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so what are you thinking right now?

I have nothing against Tebow himself. I also love a good Christian young man. I am liking people's reactions to him less and less every day.

1. He's not the ONLY man working his butt off on that team. How many times have you heard about his 316 yard pass this week? How many times have you heard about the player who CAUGHT the pass?

2. God doesn't make the Broncos win football games because Tim is on the team.

3. People should SHUT UP already...stop criticizing him for not shying away from his beliefs. Shame on those who expect him to. There is no such thing as the separation of Church and Sports :lol:

It just wears me out. It's like all Tebow all the time. It really isn't about him....I always feel that way when a team sport gets turned into the one man show kwim?

Why no love for Tebow? :pout: I heart me some nice young man. :)

OH SONOFABITCH he just got scored on again!
I agree. He's just being him.........it's other peeps (news and critics) making a big f'ing deal.........I kinda feel bad for the guy.

I have nothing against Tebow himself. I also love a good Christian young man. I am liking people's reactions to him less and less every day.

1. He's not the ONLY man working his butt off on that team. How many times have you heard about his 316 yard pass this week? How many times have you heard about the player who CAUGHT the pass?

2. God doesn't make the Broncos win football games because Tim is on the team.

3. People should SHUT UP already...stop criticizing him for not shying away from his beliefs. Shame on those who expect him to. There is no such thing as the separation of Church and Sports :lol:

It just wears me out. It's like all Tebow all the time. It really isn't about him....I always feel that way when a team sport gets turned into the one man show kwim?
Well that's that. :nopompom:
Sorry, he's my new found love just this year! I was thinking..where has this hottie been?
wondering if the ufc fight is over yet!!! I either wanna do something or go to bed. I am bored and getting tired
The Tebow stuff is funny to me. My little brother looks SO much like him! I didn't know who Tebow was but we pulled up pics at Thanksgiving b/c the likeness is unbelievable.

Here is my little bro and my cutest new nephew:

<Sigh> I always hate it when DH makes dinner. We never eat until like 8:00 (usual dinner time in this house is 6:30, 7:00 at the latest) and the kids are screaming because they're hungry. What's worse ... he always makes a huge mess in the kitchen.

And I'm supposed to be GLAD that he made dinner? :surrender:
I have nothing against Tebow himself.

3. People should SHUT UP already...stop criticizing him for not shying away from his beliefs. Shame on those who expect him to. There is no such thing as the separation of Church and Sports/BIG Money :lol:

Fixed that :lol: I could care less about Tebow but think the ghetto folks that are haters are just that (ghetto idiots), not that I'm into it but kneeling is better than doing dog fights like Vick :ranting:
I can't believe my ice maker is not making ice. How am I going to drink my ice cold beverages in the morning? I guess I have to go to the basement and find ice cube trays.
You don't need ice, just put the bottles outside, they'll be chilled in 5 minutes.
You don't need ice, just put the bottles outside, they'll be chilled in 5 minutes.

Lol I didn't have room for DH's 2ltr. bottle of Coke and the kid's apple juice in the fridge so I put them out in the breezeway. Sometimes living in WI has it's perks. :lol:
Sorry, he's my new found love just this year! I was thinking..where has this hottie been?

In my dreams. :bliss:These are older pics from college days (I think I posted them before).



Ummm do they not understand it is not fresh then? That stinks!!
i know! do you think i should call turano and rat em out? or do you think they even care? it just really made me livid! on the other hand, the cashier was very nice in explaining it. plus for her!
<Sigh> I always hate it when DH makes dinner. We never eat until like 8:00 (usual dinner time in this house is 6:30, 7:00 at the latest) and the kids are screaming because they're hungry. What's worse ... he always makes a huge mess in the kitchen.

And I'm supposed to be GLAD that he made dinner? :surrender:

Sounds like my house! He made Rice Krispy Treats with my daughter last week and destroyed the kitchen. Really? Do you need an entire Dishwasher full of dishes and utensils for Rice Krispy Treats. It defies logic!