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so what are you thinking right now?

Did you know about it being on or did I inform you? :bee:

You informed me. Nothing else good on. Dd12 and I watched and I listened To her tell me how "old" the movie is! I was like..."what? This movie just came out yesterday!" :lol:
I have not slept in about a week. I'm exhausted! First, dd2 had strep (again!), I was up all night with her a couple days. As soon as she started getting better dh got sick, strep again! Then I got sick, guess what it is? Strep! Now dd12 has a low fever and can't swallow. She's in tears. We have a doctor appt scheduled for tomorrow but I'm guessing its strep. I'm trying to take care of people while I'm sick myself. The house is a mess. The snow is not shoveled. We are all exhausted. I'm ready for my family to be healthy. I'm ready for a good nights sleep. Did I mention it hurts to swallow still?! I haven't eaten in forever! Besides applesauce, chicken broth, and popsicles...this is not how I had pictured going about losing weight. I'm praying dd1 doesn't catch this....
caddyh301 I hope you and your family feels better soon. :huggy:
Just walked Lucy girl ♥ and was delighted to find a very slow, very gentle snow falling .... gosh, I love it out there in the quiet in the dark in the middle of the night with snow falling on us ♥♥♥ Gosh, that kinda sounded like a Margaret Wise Brown book, didn't it ?
I'm happy!! We have a $1.00 off produce cat again at Hannaford this week. Free fruit & veggies!!! :bliss::bliss::bliss::bliss:
I'm declaring today a stay in your Jammie's kind of day. Was up past midnight last night, baby got up at 5:30. DH and DS14 are gone snowboarding for the weekend so it's just me and the 5 younger kids so no getting dressed, no real cooking, minimal cleaning and just enough laundry so I don't get behind. Maybe I'll even be able to sneak in a nap today.
We stayed in our jammies yesterday. DS4 woke up with a cold. DS2 has an ear infection. DH was switched to nights starting wednesday so he spent the day sleeping. Last night I gave the boys a bath and back into jammies.

The plan for today is when DH leaves for work around 4pm I will take the boys to Super Target to look for some Playskool Star Wars stuff. DH promised them. Didn't we just have Santa stop by?? Guess that is why I am the mean Mommy and "good times/fun time" Daddy :(
Last tuesday night, the neighborhood store was robbed. The guy came through the lines like a normal customer and when told the amount, he pulled his jacket back and showed a gun. He then proceeded to rob his cashier and the check out girl next lane over. Fast Forward to Thursday, it hits the news the store was robbed. Then, Thursday night, the 2 cashiers went to walmart together (assuming they are friends outside of work) to shop and see the guy who robbed them. They call the cops, he gets caught. BUT, since they searched his house, question him ect they let him go. Why? Because they found nothing linking him to the crime. ......... He stole cash asswipes!!!

Last night, Walgreens (21st and Sheridan rd) about 7 blocks south of me was robbed.

Seriously checking the locks around here.
Feel better caddyh!
Enjoy free produce ennui!
Atta girl Valerie, way to slum it lol
Mama22, holy crap!!!!!!!

DH and I were just talking last night about how the "feel" of our neighborhood has changed inthe last 5 years. Only thing that has happened yet is taking stuff from our unlocked cars on night but we're planning to get a motion light, trim back the bushes in front of house, lock cars.

I grew up in Mayberry where no one locked their houses...it's sad to see the changes.

When the weather is warm we sit out on the back deck but think we will go back to sitting in the front this summer...keep an eye on things
i think with people losing jobs and all, they are growing desperate. i wasn't as nervous about robbing and breaking ins 3 years ago as i am now. just seems like people are losing their minds. they don't know what to do with themselves. it's so sad.
We are (luckily) the house with the neighbor who sits in his chair most of the day. Inside, he sits at the window with a view of our driveway and front door. In the warm weather he's out front.
He also takes several walks everyday (his constitutionals!) so we feel like that's a help.

He's not really the nosey neighbor as much as the watchful neighbor.

In his words, he keeps an eye on things because if someone thinks they can get into our house then his house could be next. Works for us!
Wish I had nosey neighbors but it seems everyone works. My neighbor 2 doors down had her home broken into becaue they probably watched how regular the family's schedule is. I feel that for my family we are in and out so much all throughtout the day that no one can plot us out. Still got to be careful at all times cuz people are desperate.
i think with people losing jobs and all, they are growing desperate. i wasn't as nervous about robbing and breaking ins 3 years ago as i am now. just seems like people are losing their minds. they don't know what to do with themselves. it's so sad.

This is pretty much what the cop told us plus that people are not working so they are up at late causing trouble. Plus with NIU so close it doesn't help much.

When we first moved in here there was a state cop who lived 3 door up and parked the car in front of the house. He has since moved and house is empty, so is the 1 behind us and several others nearby.

Times are changing :surrender:
Wish I had nosey neighbors but it seems everyone works. My neighbor 2 doors down had her home broken into becaue they probably watched how regular the family's schedule is. I feel that for my family we are in and out so much all throughtout the day that no one can plot us out. Still got to be careful at all times cuz people are desperate.

Our house is very scheduled and although dog is loud and will bark at anything...he's all bark and no bite.
We've been having a huge rash of burglaries. They happen right in the middle of the day. At first they were coming into unlocked back doors or basement windows. Now they are crashing in front doors. One neighbor came home after picking up kids at school, was giving them their snacks and she heard the front door close. Went upstairs and yep...things were gone. Scary stuff.
It's so quiet around here today. Maybe it always is on weekends?? I'm not usually on much most weekends but with DH gone this weekend, I'm enjoying being lazy. Nested up on the couch, gonna watch some football. Thinking about running out to pick up some food but I can't decide what.