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awww kg, I remember those days. I remember one day I was just a mess of tears. My husband came in and the house was a wreck. We had just had his parents over the night before and the one tidbit of the conversation I remembered the next day was when my husbands mother said Oh anyone can keep a house clean, it isn't hard. That next day my son held me hostage. Every time I put him down he would cry. My husband came in the house to me in tears telling him I couldn't do the dishes, our baby barely napped, I couldn't take out the garbage, I didn't make dinner... I am such a failure. He laughed at me, hugged me and told me to calm down and he totally took over. Our child mellowed out, he vacuumed while holding the baby. he ordered us dinner.... I went and took a long bath.

some days are good, others not so much.... just of how ya handle it. I'd never laugh at ya!

I remember those days like it was yesterday and baby is 8! I still have those days now but instead of "the baby wouldn't nap" it's become "the kids needed rides in different directions every ten minutes, two of them had hours of homework they needed help with, I forgot a dentist apt and your Mother wont stop calling" :laugh:
Mrsred, I notice in the 2nd pic, your daughter has the look of... oh wait mom it gets better. Next i'll have him wearing these shoes! They look like their havinng fun, but never forget where these pics are... in a few years they will be golden for bribing!
Lol I'm totally saving and hiding these!!!

And yes, DD was trying to get him to wear those too! I'm surprised he didn't! He wears my shoes all the time!

Actually a couple weeks ago, I went to check on the kids after tucking them in bed. It was quiet so I thought they had fallen asleep.
Nope, DD was asleep, and DS was tiptoeing through the room in those exact shoes lmfao!
mrsred, I see nothing wrong with it.

:roll: :roll:

I've never heard of that before. Thanks!

DS3 is crossdressing today........

My DS6 would cross dress every day if given the choice. :lol:

mrsred, I see nothing wrong with it.

:roll: :roll:


And because you are you, that is one of the reasons why I see nothing wrong with DS's fascination with all things glitter. :lol: You should see this boy rock a towel turban, too. :)
Oh boy, that 5 a.m. wake up call from the school district office letting us know about the snow day just hit me and I am feeling TIRED.

Time to make an iced coffee so I can get thru the rest of the afternoon and make dinner!
Tracking my UPS package - why was it transferred to the post office???

It is usually the smaller stuff. Ups will have the post office deliver it to you because it is cheaper for them to do it
Was on YouTube today to rewatch macklemore on SNL and I saw they were also on Ellen. They were much better on her show. They also have a song out about same sex marriage and I think Ellen was in tears when they did it. But Thrift shop is so **** catchy.


Now may not be the best time to **** at her about not seeing photos. She was waiting quite a while for pics of your little buttercup.

You do realize you can sign up for facebook with a fake name dontcha? Why not sign up Leonard Gingerballs?
I have now cut the same piece of drywall wrong 3x in a row. I told DH this is too much math for me & to let me know when we get to the English portion of the attic. Taking a break. :surrender: There are about 4 more drywall sections to hang, all tricky to me, and then I can finally tape/mud/sand & paint.

Now may not be the best time to **** at her about not seeing photos. She was waiting quite a while for pics of your little buttercup.

You do realize you can sign up for facebook with a fake name dontcha? Why not sign up Leonard Gingerballs?

OMG I love this......maybe I finally will get a facebook account!!!

Now may not be the best time to **** at her about not seeing photos. She was waiting quite a while for pics of your little buttercup.

You do realize you can sign up for facebook with a fake name dontcha? Why not sign up Leonard Gingerballs?
But I don't want to be on facebook, even fake. I just want her to post the pics here.

I did send her the buttercup pics eventually. You know, after having labor induced for 48 hours a nd not eating or sleeping for days and being cut open and having a newborn and learning to breastfeed...

Then I have to keep up with facebook.

YES! How much can I see of other people's business if I have a "fakebook" account? I'm paranoid just logging on that the facebook world will have my inner thoughts and all my bank account numbers :sex:LOL

BTW I know I sound at least 110 but really I'm not, just a techno-phobe
Wow, HUGE day for the markets today. It's so nice to log into your accounts and see the balances jump. DH and I are actually feeling really good that we continued to funnel money into our accounts even when the market was doing so badly ... it is finally starting to pay off. :cartwheel:
Gonna end up tanked if the Hawks dont stop scoring lol!!

Thinking of Joy :huggy: