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Shocked, Appalled and Embarrassed....

if you're that embarrassed, I know a few good Mexicans who would willinging take your place.....just saying.

If all the people in the US who think the same way I do right now left, good luck to all our “replacementsâ€, because while there are many, many, many “good Mexicansâ€, just as there are many, many, many “good†of ALL nationalities, the rest, the not-as-good, may run out of hard-working, taxed enough already, law-abiding citizens to subsidize them…. just saying.

Quick question for newbride.... if there are that many "good mexicans" why isn't Mexico a thriving country that all Americans are trying to move to?

Firstly, just so it's understood (in case it wasn't), when it comes to dictionary attacks, and grammar attacks, they are vaguely serious. I'm usually just playing around, but yes, "attacks" are based on truths.

You're a mountain of pain-in-the-assness...and I was and am playing around, too. I don't use the term "dude" in serious conversations...
Quick, somebody pass the popcorn. I don't have any with me at work!
You're a mountain of pain-in-the-assness...and I was and am playing around, too. I don't use the term "dude" in serious conversations...
I'm aware.

But it's SmartAsseryâ„¢, not pain-in-the-assness.

Okay, so now that everybody is aware that everybody is aware that everybody is playin' around ... who are we bashing now?
You be correctin me once more time and i'ma come git you, punk.
Cause there will be tears
But they're not gonna be mine
My heart will be clear
And my eyes are staying dry
So long as they don't get violent, I want to let everyone say what they wish, for I myself have always said exactly what pleased me.
Quick question for newbride.... if there are that many "good mexicans" why isn't Mexico a thriving country that all Americans are trying to move to?

do people = the government? Do YOU want to be equated with YOUR government? Didn't think so. Good people, bad government. 'nuff said.
So long as they don't get violent, I want to let everyone say what they wish, for I myself have always said exactly what pleased me.
I can never get violent on an Miranda Cosgrove fan. We should do beers over an iCarly marathon...
I think they're gonna start sinigng Kumbaya soon. :bee:
Some parts of our govt, yes I do want to be equated with. There are MANY things about the United States govt. that I love (hence why many Mexicans want to come to this country). Nothing is perfect, but if MOST of the Mexican people are just so all around wonderful my thoughts are they should make their country just as great.

do people = the government? Do YOU want to be equated with YOUR government? Didn't think so. Good people, bad government. 'nuff said.