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somebody :coughmecough: was asked

My female attorney is bringing in rings from her husband I think tomorrow, she was also told not to say anything.

Basically everyone knows, without everyone knowing. :lol: Funny and stupid at the same time. They all know my sister in law, and my sister in law knows something is up. So she asked me last night if I was getting married, I said well you'll know when you see a new drivers license name. lol.

You mean people actually PICKED up on your clever FB video posts like "Marry Me" by Train!?!?! :bee:


I want pics of the rings btw!!
I completely get it. I'm 36, not 22. Been there, done the bad outcomes etc. I know marriage isn't what it used to be i.e. death do us part with over 50% end in divorces. Can anyone trust anyone to make sure that happens nowadays? Divorce rate shows the answer. Are my assets and future assets protected? Pretty much. Even with prenups, once you go with legal assistance to enforce the prenup you're into for thousands for a divorce. Seen it.

Things happen good and bad if I could predict the future, my life would be way different than it is now. He has a good heart, comes from a good family and treats me like how I like to be treated. Could we crash and burn? Yep. That's reality.

Look at all you have to say to just US!

Now, remind me why you aren't telling fam yet? :lol: :lol:
I'm waiting for my brother to ask me. He's on my FB and so is my niece. I also had to ask my brother about where my mother and father were born for "paperwork" I had to fill out.

But then again, he did the same thing with his current wife. Came up from Tennessee and introduced his wife to everyone. :lol: Nobody knew.
I'll take $70k for 72 days. I'm negotiable.`
Congrats!! So happy for you!

Now you can go on "Say Yes to the Dress"!!! :lol:
Curious where the plans you were planning on adopting... does this end that or have you talked this over with him?
Uhhhh Joy...wtf song is THAT?!?!?!


Well yeah I read that...but wtf?? LMAO

It's romantical...mistah LOVES the movie Meatballs (and it is in the movie) and that's sort of how he first told me he loved me (i.e. sort of singing the words :giggles:

If you listen to the words it makes sense because we had our first "date" on December 11th and by February 1st we were moving in together. When you know you know.

His BF's grandma knew his grandpa for a WEEK and married him and they were married 50 years.

I think Tazz is clearly an intelligent, successful, self sufficient woman. I think she is going into this with eyes wide open...she knows there is a chance it might not work out, but it's a chance she's willing to take. I think it is fantastic and I'm rooting for her. She doesn't need us to tell her the "what ifs, and "could" happens. She knows. (just my opinion which doesn't mean squat :lol: )
Curious where the plans you were planning on adopting... does this end that or have you talked this over with him?

He knows my plans on this from almost day 1. He's supportive of it. I didn't realize how long it would take to adopt.
Tazz, if he's born with a silver spoon in his mouth, don't you think you ought to protect your interest?

where's the Tazz we've long known who's always one step ahead in thinking what happens next? Whereas you've always been skeptical and practical in the past, now I'm seeing your soft side especially when you mentioned you put up his stuff ~ that's a good sign :girl:

you have come this far that you got a house on your own merits, not something handed to you in a silver platter; he's inheriting a biz from his parents, are you comfortable with that?

how many stepkids are you going to deal with? 2 like Lamar O?

did you picture yourself playing the role of "evil" stepmom? :hah::pms::dance:

After you answer the questions, I give you my blessings...:hiphip:I wish you all the happiness, its your turn 'ho!
Tazz, if he's born with a silver spoon in his mouth, don't you think you ought to protect your interest?

I wouldn't say silver spoon. I have no idea how much his family has or owes or whatever. Especially in today's economy. The parents are hard working people. I know the mom has 2 part time jobs that she busts her **** doing.

where's the Tazz we've long known who's always one step ahead in thinking what happens next? She's still there, just tired of being the planner, over thinker, paranoid, glass half empty jaded girl.

Whereas you've always been skeptical and practical in the past, now I'm seeing your soft side especially when you mentioned you put up his stuff ~ that's a good sign :girl:

you have come this far that you got a house on your own merits, not something handed to you in a silver platter; he's inheriting a biz from his parents, are you comfortable with that?

He still has to work the business and basically upstart it again since the dad is retired. I am glad to know that it is a business that cannot be exported out of the country or a job that can be cut at any time by a company buy out or downsize.

how many stepkids are you going to deal with? 2 like Lamar O? 3

did you picture yourself playing the role of "evil" stepmom? :hah::pms::dance:

Nah, not evil unless they mess with the cats. :lol:
Congratulations Tazz!!! I wish you all the happiness in the world : )
I think Tazz is clearly an intelligent, successful, self sufficient woman. I think she is going into this with eyes wide open...she knows there is a chance it might not work out, but it's a chance she's willing to take. I think it is fantastic and I'm rooting for her. She doesn't need us to tell her the "what ifs, and "could" happens. She knows. (just my opinion which doesn't mean squat :lol: )

I know, and you are right. I was really caught off guard by the quick engagement and now marriage. I don't know Tazz IRL, but from here I have definitely seen her as an intelligent, successful, self sufficient woman. Hence, why the quickness threw me off.

Since my post, Tazz has said some more of what she knows and what has developed (which I was unaware of when I posted) and I see again the intelligent, successful, self sufficient woman that she is. Like I said, it was the mom and friend in me that was just skeered and needed to say something.

Thanks for sharing more Tazz and I am very happy for you! Many blessings to you and your new hubby to be.
I think that everyone is happy for Tazz but some people are just sending loving concern :huggy:

No worries Lisa :)