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So what are you thinking now? New thread!

I am a tad passsive aggressice. My mom asked us to do some things to her house while they are away with this big **** storm coming. She wants the heat turned up, a few other small things to make sure the pipes don't freeze, ect. I was talking to my BIL and he was like- jeeze, she is going crazy, I mean it's just a storm. If they lose power they would have it back by monday. Ummm, ****, that is a few days with no heat. That is frozen pipes asswipe.
My stomach hurts. I just had to tell my oldest son that a classmates mother passed away this morning. Her son found her at the kitchen table. I couldn't even get the words out without bawling. Small town everyone knows everyone and this is awful. He lost his dad years ago when he was tiny, now he has no parents.
Oh how awful. How old is he?
Sorry that you had to deliver such sad news. How old is this boy? How awful for him :(
Wow Barb. Great minds think alike. I read LTC's post and was typing a response and posted and then your post came ahead of mine.
My family is heart broken for this child. May God keep him close and provide him comfort. :pout:
Longest work day eva! I honestly do NOT care what coworker is sleeping with who or what...I also don't give a **** about the office politics. I swear sometimes I think i'm back in high school...this isn't a popularity contest it's a job and some peeps need to grow the **** up.
Big deal for us these days....Ethan did a BIG poop on the big potty. :wow: Yes Grammy had to wipe his little butt. :biggrin:
ALLLLLL day today I craved a Cobb salad...and I FINALLY got one after work. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! I havent craved anything like that in a long time. At least it was healthy LOL
Good for you Jeni!

I just ate (at 1am) a glazed donut and a single sized cherry fun dip (yes I stole it from my son). :secret:
Longest work day eva! I honestly do NOT care what coworker is sleeping with who or what...I also don't give a **** about the office politics. I swear sometimes I think i'm back in high school...this isn't a popularity contest it's a job and some peeps need to grow the **** up.

Do we work at the same place? :lol:
Joan, you've been busy on Pinterest!!!! Planning on some Gratin soon? :giggles:
Joan, you've been busy on Pinterest!!!! Planning on some Gratin soon? :giggles:

That was part of the organizing challenge. We're supposed to organize our recipes so I organized my pinterest - moved stuff from one board to another.
I love challenges I can do while I'm at work. :giggles:
I swear!!! I have been at this job for 6 months now.... I feel OLD! This going to bed at 1:30 lately and getting up at 630... attempting and failing to go back to bed after dropping my kids off at school.... max 5 hours of sleep a night is not enough for me. My wrinkles are growing wrinkles and I am growing cranky!