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SuperJill on Nightline tonight(3/25)!

ehhh....with enough tricks and buying crap she didn't need..Jill could have done better at Jewel. That is the problem with these articles....had any of us been asked to spend $50 2-3 weeks ago...we could have gotten more crap than we could cart home without a truck

Hell, Peggy, where are you? How much did you spend that weekend at G/Gby if you deduct the catalinas you walked out with?!?!

Less then 30.00. For 8 or 9 UBOATS!!! 630 transactions. :lol: I always say when they show people on TV MOST don't show what they really can do. Guess HE did. I never would. Not on TV.
I just watched the Nightline piece this morning. You did a great job, Jill!!!!!:cartwheel::cartwheel::cartwheel:
Jill... I honestly thought you did WAY better. It was obvious you were shopping for your family and bought groceries that YOUR family needed and they were actually nutritional.

He made it TOO much of a competition.

I didn't see him buy any produce, and meat, and dairy, etc. Just tuna.

ANYONE can go into a store and by 500 $1 items that have $1/1 coupons out there... getting all 500 free.

You made a point to show that you can cut your bill by more than half buying what ordinary people buy during an ordinary shopping trip.
That was my goal -- I know many people cringe at the thought of going on tv (and essentially encouraging others to do what we do) but the reality is that couponing, on a national level, is very HOT right now. Would you rather see more segments showing how to clear shelves, buy 100 tuna coupons, etc - or show something on a much more even keel that the average person can relate to? Networks are going to do these segments regardless, so if I'm asked to do one, I want to present things in a very reasonable not-overdone way.

Not that this matters, as it's just one of those "things," but one of my blog readers posted this today:

Submitted by avenger on Fri, 03/26/2010 - 12:35

I posted this in another place but thought some of you would like to know this.

If you go on Nathan's site you can read he went to several stores to do his Nightline shopping trip. That's why they did not show the cash register or receipt on tv.


We shopped at 2 different stores and purchased around $500 worth of groceries, including meat, milk and cheese!!! We spent a total of $31 and got $11.50 in catalinas!!
No sour grapes, but I was never given the option to go to multiple stores. And, that would explain how he got something like 70 tuna packets -- my Jewel barely had enough of much of the CHILL stuff in stock at all..! :)
That was my goal -- I know many people cringe at the thought of going on tv (and essentially encouraging others to do what we do) but the reality is that couponing, on a national level, is very HOT right now. Would you rather see more segments showing how to clear shelves, buy 100 tuna coupons, etc - or show something on a much more even keel that the average person can relate to? Networks are going to do these segments regardless, so if I'm asked to do one, I want to present things in a very reasonable not-overdone way.

Not that this matters, as it's just one of those "things," but one of my blog readers posted this today:

No sour grapes, but I was never given the option to go to multiple stores. And, that would explain how he got something like 70 tuna packets -- my Jewel barely had enough of much of the CHILL stuff in stock at all..! :)

You did the right thing by being yourself. Nate is just a different kind of shopper. You actually showed people that you shouldn't be intimidated by using a coupon to purchase what your family actually will eat. Kudos!
Yea, I just watched this now at work. I agree, they seemed to film him more favorably then you, but you are like most regular shoppers, so Kuddos to you.

Thanks for all you do!
I'm not surprised that he went to 2 stores; that's the way he operates...everything seems to be a gray area for him and all the lines are blurred, KWIM?? I actually think they focused more on him purely for the entertainment value. The whole "oooooh...look at the psycho hoarder guy." Sad part is that he doesn't even "get" that that's how he comes across. Poor guy!!

Of course most of us stockpile but I just don't think that's the first thing you want to teach someone about couponing.

Thanks, Jill, for having the poise, class and common sense to demonstrate couponing in a way the average person who doesn't know much about it can understand and appreciate.
Odd, I attempted to go to the site and it appears to be down. Anyone else?

n/m, it is back up now... really weird
Thanks... I never, in my life, thought I'd achieve "rockstar status" for being a coupon user. :)
Nice job, Jill!

I noticed Mr. Coupon plugged his web site using jello boxes. So I was thinking you should construct a Blockbuster video type display out of cereal boxes to display your super-couponing dvd.:lol:
Ha. It never, ever occurred to me to do anything like that.

I found out I was doing that segment with less than 24 hours' notice (the original shopper they asked was a Wal-Mart shopper in Alabama, which would have been really interesting to see) so I was more focused on putting together a good trip that visited almost every department in the store and again, would look balanced and "normal" on TV - AND get cut by at least half with coupons.

While simultaneously taking care of two wild preschoolers at home, figuring out what's for dinner, answering blog posts, writing my column... over-the-top self promotion was pretty low on my list. I figured just being on Nightline would be enough!

However, the Jello logo definitely worked out for him - WeUseCoupons.com was the #2 most searched term on Google as of this morning.
Just watched the show this afternoon. Had to DVR it, it comes on past our bedtime in this house, lol.

Anyways, I thought you did a great job. Loved that you bought stuff that we all use on a regular week and still saved at least half. Thats what will get people to use coupons. I don't think anyone will watch that show and say "oh look I need to do that I need 100 tuna packs, lol.

You did great!!!
Nice job, Jill!

I noticed Mr. Coupon plugged his web site using jello boxes. So I was thinking you should construct a Blockbuster video type display out of cereal boxes to display your super-couponing dvd.:lol:

He plugged it and now looks like the server crashed because the site is dead.
Jill.... great job!!!! I feel like I met you way back when.... when I attended your first class in that church in Huntley.
ehhh....with enough tricks and buying crap she didn't need..Jill could have done better at Jewel. That is the problem with these articles....had any of us been asked to spend $50 2-3 weeks ago...we could have gotten more crap than we could cart home without a truck

Hell, Peggy, where are you? How much did you spend that weekend at G/Gby if you deduct the catalinas you walked out with?!?!

I agree, the article does not really show what you can REALLY do with couponing and how it can realy keep your family afloat. they didnt explain the difference between her shopping and his. LOL Poor nate. he is very young and very enthusiastic . He does not understand that MOST people looking at thes stuff dont understand what he is doing. or what Jill is doing for that matter. I wish they would have given a bit more detail
I like how the reporter stated that the items in Jill's cart were actual items that he might buy. Jill really bought items that could make real meals including fresh veggies while the other guy looks like he bought enough tuna to feed the entire state of Texas but what else???

Great job Jill!

I have to say Jill did GREAT with that !! Nate was being young and enthusiastic about showing how MUCH you could get but Jill showed the QUALITY you could get!! I think Nate didnt realize that most folks need help in seeing that you CAN get healthy normal every day stuff with super couponing.