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So what are you thinking now? New thread!


:woot: Happy Friday!!!!
Sorry Red. Glad to hear he's ok!
Omg Joan- that pic of Sophie in her hoodie is just so darn cute!!!
I'm not :faint: ing over what was posted.
I'm :faint: ing that mrsmom posted anything before noon, muchless 9:30. :lol:

****es I've been up since 6:45 am (continuously). DS10 has a dentist appt. pretty soon. I'll have to nap this afternoon instead.

I'm not :faint: ing over what was posted.
I'm :faint: ing that mrsmom posted anything before noon, muchless 9:30. :lol:

I just woke up and signed in and was thinking the same thing. I was all what????????????? have I been away not reading that long that she gets up in the am now. :laugh:

Mrsmom....for you :flowers:
AND I showered already..........so pfft! :p
Society SUCKS!

Happy that some people are not ignorant and saved Elton!


'Gay' dog on death row saved
A dog who was left at a Tennessee animal shelter to be put down because his owner thought he was gay has been saved by an animal lover - who is going to call him Elton.
Elton the dog

Elton, an American bulldog mix, was due to be euthanised at the Tennesse animal shelter, after he was handed in when his owner found him "hunched over" another male dog.

When his story went viral on the internet, veterinary technician Stephanie Fryns, who already has four dogs and is affiliated with animal rescue group Woof Connections, stepped in to save him from Jackson TN Euthanasia.

“I am adopting this big boy first thing in the morning,” she wrote. “He will be neutered/ htwm tested/ and vetted. He will be temperament tested and then places in a rescue verified and approved home.”

She then said after picking him up: "He's pretty scared of everything, which is understandable. But he loved the car ride."

Ms Fryns added that Elton had some redness on his ears but could not say if it was a result of dog fighting.

The Facebook campaign was shared by more than 5,000 people and "liked" almost 1,000 times.

The original entry, featuring a picture of a forlorn-looking Elton, said: "This guy was signed over to RC, not bc he's mean or bc he tears things up, but because... His owner says he's gay! He hunched another male dog so his owner threw him away bc he refuses to have a "gay" dog! Even if that weren't the most assinine thing I've ever heard, its still discrimination! Don't let this gorgeous dog die bc his owner is ignorant of normal dog behavior! He's in kennel 10L and he WILL be put down tomorrow bc there is no room at the inn!"

Although it is extremely unlikely Elton was doing anything other than attempting to assert dominance over another dog, homosexual behaviour among other animals is not unheard of.
I showered, so I am feeling quite accomplished today. Even washed my hair. :bow:
And now I am going to go buy the wood flooring for my attic, which means this is officially happening. Our friend is coming tomorrow to move the duct work in our attic & once that's done we will be hauling **** to finish before my MIL moves in to recover from her surgery.

DD14, the house princess, has no idea what's in store for her over the next 2 weeks. Since it is ridiculous that she is moving up there, she is going to help. Since Mommy can hang drywall, tape, mud, paint, install flooring, do minor electrical work, etc, it's only fitting that DD14 learn a few things along the way. She is under the impression that she will be wealthy enough to hire people to do everything for her, so just in case that doesn't work out for her, at least *I* won't be 60 years old and painting her bathroom for her. :giggles: She's totally on board with shopping for "stuff" for the room and I keep telling her "we are NOT at that point yet!" Little does she know that in order to get to that point, she will be helping. :snicker:
Today marks the third, and final, celebration for DD8's birthday. :surrender: WAY too much stimulation for her this week. I don't know what I was thinking, but next year (if we survive this) will be much lower key. Her bday was Monday, family party Wednesday & friend party today. She has been out of her mind with excitement all week with this every-other-day celebration rotation.

I am really tired of making desserts. :lol:

The birthdays that don't end are hard sometimes. In her case all I can think of though is when has anyone in her short little life taken that much time, effort and love just to celebrate her existence? Dragonfly, please take a moment to realize your awesomeness!
It's cold, yeah, but I don't think the weather has been that bad :hides: Unless we get upwards of 12" of snow and I can't get out of my driveway, I'm not complaining.

This is the first winter we have a garage big enough to park both our vehicles in. It is heavenly. In the old house, we had a 1-car garage and we alternated who parked in it. the concrete driveway had a place where water collected and froze, so there was a perpetual ice patch on the driveway every winter. I wiped out on it once walking to my car, ouch. In the rental, the 1-car garage was so narrow that it was a tight fit to open the car door wide enough to get into my vehicle in the garage in October. It would be impossible to get in and out right now. I'm so grateful to be able to park in the garage every day now!
So far we haven't had a bad Winter. We've had a few snow storms but none had major accumulations, the wintry mix wasn't too bad although I wasn't a big fan of the nearly week long 20 degree period. Compared to our Winter two years ago - this is nothing. Not as good as last Winter, but still not bad.
This is the way I do your job, do your job
This is the way I do your job, do your job
This is the way I do your job, why'd you even get up in the morning?


Stupid people suck :slap:
Stupid attorneys who can't get their **** together suck more :slap: :slap:
Stupid attorneys who will be billing their clients to play a game of email round robin because they A. Don't read and B. Don't copy all the relevant parties the first time suck the most :slap: :slap: :slap:
KG, is your DH a football fan? I ask because my mom was a few days overdue with my younger brother. My dad's ONLY request was that she not have him on Super Bowl Sunday. :giggles: Guess when she had him? :snicker:
I have just enough time to squeeze in an hour nap before picking the kids up. :D