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somebody :coughmecough: was asked

Tomorrow she's going for the license- she's getting married next week I think, right?
ok the first time dh told me he loved me it was right after ummmm we finished....I told him --No you dont, you are only saying that because what we just did....
Congrats, Tazzy!! Sometimes, you just know. You are a bright, intelligent woman, and your gut has led you in the right direction before...should be no different this time! Best of luck to you and the mistah!!
Did I ever mention the day he introduced himself and gave me his # I actually fell going up the bus stairs? Lol he knocked me off my feet in a way and showed how clumsey and dopey I am. He still was interested lol

YAY!!!! ;) I haven't been here for a while and I was wondering if this is the same guy??!!! SOOOOO happy for you both!! CON*CAT*ALATIONS!! ;)
21 pages so far, and nobody had the guts to post the question we all wanna know -

Here goes -

Tazzy, we luv ya, but we wanna know - are ya gettin' married becuz ya HAFTA?

Mebbe I'm just showin' my age...

But seriously, I hope you have twice the bliss DW and I have shared, and half the problems...
21 pages so far, and nobody had the guts to post the question we all wanna know -

Here goes -
Tazzy, we luv ya, but we wanna know -

Will you send me pics of the wedding night? :sex:

(fixed that for ya TON)
I had the guts to ask, TON. Just not publicly. ;)
And no she isn't!
I had the guts to ask, TON. Just not publicly. ;)
And no she isn't!

You had to ask?! I knew my girl was too smart to get "knocked up". ;)
:snicker: if you say so.

I've seen plenty of "too smart" people get knocked up! Accidents/oops DO happen.
Like this current pregnancy- although I'm very happy and blessed and excited, it should not have happened. No reason to think that I needed a Plan B b/c there was no malfunction.
:snicker: if you say so.

I've seen plenty of "too smart" people get knocked up! Accidents/oops DO happen.

Like this current pregnancy- although I'm very happy and blessed and excited, it should not have happened. No reason to think that I needed a Plan B b/c there was no malfunction.

Both my kids are birth control babies :lol:
Congratulations!!! ♥♥♥
cookiemom sighting!!!! :bliss: :bliss:

please don't go the way of IHeartSaving$ :pout:
:lol: Hi, KG! 2 CRAZY weeks of cookie baking later, it's been hard to jump back in :pout: sighhhhh

OH, and i LOVE your flamingo signature ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's next week.... Did we miss the wedding?????????????????????
Isn't the wedding tomorrow at the court house? I hope we get to see some wedding pix!

Best wishes Tazz! Congrats to you Mr. new DH!