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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

I think it is F'in ridiculous....that on DS' 8th grade basketball that consists of FIFTEEN players....only SIX (6!) were eligible to play.

Eligible players aren't currently FAILING anything.

Worse still????

The other team came (it was a home game)....they brought????? ONE player. ONE....like less than 2 more than zero.

Our ineligble guys that were there to watch put their shirts on the green side...and our eligible players (which included DS :bow:) played each other.

PLUS? side? My son's team won by default.

OBVIOUS negative side.....there are like 20-30 guys FAILING 8th grade and even being on the basketball team wasn't enough incentive to keep those solid D averages up.

And this is the District my kid goes to. :pout:


I would also say, I dont think that the players should have to sit out a game. (or game(s)) while the others struggle to play with 6 guys. I think failing means you are dropped from the team and the alternates that didn't make the team but are willing to get their grades in AND play should be moved up to play.

If the A squad can't play anyway.....why not move up the others that missed out because a guy with an "F" got the available spot.
My Dh is in bed............I'm beyond tired wating for the kids to settle.........yet all I hear is: "Shut up!" "No, YOU shut up!"

My Dh is in bed............I'm beyond tired wating for the kids to settle.........yet all I hear is: "Shut up!" "No, YOU shut up!"


Mrs. Mom, you should tell them to kill each other and then there will be silence! Better yet, tell them to both shut up! :lol::lol:
I know Joan!!!! it was 73 this morning and now it's 66---going to 59 tonight!!!


7 with a windchill of -14

I wish Cookie could get her snow and then it could be spring.
Tired of Winter

I saw on the news tonight that International Falls, MN was at -36, and a good portion of Wisconsin was supposed to be -30 to -35 below with the windchills.
Well the school just called and no school here today, negative 7 out and maybe 1 inch of snow. Man I just can't get over how stupid it is here it is only a little snow not acid rain.
Brrrrrrrrrr! 54 this morning. Jeans and sweatshirt day! :hides:
Well the school just called and no school here today, negative 7 out and maybe 1 inch of snow. Man I just can't get over how stupid it is here it is only a little snow not acid rain.
Maybe the school cancellation is more about the sub-freezing temps & not the snow? Surely there must be kids who would have to walk to school?
DH hit black ice on his way to work this morning. He's okay but the front end is pretty busted up.
He slid off the road and into a ditch, and happened to nail a wooden post along the way.

:faint: Just when we were starting to get ahead on things. FML
Glad he is ok. I worry so much about DH out in weather like this with his gas tanker.
So, ds was picked to be in the walk of fame at school. Two kids from each class are chosen and then they have an assembly with the whole school with a red carpet that the walk of fame kids walk up to get a certificate from the principal and then he reads what ds's teacher wrote about him for why he was chosen. So proud of him!! My mom and aunt are currently on the road driving from Chicago so they can be here for it. :bliss: it's nice cause we usually don't get to share this stuff with family since they are all in Chicago
Today marks the third, and final, celebration for DD8's birthday. :surrender: WAY too much stimulation for her this week. I don't know what I was thinking, but next year (if we survive this) will be much lower key. Her bday was Monday, family party Wednesday & friend party today. She has been out of her mind with excitement all week with this every-other-day celebration rotation.

I am really tired of making desserts. :lol: