of citizens.

I am speechless. I am in tears. I am embarrassed to be an American.

It's official: Obama admin will sue Arizona

So it's official: Obama's Justice Department will announce this week that it's suing Arizona to overturn the onerous immigration law.
In case you doubt that this will revive the national yelling match over immigration, the two Republican Senators from Arizona, John McCain and Jon Kyl, are already out with a statement bashing the decision as proof that the Obama administration is weak on enforcement:
"The American people must wonder whether the Obama Administration is really committed to securing the border when it sues a state that is simply trying to protect its people by enforcing immigration law.
"Attorney General Holder speaks of the 'federal government's responsibility' to enforce immigration laws; but what are the people of Arizona left to do when the federal government fails in its responsibility? "The Obama Administration has not done everything it can do to protect the people of Arizona from the violence and crime illegal immigration brings to our state. Until it does, the federal government should not be suing Arizona on the grounds that immigration enforcement is solely a federal responsibility."
It will be interesting to see how directly Obama takes ownership of the lawsuit, given that it's being initiated by his Justice Department, which in theory makes such decisions independently.
The White House is reported to be worried that Obama's dip in popularity among Latinos will adversely impact the 2010 and 2012 elections. Harry Reid also needs big Latino support to win reelection. Hence Obama's recent high-profile speech on immigration reform. In that speech, Obama didn't lay out any specific policies or timelines, leading many to speculate that immigration reform may not move this year.
But a major, high-profile lawsuit like this one could do nearly as much as a legislative push on the issue to excite Latino and other Dem base voters, at least in the short term. It could restart the national argument over immigration, push the issue to the forefront again, and demonstrate the Obama administration's willingness to use the power of the Federal government to defend Latinos' civil rights. Gonna get hot.
UPDATE, 2:35 p.m.: It's officially official: Here's the lawsuit [pdf] that Obama's Justice Department has now filed against Arizona.

By Greg Sargent | July 6, 2010; 1:15 PM ET