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Shocked, Appalled and Embarrassed....

Why is it that so many people are clueless these days? My 12yo DS took the US and IL state Constitution test this past year and learned TONS of great info. I admit I learned things too. I remember my parents studying for their citizenship test years ago. It is important to SOME people, but not enough.

I also admit to not being up on politics or world leaders or current issues before 9/11. I never used to watch the news channels. Yep, back then I ONLY baked cookies :)

Now it's pretty much all I watch. NO, not just that ONE channel, but I know which channel I believe is giving me more to think about and not just being mainstream in their reporting.
My best friend is a cop in Bensenville and every 4th of July when she pulls people over she will give them the opportunity to get out of a ticket if its a minor infraction. She will ask random questions that she feels are associated with the 4th, America, history, etc...Who was our first president? What do the stripes on the flag stand for? etc...This is the 3rd year she does this and she is appalled that the Middle Eastern, Hispanic, and other various minorities can usually answer the questions but if she asks a caucasian (shes half german half french) they almost never know the answer. When she asks the Hispanic people why they know all this stuff but can barely speak English, their response is almost always the same, they are studyiing so one day they can take the citizenship test....

Ooooooh I could maybe get on board for that.

Make everyone pass a citizenship test, if you flunk, you get kicked out. Should raise the country's IQ quite a bit, no more dummies who don't know US history, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. There would be no more idiots running on the streets for Jay Leno's embarrassing quiz game. HTH could a high school history teacher not know the US Presidents? No more California airheads, no more Sarah Palins. Yep, I'm liking this idea better the more I think about it. Maybe coupon problems will disappear because cashiers and managers will finally grasp the difference between per purchase and per transaction.

Should make jobs too, for exam cram teachers. :lol:
My best friend is a cop in Bensenville and every 4th of July when she pulls people over she will give them the opportunity to get out of a ticket if its a minor infraction. She will ask random questions that she feels are associated with the 4th, America, history, etc...Who was our first president? What do the stripes on the flag stand for? etc...This is the 3rd year she does this and she is appalled that the Middle Eastern, Hispanic, and other various minorities can usually answer the questions but if she asks a caucasian (shes half german half french) they almost never know the answer. When she asks the Hispanic people why they know all this stuff but can barely speak English, their response is almost always the same, they are studyiing so one day they can take the citizenship test....

So what I'm understanding here is a cop pulls over people for bullshit stuff - and says - Hey " seing as ur not caucasian" I'll give ya a chance to get out of this ticket if u answer questions? What the **** is she still doing on the department????? It's called Racial Profiling ... I L L E G A L - .. Ya got them all over here causing all sorts of **** w/ the "minority status" and Dunkin Donuts, and what not taking the jobs from citizens and giving it to them?? Fair - No ****in way - They all want to come into this county to be free - take a test, get a job - and boom - citizen .. That sucks IMO. Most of them do not even have a valid D.L. and there is no such thing as an "International D.L." anymore - at least not in the state of Illinois - if u are here for longer than 30 days you MUST HAVE A VALID D.L. in order to operate a motor Vehicle. I rather take the ticket - see that cop in court and sue her **** and the department.
So what I'm understanding here is a cop pulls over people for bullshit stuff - and says - Hey " seing as ur not caucasian" I'll give ya a chance to get out of this ticket if u answer questions? What the **** is she still doing on the department????? It's called Racial Profiling ... I L L E G A L - .. Ya got them all over here causing all sorts of **** w/ the "minority status" and Dunkin Donuts, and what not taking the jobs from citizens and giving it to them?? Fair - No ****in way - They all want to come into this county to be free - take a test, get a job - and boom - citizen .. That sucks IMO. Most of them do not even have a valid D.L. and there is no such thing as an "International D.L." anymore - at least not in the state of Illinois - if u are here for longer than 30 days you MUST HAVE A VALID D.L. in order to operate a motor Vehicle. I rather take the ticket - see that cop in court and sue her **** and the department.
You misread her post.

The officer pulls over folks for real offenses.

Only the 4th of July, and only on the 4th of July, she will let the offender off if it was a minor violation and if they can pass an instant civics quiz. She does this with whomever committed the minor offense, not just minorities.

The officer noted to her friend that she was surprised that the only group that routinely fails the quiz are whites. She remarked that many of the Hispanics and others who knew the answers they had been studying civics to one day pass their citizenship exam.
Ooooooh I could maybe get on board for that.

Make everyone pass a citizenship test, if you flunk, you get kicked out. Should raise the country's IQ quite a bit, no more dummies who don't know US history, the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. There would be no more idiots running on the streets for Jay Leno's embarrassing quiz game. HTH could a high school history teacher not know the US Presidents? No more California airheads, no more Sarah Palins. Yep, I'm liking this idea better the more I think about it. Maybe coupon problems will disappear because cashiers and managers will finally grasp the difference between per purchase and per transaction.

Should make jobs too, for exam cram teachers. :lol:

You forgot to include Obama......he thinks there is 57 states and doesnt know how to pronounce corpsman correctly.



**** it, dude, you're making me have to go to Google:


I trust you're a smart guy, but I'm going to defer to the online dictionary on this one.
Haha, I know this "myriad" thing is a long-dead aspect of this topic. The whole thing was nothing but a blatant exercise in hijacking. Somewhere around 4:30 that day, there was a loud whoosh! as I left, because I was happy to be leaving early, and happy for a few days off. I missed your reply.

Of course, work had to kick me in the balls as soon as I came back Monday, and took a couple kicks on Tuesday and Wednesday too, but I digress ... enough about that.

Please indulge me here-

Firstly, just so it's understood (in case it wasn't), when it comes to dictionary attacks, and grammar attacks, they are vaguely serious. I'm usually just playing around, but yes, "attacks" are based on truths.

"America keeps on trucking despite the myriad of problems we're told are going to ruin us."

Based on my understanding of your intent, I could have replaced that sentence with any of these (among others), and still convey your intent:
America keeps on trucking despite the countless problems we're told are going to ruin us.
America keeps on trucking despite the endless problems we're told are going to ruin us.
America keeps on trucking despite the extensive problems we're told are going to ruin us.
merica keeps on trucking despite the numerous problems we're told are going to ruin us.

This prompted the grammar attack (Grammar Nazi/Hijacker), which was the post "myriad is an adjective", because in your sentence, Grammar Nazi believes you used the word as an adjective.

You pointed out that the word can be used as a noun, which was acknowledged accordingly, and it was re-pointed out that (be that as it may) you used it as an adjective. When used as an adjective, "myriad" being followed by the word "of" is incorrect usage, which was also pointed out.

All that aside, if your intent was the noun version, replacing that sentence with any of these (among others) would work:
America keeps on trucking despite the multitude of problems we're told are going to ruin us.
America keeps on trucking despite the number of problems we're told are going to ruin us.
America keeps on trucking despite the mountain of problems we're told are going to ruin us.
merica keeps on trucking despite the abundance of problems we're told are going to ruin us.

I actually share a healthy admiration for the word "myriad" with Evan Morris. Also, as a perhaps not-so-interesting side note, I did "a paper" on the etymology of certain words in high school (myriad included), got an A, and had the joy of educating my own teacher. She did not know of the word's ability to be a noun. I told her I should get extra credit for being her teacher for the moment. She laughed.

I have a special place in my heart for "myriad", and so does the Grammar Nazi. :snicker:

If it weren't for checking my own profile for last posts, I couldn't remember anything from last week.

I even forgot there was a P&G deal(s) going, and never printed the lists. I hope I can still get in on that one ... ya know ... pads and such.
Asb the wordsmith :)
The primary characteristic of this universe lies precisely in the inability to use categories of the real to speak about it.
The primary characteristic of this universe lies precisely in the inability to use categories of the real to speak about it.

-Jean Baudrillard

cite your sources, otherwise it's plagarism.